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Introduction: Few interventions exist to provide hands-on practice of key health management tasks to youth with special health care needs (YSHCN). The Transition Skills Lab was adapted from Jerlym Porter’s work and piloted as a virtual intervention in YSHCN. Methods: Sixteen young adults participated in the virtual Transition Skills Lab, during which they practiced three key patient competencies pertaining to health care tasks: reading an insurance card, reading a pill bottle label, and scheduling an initial visit with an adult doctor. Participants were then asked to rate their confidence on skills taught within the intervention on a four-point scale from ‘very unsure’ to ‘very sure.’ Results: Findings revealed that most felt very sure (43.8%) or pretty sure (43.8%) they could find their insurance policy ID on their insurance card. Similarly, over half of participants (56.3%) reported they could find co-pay amounts on their insurance card. All participants were either very sure (75.0%) or pretty sure (25.0%) they could make an appointment with an adult doctor and nearly all were very sure (50.0%) or pretty sure (43.8%) they knew what information an adult doctor’s office needs to make their first appointment. All participants were very sure (62.5%) or pretty sure (37.5%) they could find the name/dose of their medicine by looking at the label. Nearly all participants felt very sure (43.8%) or pretty sure (50.0%) they could tell if they had prescription refills. Finally, most participants were very sure (50.0%) or pretty sure (37.5%) they knew what information their pharmacy needs to fill a new prescription. Conclusions: The virtual Transition Skills Lab increased youth skill-building and confidence across several key health care tasks. Future research should replicate this in a larger sample. Transition skills should also be assessed longitudinally to understand the long-term impacts of the Transition Skills Lab in YSHCN.




Presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference 2024; New Orleans, LA; April 25-27, 2024.

Transition Skills Lab: A Telehealth Intervention for Improving Healthcare Transition in Youth with Special Health Care Needs

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