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DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.930462; PMCID: PMC9520305


Although preventable, Cervical Cancer (CC) is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in Sub-Saharan Africa with the highest incidence in East Africa. Kenyan guidelines recommend an immediate screen and treat approach using either Pap smear or visual screening methods. However, system (e.g., inadequate infrastructure, weak treatment, referral and tracking systems) and patient (e.g., stigma, limited accessibility, finance) barriers to comprehensive country wide screening continue to exist creating gaps in the pathways of care. These gaps result in low rates of eligible women being screened for CC and a high loss to follow up rate for treatment. The long-term goal of 70% CC screening and treatment coverage can partly be achieved by leveraging electronic health (eHealth, defined here as systems using Internet, computer, or mobile applications to support the provision of health services) to support service efficiency and client retention. To help address system level barriers to CC screening treatment and follow up, our team developed an eHealth tool-the Cancer Tracking System (CATSystem), to support CC screening, treatment, and on-site and external referrals for reproductive age women in Kenya. Preliminary data showed a higher proportion of women enrolled in the CATSystem receiving clinically adequate (patients tested positive were treated or rescreened to confirm negative within 3 months) follow up after a positive/suspicious screening, compared to women in the retrospective arm.

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Front Med (Lausanne)



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Kenya; cervical cancer screening; cervical cancer tracking; cervical cancer treatment; eHealth (mobile Health); system—level


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