Publication Date
These guidelines do not establish a standard of care to be followed in every case. It is recognized that each case is different and those individuals involved in providing health care are expected to use their judgment in determining what is in the best interests of the patient based on the circumstances existing at the time. It is impossible to anticipate all possible situations that may exist and to prepare guidelines for each. Accordingly, these guidelines should guide care with the understanding that departures from them may be required at times.
Objective of the Clinical Pathway
The objective is to provide care standards for patients with signs and symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19. The aim is to provide guidance regarding assessment and treatment for eligible patients to maximize patient safety and minimize variation in care
Target Users
Physicians (Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care, Infectious Diseases, Primary Care, Hospitalists, Fellows, Residents); Nurses (Advanced Practice, Direct Care)
Clinical Questions Clinical Pathway
What are the risks and benefits of treatment with remdesivir in children with COVID-19?
Recommended Citation
Children's Mercy Kansas City, "COVID-19" (2025). Clinical Pathways.