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In health care, teamwork is the foundation for efficient processes and effective outcomes and serves as a cornerstone of quality care. Good teamwork often requires training and practice. The primary aims of this study were to assess the impact of psychosocial simulations on participant knowledge of other professionals’ responsibilities and capabilities and on confidence and competence of psychosocial team members in collaborating and communicating with other psychosocial team members. Secondarily, we assessed participant satisfaction.


This single-site study used a pre- and post-survey design of social workers, chaplains, and child life specialists who attended a psychosocial simulation education module. Participants took the Psychosocial Simulation Participant Survey (PSPS), a 19-question survey tool developed by the research team. Pre- and post-simulation responses were summarized and compared using standard statistical analysis methods.


Participants showed significant improvement in the subscales of Learning and Performance, Benefits of Training, and Cooperation. Two of the three Communication subscale questions showed significant improvements. Previous and current role as participant or observer, past experience with simulation, gender, discipline, age, years at institution, and area of regular assignment were not related to improvement in any of the outcomes. Over 90% of the participants agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “I was satisfied with my simulation experience” and “The post scenario discussion (debriefing) helped me to understand, reflect, and think critically.”


The use of simulation training with psychosocial professionals is an effective means of teaching new competencies and of promoting interprofessional collaboration.

Document Type


Psychosocial Simulation: A Novel Approach To Interprofessional Training
