Works from 2021
Pediatric Emergency Department Challenges and Response to COVID-19., Shobhit Jain, Rebecca Fahlgren, Joan Giovanni, and M Denise Dowd (Article)
Pediatric Emergency Department Visits at US Children's Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Amy M. DeLaroche, Jonathan Rodean, Paul L. Aronson, Eric W. Fleegler, Todd A. Florin, Monika Goyal, Alexander W. Hirsch, Shobhit Jain, Aaron E. Kornblith, Marion R. Sills, Jordee M. Wells, and Mark I. Neuman (Article)
Return to Play in the Pediatric Athlete After COVID-19 Infection, Melanie Cole, Daniel Forsha, Ryan Northup, Amol V. Purandare, and Natalie C. Stork (Podcast)
Characteristics and Outcomes of US Children and Adolescents With Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Compared With Severe Acute COVID-19., Leora R. Feldstein, Mark W. Tenforde, Kevin G. Friedman, Margaret Newhams, Erica Billig Rose, Heda Dapul, Vijaya L. Soma, Aline B. Maddux, Peter M. Mourani, Cindy Bowens, Mia Maamari, Mark W. Hall, Becky J. Riggs, John S. Giuliano, Aalok R. Singh, Simon Li, Michele Kong, Jennifer E. Schuster, Gwenn E. McLaughlin, Stephanie P. Schwartz, Tracie C. Walker, Laura L. Loftis, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Natasha B. Halasa, Sule Doymaz, Christopher J. Babbitt, Janet R. Hume, Shira J. Gertz, Katherine Irby, Katharine N. Clouser, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Tamara T. Bradford, Lincoln S. Smith, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Sheemon P. Zackai, Kari Wellnitz, Ryan A. Nofziger, Steven M. Horwitz, Ryan W. Carroll, Courtney M. Rowan, Keiko M. Tarquinio, Elizabeth H. Mack, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Bria M. Coates, Ashley M. Jackson, Cameron C. Young, Mary Beth F. Son, Manish M. Patel, Jane W. Newburger, Adrienne G. Randolph, and Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators (Article)
Exploring Pediatric Tele-Rheumatology Practices During COVID-19: A Survey of the PRCOIN Network., Y Ingrid Goh, Danielle R. Bullock, Janalee Taylor, Rajdeep Pooni, Tzielan C. Lee, Sheetal S. Vora, Cagri Yildirim-Toruner, Esi M. Morgan, Nancy Pan, Julia G. Harris, Andrew Warmin, Kendra Wiegand, Jon M. Burnham, and Fatima Barbar-Smiley (Article)
Call to Action Against Femicide: Illuminating a Shadow Pandemic as a Global Public Health Emergency., Nuray Kanbur, Romina Barral, Yvette Efevbera, Michele A. Kelley, Maria Veronica Svetaz, Elizabeth Miller, Swati Bhave, Tamera Coyne-Beasley, and Marissa Raymond-Flesch (Article)
Increased DKA at presentation among newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients with or without COVID-19: Data from a multi-site surveillance registry., Kara Beliard, Osagie Ebekozien, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Guy Todd Alonso, Mary Pat Gallagher, Mark A. Clements, and Robert Rapaport (Article)
Innovating and adapting in pediatric pulmonology and sleep medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic: ATS pediatric assembly web committee consensus statement for initial COVID-19 virtual response., Jane B. Taylor, Christopher M. Oermann, Robin R. Deterding, Gregory Redding, Stephanie D. Davis, Joseph Piccione, Paul E. Moore, Oren Kupfer, Maria Teresa Santiago, Margaret Rosenfeld, David G. Ingram MD, Kristie Ross, and Emily M. DeBoer (Article)
Frontiers in human factors: embedding specialists in multi-disciplinary efforts to improve healthcare., Ken Catchpole, Paul Bowie, Sarah Fouquet, Joy Rivera, and Sue Hignett (Article)
Autism and Access to Care During the COVID-19 Crisis., Cy Nadler, Dinah L. Godwin, Jack Dempsey, and Sarah S. Nyp (Article)
Don't Blame Hippocrates for Low Enrollment in Clinical Trials., John Lantos (Response or Comment)
Ramping Up a Pediatric Hospital Medicine Advanced Practice Provider Team Rapidly., Anika Nelson, Jaime Fox, Heather Toth, and Alyssa Stephany (Article)
Sharing strategies for safe delivery of surgical care for children in the COVID-19 Era., Martha-Conley E. Ingram, Steven Mehl, Rebecca M. Rentea, Monica E. Lopez, Mehul V. Raval, Christopher Newton, and Loren Berman (Article)
Telehealth for Home Dialysis in COVID-19 and Beyond: A Perspective From the American Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Home Dialysis Subcommittee., Susie Q. Lew, Eric L. Wallace, Vesh Srivatana, Bradley A. Warady, Suzanne Watnick, Jayson Hood, David L. White, Vikram Aggarwal, Caroline Wilkie, Mihran V. Naljayan, Mary Gellens, Jeffrey Perl, and Martin J. Schreiber (Article)
Ten Rules for Implementation of a Telemedicine Program to Care for Patients with Asthma., Yudy K. Persaud and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)
The intersection of COVID-19, school, and headaches: Problems and solutions., Dina Karvounides, Maya Marzouk, Alexandra C. Ross, Juliana H. VanderPluym, Christina Pettet, Ali Ladak, Jason Ziplow, Carlyn Patterson Gentile, Scott Turner, Marissa Anto, Rebecca Barmherzig, Madeline Chadehumbe, Jocelyn Kalkbrenner, Carrie P. Malavolta, Michelle A. Clementi, Trevor Gerson, and Christina L. Szperka (Article)
Works from 2020
Should Children Get A New COVID Vaccine, John Lantos and Angela Myers (Podcast)
COVID Vaccines and Children, John Lantos and Barbara A. Pahud (Podcast)
A risk-stratified approach toward safely resuming OnabotulinumtoxinA injections based on dosing and ambulatory status in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2019 (COVID-19)., Matthew J. McLaughlin, Mark T. Fisher, Sathya Vadivelu, Justin Ramsey, Denesh Ratnasingam, Emily McGhee, and Kim Hartman (Article)
The Battle Of 2020 Continues-- COVID Versus Flu with Ann Mattison, APRN, Tobie O'Brien, Trisha Williams, and Ann Mattison (Podcast)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infections in Children: Multicenter Surveillance, United States, January-March 2020., Brian Rha, Joana Y. Lively, Janet A. Englund, Mary A. Staat, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Natasha B. Halasa, John V. Williams, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Marian G. Michaels, Laura S. Stewart, Christopher J. Harrison, Peter G. Szilagyi, Monica M. McNeal, Eileen J. Klein, Bonnie Strelitz, Kirsten Lacombe, Elizabeth Schlaudecker, Mary Moffatt, Jennifer E. Schuster, Barbara A. Pahud, Gina Weddle, Robert W. Hickey, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Mary E. Wikswo, Aron J. Hall, Aaron T. Curns, Susan I. Gerber, and Gayle Langley (Article)
Intravenous Immune Globulin Uses in the Fetus and Neonate: A Review., Mahdi Alsaleem (Article)
COVID-19 Trial Enrollment for Those Who Cannot Consent: Ethical Challenges Posed by a Pandemic., Samantha A. House, Catherine D. Shubkin, Tim Lahey, Jeffrey P. Brosco, and John Lantos (Article)
Early Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Congenital Heart Surgery Programs Across the World: Assessment by a Global Multi-Societal Consortium., Eleftherios M. Protopapas, Mauro Lo Rito, Vladimiro L. Vida, George E. Sarris, Christo I. Tchervenkov, Bohdan J. Maruszewski, Zdzislaw Tobota, Bistra Zheleva, Hao Zhang, Jeffery P. Jacobs, Joseph A. Dearani, Elizabeth H. Stephens, James S. Tweddell, Nestor F. Sandoval, Emile A. Bacha, Erle H. Austin, Kisaburo Sakamoto, Sachin Talwar, Hiromi Kurosawa, Zohair Y Al Halees, Marcello B. Jatene, Krishna S. Iyer, Cheul Lee, Rajesh Sharma, Yasutaka Hirata, Frank Edwin, Jorge L. Cervantes, James O'Brien, James D. St Louis, James K. Kirklin, and COVID-19 International Congenital Heart Surgery Taskforce (Article)
Management of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Associated With COVID-19: A Survey From the International Kawasaki Disease Registry., Matthew D. Elias, Brian W. McCrindle, Guillermo Larios, Nadine F. Choueiter, Nagib Dahdah, Ashraf S. Harahsheh, Supriya Jain, Cedric Manlhiot, Michael A. Portman, Geetha Raghuveer, Therese M. Giglia, Audrey Dionne, and International Kawasaki Disease Registry (Article)
Mental Health Needs during COVID-19: Responses in Pediatric Health Care, Deborah Dokken, Elizabeth Ahmann, DeeJo Miller, and Jamila Weaver (Article)
Policies and practices of SHEA Research Network hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic., Michael S. Calderwood, Valerie M. Deloney, Deverick J. Anderson, Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng, Shruti Gohil, Jennie H. Kwon, Lona Mody, Elizabeth Monsees, Valerie M. Vaughn, Timothy L. Wiemken, Matthew J. Ziegler, and Eric Lofgren (Article)
Seeking Normalcy as the Curve Flattens: Ethical Considerations for Pediatricians Managing Collateral Damage of Coronavirus Disease-2019., Dalia M. Feltman, Gregory P. Moore, Andrew F. Beck, Emily Siffermann, Carlo Bellieni, and John Lantos (Article)
School Nurses and COVID, John Lantos, Vanessa Watkins, Jeremy R. Garrett, and Shelby Rebeck (Podcast)
A Conceptual Framework for Rescheduling Elective Pediatric Gastroenterology Procedures Following COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown., Panamdeep Kaur, Thomas M. Attard, Douglas S. Fishman, Fernando Zapata, Donna Ditsch, Mike Thomson, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Article)
Advocating for Children During the COVID-19 School Closures., Abbey R. Masonbrink and Emily A. Hurley (Article)
Frequency of asymptomatic and symptomatic respiratory virus detection in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant patients, Jennifer E. Schuster, Dithi Banerjee, Ibrahim A. Ahmed, and Rangaraj Selvarangan (Article)
Inaction Is Not an Option: Using Antiracism Approaches to Address Health Inequities and Racism and Respond to Current Challenges Affecting Youth., Maria Veronica Svetaz, Romina Barral, Michele A. Kelley, Tina Simpson, Vinny Chulani, Marissa Raymond-Flesch, Tamera Coyne-Beasley, Maria Trent, Kenneth Ginsburg, and Nuray Kanbur (Response or Comment)
Should Pediatric Patients Be Prioritized When Rationing Life-Saving Treatments During COVID-19 Pandemic., Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, Govind Persad, Douglas B. White, Cathy Zhang, Aaron Glickman, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, and John Lantos (Article)
Work-Life Balance in the COVID Era: Sending Your Kids to School vs Remote Learning, John Lantos, Vanessa Watkins, and Jeremy R. Garrett (Podcast)
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Public Health, John Lantos and Phoebe Danziger (Podcast)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic sleep medicine., Zarmina Ehsan MD (Letter to the Editor)
COVID: Where Do We Go From Here, John Lantos and Shari Barkin (Podcast)
Benefits and Risks of Visitor Restrictions for Hospitalized Children During the COVID Pandemic., Alice K. Virani, Henry T. Puls, Rebecca Mitsos, Holly Longstaff, Ran D. Goldman, and John Lantos (Article)
Paediatric ethical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic are not just about ventilator triage., Marlyse F. Haward, Gregory P. Moore, John Lantos, and Annie Janvier (Article)
The rapid increase in telemedicine visits during COVID-19, Chelsea Johnson, Kathryn Taff, Brian R. Lee, and Amanda Montalbano (Article)
A Pediatric Infectious Disease Doctor Reflects on COVID in Texas, John Lantos and Susan Wootton (Podcast)
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacy learners and preceptors., Katie Louiselle, Claire Elson, Alexandra Oschman, and Stephanie Duehlmeyer (Article)
A conceptual framework for rescheduling elective pediatric gastroenterology procedures following covid-19 pandemic lockdown, Panamdeep Kaur, Thomas M. Attard, Douglas S. Fishman, Fernando Zapata, Donna Ditsch, Mike Thomson, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Letter to the Editor)
A Phased Approach to Resuming Suspended Allergy/Immunology Clinical Services., Daniel A. Searing, Cullen M. Dutmer, David M. Fleischer, Marcus S. Shaker, John Oppenheimer, Mitchell H. Grayson, David Stukus, Nicholas Hartog, Elena W Y Hsieh, Nicholas L. Rider, Timothy K. Vander Leek, Harold Kim, Edmond S. Chan, Doug Mack, Anne K. Ellis, Elissa M. Abrams, Priya Bansal, David M. Lang, Jay Lieberman, David Bk Golden, Dana Wallace, Jay M. Portnoy, Giselle Mosnaim, and Matthew Greenhawt (Article)
Children's Hospital ICU Resource Allocation in an Adult Pandemic., Ian D. Wolfe, Jeremy R. Garrett, Brian S. Carter, and John Lantos (Article)
Consensus recommendations for the care of children receiving chronic dialysis in association with the COVID-19 epidemic., Qian Shen, Mo Wang, Ruochen Che, Qiu Li, Jianhua Zhou, Fang Wang, Ying Shen, Jie Ding, Songming Huang, Hui-Kim Yap, Bradley A. Warady, Hong Xu, Aihua Zhang, and Chinese Society of Pediatric Nephrology and Chinese Medical Doctor Association of Pediatric Nephrology (Article)
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Treatment of Severe Pulmonary and Cardiac Compromise in Coronavirus Disease 2019: Experience with 32 Patients., Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Alfred H. Stammers, James St Louis, J W Awori Hayanga, Michael S. Firstenberg, Linda B. Mongero, Eric A. Tesdahl, Keshava Rajagopal, Faisal H. Cheema, Tom Coley, Vinay Badhwar, Anthony K. Sestokas, and Marvin J. Slepian (Article)
Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellow Training in North America., Daniel Mallon, John F. Pohl, Uma P. Phatak, Melissa Fernandes, John Rosen, Sarah S. Lusman, Cade M. Nylund, Candi S. Jump, Aliza B. Solomon, Arvind Srinath, Andrew Singer, Rula Harb, Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, Kristin L. Whitfield Van Buren, Shifra Koyfman, Riha Bhatt, Dellys M Soler-Rodriguez, Mamata Sivagnanam, Christine K Lee, and NASPGHAN Training Committee COVID-19 Survey Working Group (Article)
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic., Erwin J. Khoo and John Lantos (Article)
Medically Vulnerable Clinicians and Unnecessary Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Annie Janvier and John Lantos (Editorial)
More than Warm Fuzzy Feelings: The Imperative of Institutional Morale in Hospital Pandemic Responses., Jeremy R. Garrett and Leslie Ann McNolty (Response or Comment)
Pediatric Palliative Care in a Pandemic: Role Obligations, Moral Distress, and the Care You Can Give., Amanda M. Evans, Monique Jonas, and John Lantos (Article)
Reply to "Subcutaneous terbutaline as an alternative to aerosolized albuterol"., Marcus S. Shaker, John Oppenheimer, Mitchell Grayson, David Stukus, Nicholas Hartog, Elena W Y Hsieh, Nicholas Rider, Cullen M M. Dutmer, Timothy K. Vander Leek, Harold Kim, Edmond S. Chan, Doug Mack, Anne K. Ellis, David Lang, Jay Lieberman, David Fleischer, David B K Golden, Dana Wallace, Jay M. Portnoy, Giselle Mosnaim, and Matthew Greenhawt (Response or Comment)
Should Extremely Premature Babies Get Ventilators During the COVID-19 Crisis?, Marlyse F. Haward, Annie Janvier, Gregory P. Moore, Naomi Laventhal, Jessica T. Fry, and John Lantos (Article)
Use of telemedicine to provide clinical pharmacy services during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic., Claire Elson, Christopher M. Oermann, Stephanie Duehlmeyer, and Sarah Bledsoe (Letter to the Editor)
COVID in the UK: Where Do We Go From Here, John Lantos and Dominic Wikinson (Podcast)
COVID: What Have We Learned, John Lantos and Louis Bell (Podcast)
Children’s Mercy COVID-19 venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylactic guidelines, Children's Mercy Kansas City
Ellen Grass Lecture: Wellness for Allied Healthcare Professionals in the Age of COVID-19, Ara Hall (Article)
COVID-19: Pandemic Contingency Planning for the Allergy and Immunology Clinic., Marcus S. Shaker, John Oppenheimer, Mitchell Grayson, David Stukus, Nicholas Hartog, Elena W Y Hsieh, Nicholas Rider, Cullen M. Dutmer, Timothy K. Vander Leek, Harold Kim, Edmond S. Chan, Doug Mack, Anne K. Ellis, David Lang, Jay Lieberman, David Fleischer, David B K Golden, Dana Wallace, Jay M. Portnoy, Giselle Mosnaim, and Matthew Greenhawt (Article)
Our Next Pandemic Ethics Challenge? Allocating "Normal" Health Care Services., Jeremy R. Garrett, Leslie Ann McNolty, Ian D. Wolfe, and John Lantos (Article)
Telemedicine in the Era of COVID-19., Jay M. Portnoy, Morgan Waller, and Tania Elliott (Article)
Development of Drive-Through and Mail-In Systems for Obtaining Surveillance Respiratory Specimens in a Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Center, Ellen Meier, Paula Capel, and Christopher M. Oermann (Poster)
Pediatric Provider Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Melanie Cole and Jennifer Bickel (Podcast)
COVID in New York City, John Lantos and George Hardart (Podcast)
COVID and Child Abuse, John Lantos and Stephanie Deutsch (Podcast)
Planning for COVID in Washington State, John Lantos and Douglas S. Diekema (Podcast)
Safe and effective medication utilization in pediatric patients requiring rehabilitation services during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2019., Matthew J. McLaughlin (Article)