
Rachel S. Gross
Tanayott Thaweethai
Erika B. Rosenzweig
James Chan
Lori B. Chibnik
Mine S. Cicek
Amy J. Elliott
Valerie J. Flaherman
Andrea S. Foulkes
Margot Gage Witvliet
Richard Gallagher
Maria Laura Gennaro
Terry L. Jernigan
Elizabeth W. Karlson
Stuart D. Katz
Patricia A. Kinser
Lawrence C. Kleinman
Michelle F. Lamendola-Essel
Joshua D. Milner
Sindhu Mohandas
Praveen C. Mudumbi
Jane W. Newburger
Kyung E. Rhee
Amy L. Salisbury
Jessica N. Snowden
Cheryl R. Stein
Melissa S. Stockwell
Kelan G. Tantisira
Moriah E. Thomason
Dongngan T. Truong
David Warburton
John C. Wood
Shifa Ahmed
Almary Akerlundh
Akram N. Alshawabkeh
Brett R. Anderson
Judy L. Aschner
Andrew M. Atz
Robin L. Aupperle
Fiona C. Baker
Venkataraman Balaraman
Dithi Banerjee, Children's Mercy HospitalFollow
Deanna M. Barch
Arielle Baskin-Sommers
Sultana Bhuiyan
Marie-Abele C. Bind
Amanda L. Bogie
Tamara Bradford
Natalie C. Buchbinder
Elliott Bueler
Hülya Bükülmez
B J Casey
Linda Chang
Maryanne Chrisant
Duncan B. Clark
Rebecca G. Clifton
Katharine N. Clouser
Lesley Cottrell
Kelly Cowan
Viren D'Sa
Mirella Dapretto
Soham Dasgupta
Walter Dehority
Audrey Dionne
Kirsten B. Dummer
Matthew D. Elias
Shari Esquenazi-Karonika
Danielle N. Evans
E Vincent S. Faustino
Alexander G. Fiks
Daniel Forsha, Children's Mercy HospitalFollow
John J. Foxe
Naomi P. Friedman
Greta Fry
Sunanda Gaur
Dylan G. Gee
Kevin M. Gray
Stephanie Handler
Ashraf S. Harahsheh
Keren Hasbani
Andrew C. Heath
Camden Hebson
Mary M. Heitzeg
Christina M. Hester
Sophia Hill
Laura Hobart-Porter
Travis K F Hong
Carol R. Horowitz
Daniel S. Hsia
Matthew Huentelman
Kathy D. Hummel
Katherine Irby
Joanna Jacobus
Vanessa L. Jacoby
Pei-Ni Jone
David C. Kaelber
Tyler J. Kasmarcak
Matthew J. Kluko
Jessica S. Kosut
Angela R. Laird
Jeremy Landeo-Gutierrez
Sean M. Lang
Christine L. Larson
Peter Paul C. Lim
Krista M. Lisdahl
Brian W. McCrindle
Russell J. McCulloh
Kimberly McHugh
Alan L. Mendelsohn
Torri D. Metz
Julie Miller
Elizabeth C. Mitchell
Lerraughn M. Morgan
Eva M. Müller-Oehring
Erica R. Nahin
Michael C. Neale
Manette Ness-Cochinwala
Sheila M. Nolan
Carlos R. Oliveira
Onyekachukwu Osakwe
Matthew E. Oster
R Mark Payne
Michael A. Portman
Hengameh Raissy
Isabelle G. Randall
Suchitra Rao
Harrison T. Reeder
Johana M. Rosas
Mark W. Russell
Arash A. Sabati
Yamuna Sanil
Alice I. Sato
Michael S. Schechter
Rangaraj Selvarangan, Children's Mercy HospitalFollow
S Kristen Sexson Tejtel
Divya Shakti
Kavita Sharma
Lindsay M. Squeglia
Shubika Srivastava
Michelle D. Stevenson
Jacqueline Szmuszkovicz
Maria M. Talavera-Barber
Ronald J. Teufel
Deepika Thacker
Felicia Trachtenberg
Mmekom M. Udosen
Megan R. Warner
Sara E. Watson
Alan Werzberger
Jordan C. Weyer
Marion J. Wood
H Shonna Yin
William T. Zempsky
Emily Zimmerman
Benard P. Dreyer
RECOVER-Pediatric Consortium

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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285635; PMCID: PMC11075869


IMPORTANCE: The prevalence, pathophysiology, and long-term outcomes of COVID-19 (post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 [PASC] or "Long COVID") in children and young adults remain unknown. Studies must address the urgent need to define PASC, its mechanisms, and potential treatment targets in children and young adults.

OBSERVATIONS: We describe the protocol for the Pediatric Observational Cohort Study of the NIH's REsearching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative. RECOVER-Pediatrics is an observational meta-cohort study of caregiver-child pairs (birth through 17 years) and young adults (18 through 25 years), recruited from more than 100 sites across the US. This report focuses on two of four cohorts that comprise RECOVER-Pediatrics: 1) a de novo RECOVER prospective cohort of children and young adults with and without previous or current infection; and 2) an extant cohort derived from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study (n = 10,000). The de novo cohort incorporates three tiers of data collection: 1) remote baseline assessments (Tier 1, n = 6000); 2) longitudinal follow-up for up to 4 years (Tier 2, n = 6000); and 3) a subset of participants, primarily the most severely affected by PASC, who will undergo deep phenotyping to explore PASC pathophysiology (Tier 3, n = 600). Youth enrolled in the ABCD study participate in Tier 1. The pediatric protocol was developed as a collaborative partnership of investigators, patients, researchers, clinicians, community partners, and federal partners, intentionally promoting inclusivity and diversity. The protocol is adaptive to facilitate responses to emerging science.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: RECOVER-Pediatrics seeks to characterize the clinical course, underlying mechanisms, and long-term effects of PASC from birth through 25 years old. RECOVER-Pediatrics is designed to elucidate the epidemiology, four-year clinical course, and sociodemographic correlates of pediatric PASC. The data and biosamples will allow examination of mechanistic hypotheses and biomarkers, thus providing insights into potential therapeutic interventions.

CLINICAL TRIALS.GOV IDENTIFIER: Clinical Trial Registration: Unique identifier: NCT05172011.

Journal Title

PLoS One





First Page


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MeSH Keywords

Humans; COVID-19; Adolescent; Child; Child, Preschool; Female; Young Adult; Adult; Male; Infant; SARS-CoV-2; Infant, Newborn; Prospective Studies; Research Design; Cohort Studies; Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome

PubMed ID



COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Prospective Studies; Research Design; Cohort Studies; Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome


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