Weekly Frequency of Meeting the Physical Activity Guidelines and Cardiometabolic Health in Children and Adolescents.

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DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002767


PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine the association of the frequency component of the weekly PA guidelines on CmH in youth.

METHODS: Cross-sectional accelerometer data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey included youth age 6-18 yr with ≥4 d, ≥10 h of wear time, and averaging ≥60 min·d-1 of MVPA (n = 656). Participants were categorized into quartiles based on the proportion of days where they met the guidelines (≥60 min of MVPA). CmH variables were categorized as weight status/body anthropometrics, blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting serum laboratory results. Propensity score weighting was applied to quartiles, and general linear modeling was used to compare associations of quartiles with CmH variables.

RESULTS: Results are displayed as percent of days meeting guidelines (DMG; 95% confidence interval): MVPA in minutes per week: Q1 (n = 156; DMG = 45.8% (43.4%-48.1%); MVPA 467.5, min·wk-1), Q2 (n = 165; DMG = 62.6% (61.6%-63.7%); MVPA, 474.4 min·wk-1), Q3 (n = 148; DMG = 75% (74.1%-75.8%); MVPA, 446.5 min·wk-1), Q4 (n = 187; DMG = 92.2% (87.7%-96.6%); MVPA, 453.2 min·wk-1). After adjusting for confounders and multiple comparisons, there were no clinically significant differences in weight status/body anthropometrics, blood pressure, cholesterol, or fasting serum laboratory results between DMG quartiles.

CONCLUSIONS: We found no association between the proportion of DMG and CmH in children and adolescents. Our study suggests that achieving an overall weekly average of 60 min·d-1 of MVPA seems to be sufficient for CmH regardless of the 7 d·wk-1 frequency requirement of the PA guideline.

Journal Title

Medicine and science in sports and exercise





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