Pre-hospital CPR after traumatic arrest: Outcomes at a level 1 pediatric trauma center.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2022.09.059
BACKGROUND: The survival of traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest (TCA) requiring pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (P-CPR) is abysmal across age groups. We aim to describe the mechanisms of injury and outcomes of children suffering from TCA leading to P-CPR at our institution.
METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted to identify children ages 0-17 years who suffered TCA leading to P-CPR at our institution between 5/2009 and 3/2020. For analysis, patients were stratified into those still undergoing CPR at arrival and those who attained pre-hospital return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Primary outcome was discharge alive from the hospital.
RESULTS: P-CPR was initiated for 48 patients who had TCA; 23 had pre-hospital ROSC. Of the 25 children undergoing CPR at presentation, none survived to discharge. The median duration of CPR, from initiation to time of death declaration was 34 min [29,50]. Seventeen patients died after resuscitation attempts in the ED, while 8 died after admission to the PICU. Of the 23 patients who attained pre-hospital ROSC, 6 survived to discharge. All survivors required intensive rehabilitation services at discharge and at most recent follow-up, 5 had residual deficits requiring medical attention.
CONCLUSION: There are poor outcomes in children with pre-hospital traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest, particularly in those without pre-hospital ROSC. These data further support the need for standardized guidelines for resuscitation in children with traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest.
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CPR; Pediatric trauma; Traumatic arrest
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Stewart S, Briggs KB, Fraser JA, Svetanoff WJ, Waddell V, Oyetunji TA. Pre-hospital CPR after traumatic arrest: Outcomes at a level 1 pediatric trauma center. Injury. 2023;54(1):15-18. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2022.09.059