APIC Megasurvey 2020: Methodology and overview of results.
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DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.12.002
BACKGROUND: In 2015, The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) conducted the first MegaSurvey of its members to understand key aspects of their practice. Given the evolving role of Infection preventionists (IPs), it is important to understand changes in and the current practice environments of IPs, their demographics, the organizations in which they practice and the relative importance of different domains of IP practice.
METHODS: The MegaSurvey 2020 was a cross-sectional, electronic survey of IPs conducted by APIC between January 21 and February 28, 2020. Descriptive statistics were calculated to describe the participants in terms of their characteristics, practice setting, compensation and IP competencies.
RESULTS: 2,030 APIC members (response rate 13%) participated in the study. Results indicated that the demographic characteristics of IPs remained the same between the 2015 and 2020 surveys. Similar to 2015 data, slightly less than half of respondents are currently certified and plan to recertify. Less than 50% of IPs reported feeling adequately satisfied with their overall compensation. IPs reported spending the largest proportion of their time on surveillance and epidemiologic investigations and the least amount of time on employee and occupational health, cleaning and sterilization and education/research.
CONCLUSIONS: As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, public health emergencies persist, and regulatory requirements expand, the results of the APIC MegaSurvey can inform future educational initiatives, the development of programs and ongoing hiring and retention strategies for this critical profession.
Journal Title
American journal of infection control
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MeSH Keywords
Humans; Cross-Sectional Studies; Infection Control Practitioners; Infection Control; Sterilization; Surveys and Questionnaires
PubMed ID
Compensation; Infection prevention; Survey; Workforce
Recommended Citation
Pogorzelska-Maziarz M, Monsees E, Hessels A. APIC Megasurvey 2020: Methodology and overview of results. Am J Infect Control. 2023;51(3):241-247. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2022.12.002