Works from 2022
Financial Outcomes by Severity Across Children's Hospitals, Jonathan Hartley, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, James Gay, David C. Synhorst, and Jessica L. Markham (Presentation)
Identifying Predictive Factors for Patients Transferred From Floor to PICU within 24 hours of Admission by a Pediatric Critical Care Transport Team, Gina Patel, Lisa Carney, Brian S. Olsen, and Jennifer Flint (Poster)
Impact of COVID-19 on Admissions and Outcomes for Children With Complex Chronic Conditions., Jessica L. Markham, Troy Richardson, Ronald J. Teufel, Adam L. Hersh, Adrienne G. DePorre, Eric W. Fleegler, Ryan M. Antiel, Daniel C. Williams, Arda Hotz, Jayme L. Wilder, and Samir S. Shah (Article)
Spending on Public Benefit Programs and Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Megan Collins, Matt Hall, P J. Chung, Jessica L. Markham, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, L M. Plencer, Molly Krager, Kathyrn Kyler, D Bard, Kayla R. Heller, Roxana Guggenmous, Jordan Keys, and Henry T. Puls (Presentation)
Substance Use Disorder Visits Among Adolescents at Children's Hospitals During COVID-19., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Lauren Middlebrooks, Holly C. Gooding, Margarita Abella, Matt Hall, Rebecca K. Burger, and Monika K. Goyal (Article)
Understanding trust between pediatric hospitalists and outpatient clinicians during hospital admissions: A multisite qualitative analysis., Corrie E. McDaniel, Kimberly C. Arthur, Mary Arakelyan, Cathryn Stevens, Amanda Montalbano, Olutosin Ojugbele, and JoAnna K. Leyenaar (Article)
Association of Models of Care for Kawasaki Disease With Utilization and Cardiac Outcomes., Nathan M. Money, Matthew Hall, Ricardo A. Quinonez, Eric R. Coon, Adriana H. Tremoulet, Jessica L. Markham, Guliz Erdem, Nisha Tamaskar, Kavita Parikh, Hannah C. Neubauer, John B. Darby, and Sowdhamini S. Wallace (Article)
Late Pre-term Infants with Severe Bronchiolitis and Risk of Asthma by Age 5 Years., Jonathan M. Mansbach, Ying Shelly Qi, Janice A. Espinola, Kohei Hasegawa, Henry T. Puls, Ashley F. Sullivan, and Carlos A. Camargo (Article)
Acute Care Utilization and Health Care Expenditures in Medicaid-Enrolled Children., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Troy Richardson, Monika K. Goyal, Matt Hall, Jennifer L. Reed, Elizabeth R. Alpern, Margaret E. Samuels-Kalow, and Mark I. Neuman (Article)
Association Between Corticosteroids and Outcomes in Children Hospitalized With Orbital Cellulitis., Peter J Gill, Sanjay Mahant, Matt Hall, Patricia C Parkin, Samir S Shah, Nikolaus E Wolter, Marcos Mestre, and Jessica L. Markham (Article)
Impact of High Flow Nasal Cannula on Resource Utilization in Bronchiolitis., Scott Biggerstaff, Jessica L. Markham, Jeffrey C. Winer, Troy Richardson, and Kathleen Berg (Article)
Inpatient outcomes for children receiving empiric methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus coverage for complicated pneumonia., Jessica L. Markham, Sophia Hackman, Matt Hall, Alaina N. Burns, and Jennifer Goldman (Article)
Racial and ethnic differences in pediatric unintentional injuries requiring hospitalization, Kristyn Jeffries, Henry T. Puls, Matthew Hall, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jessica L. Markham, David C. Synhorst, and Denise Dowd (Article)
Works from 2021
Reliance on Acute Care Settings for Health Care Utilization: A Comparison of Adolescents With Younger Children., Monika K. Goyal, Troy Richardson, Abbey R. Masonbrink, Jennifer L. Reed, Elizabeth R. Alpern, Matt Hall, and Mark I. Neuman (Article)
Trends in Adolescent Cannabis-Related Hospitalizations by State Legalization Laws, 2008-2019., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Troy Richardson, Matt Hall, Delwyn Catley, and Karen Wilson (Article)
Development of a Health Disparities Index: Proof of Concept with Chest Radiography in Asthma., Kavita Parikh, Matt Hall, Sunitha V. Kaiser, Alexander H. Hogan, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Michelle A. Lopez, and Marion R. Sills (Article)
Health and Poverty of Rural Children: An Under-Researched and Under-Resourced Vulnerable Population., Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Courtney Winterer, and Jeffrey D. Colvin (Article)
Methodologic Progress Note: A Clinician's Guide to Logistic Regression., Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Troy Richardson, Shoshana J. Herzig, and Matt Hall (Article)
Obesity in asthma: Intricately linked and often overlooked., Kathyrn Kyler, Cassie Shipp, and Christine L. Schuler (Letter to the Editor)
Problematic Trends in Observation Status for Children's Hospitals., David C. Synhorst and Jessica L. Bettenhausen (Editorial)
State Spending on Public Benefit Programs and Child Maltreatment., Henry T. Puls, Matt Hall, James Anderst, Tami Gurley, James Perrin, and Paul J. Chung (Article)
Association of routine school closures with child maltreatment reporting and substantiation in the United States; 2010-2017., Henry T. Puls, Matthew Hall, Terra Frazier, Kelly Schultz, and James Anderst (Article)
Clinical Outcome and Antibiotic Dosing Differences by Weight in Children With Acute Osteomyelitis., Kathyrn Kyler, Brian R. Lee, Earl F. Glynn, Joel P Waddell, Mark A. Hoffman, and Jennifer Goldman (Article)
Descriptive Study of the Safety Behaviors and Attitudes of Portable Pool Owners, Kristyn Jeffries, Kathy W. Monroe, Alicia Webb, Kristin L. Chancellor, Justina C. Goldman, and David C. Schwebel (Poster)
Improving Communication for Admissions From Urgent Care to Inpatient Using a Structured Handoff., Amanda Nedved, Kathleen Berg, Brian R. Lee, and Amanda Montalbano (Article)
Improving Outpatient Provider Communication for High-Risk Discharges From the Hospitalist Service., Nicholas Clark, Julia Simmons, Angela Etzenhouser MD, and Eugenia K. Pallotto (Article)
Sexual Health Behaviors and Pregnancy Risk Among Hospitalized Female Adolescents., Jane Alyce Hunt, Kimberly A Randell, Sarah Mermelstein, Melissa K. Miller, Ashley K. Sherman, Shirene Philipose, and Abbey R. Masonbrink (Article)
Factors Related to Serious Safety Events in a Children's Hospital Patient Safety Collaborative., Stephanie Burrus, Matthew Hall, Emily Tooley, Kate Conrad, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, and Carol Kemper (Article)
Justice System Involvement Among Adolescents in the Emergency Department., Vivek Dubey, Kimberly A Randell, Abbey R. Masonbrink, Michelle L. Pickett, Ashley K. Sherman, Megha Ramaswamy, and Melissa K. Miller (Article)
Maternal parechovirus A (PeV-A) shedding, serostatus, and the risk of central nervous system PeV-A infections in infants., J Michael Klatte, Christopher J. Harrison, Brian Pate, Mary Ann Queen, Jesica Neuhart, Mary Anne Jackson, and Rangaraj Selvarangan (Article)
Trends and Variation in Length of Stay Among Hospitalized Febrile Infants ≤60 Days Old., John R. Stephens, Matt Hall, Jillian M. Cotter, Matthew J. Molloy, Michael J. Tchou, Jessica L. Markham, Samir S. Shah, Michael J. Steiner, and Paul L. Aronson (Article)
Identification of physical abuse-related hospitalizations in young children: Impact of the transition to ICD-10-CM coding., Jordan C. Apfeld, Kristin G. Crichton, Peter C. Minneci, Henry T. Puls, and Jennifer N. Cooper (Article)
Pandemic-Related Shifts in New Patients Admitted to Children's Hospitals., Nicholas Clark, Jonathan Rodean, Marcos Mestre, Hemalatha G. Rangarajan, Margaret Samuels-Kalow, Prakash Satwani, Joseph R. Stanek, Ian D. Wolfe, and Kenneth A. Michelson (Article)
The Child Opportunity Index 2.0 and Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions., Molly Krager, Henry T. Puls, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, Cary Thurm, Laura Plencner, Jessica L. Markham, Clemens Noelke, and Andrew F. Beck (Article)
PedsGuide App: Pediatric Decision Support at Your Fingertips, Melanie Cole and Brandan Kennedy (Podcast)
Associations between Obesity and Adverse Childhood Experiences in the United States., Kathyrn Kyler, Matt Hall, Elizabeth E. Halvorson, and Ann M. Davis (Article)
Development of Goals and Objectives for Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Curricula., Jamie Librizzi, Erin Frank, Karen Jerardi, Jennifer Maniscalco, Carrie Rassbach, Neha Shah, and Jacqueline M. Walker (Article)
Height of fever and invasive bacterial infection., Kenneth A. Michelson, Mark I. Neuman, Christopher M. Pruitt, Sanyukta Desai, Marie E. Wang, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rianna C. Leazer, Laura F. Sartori, Richard D. Marble, Sahar N. Rooholamini, Christopher Woll, Fran Balamuth, Paul L. Aronson, and Febrile Young Infant Research Collaborative (Article)
Inpatient Use and Outcomes at Children's Hospitals During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic., Jessica L. Markham, Troy Richardson, Adrienne G. DePorre, Ronald J. Teufel, Adam L. Hersh, Eric W. Fleegler, Ryan M. Antiel, Daniel C. Williams, Adam B. Goldin, and Samir S. Shah (Article)
One Call Away: Addressing a Safety Gap for Urgent Issues Post Discharge., Sarah Yale, Sarah Corey Bauer, Alyssa Stephany, Kelsey Porada, and Tracey Liljestrom (Article)
Self-reported and Documented Substance Use Among Adolescents in the Pediatric Hospital., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Jane Alyce Hunt, Avleen Bhandal, Kimberly A Randell, Sarah Mermelstein, Sarah Wells, and Melissa K. Miller (Article)
A novel way to describe variation in antibiotic use, Adrienne G. DePorre, Troy Richardson, Jason Newland, and Mark Neuman (Poster)
Evaluation of the hypothesis that viral meningitis is a mimic of abusive head trauma, Danielle Horton, Tanya Burrell, James Anderst, Lyndsey Hultman, Mary Moffatt, Henry T. Puls, and Rangaraj Selvarangan (Poster)
Impact of COVID-19 on Inpatient Utilization and Outcomes for Children with Medical Complexity, Jessica L. Markham, Troy Richardson, Adrienne G. DePorre, Ronald Teufel, Adam Hersh, Eric Feegler, Ryan Antiel, Adam Goldin, Arda Hotz, Jayme Wilder, and Samir Shah (Presentation)
Medicaid Expenditures Among Children with Documented Obesity, Kathyrn Kyler, Matt Hall, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Sarah Hampl, and Ann M. Davis (Presentation)
Outcomes Associated With High- Versus Low-Frequency Laboratory Testing Among Hospitalized Children., John R. Stephens, Matt Hall, Jessica L. Markham, Michael J. Tchou, Jillian M. Cotter, Samir S. Shah, Michael J. Steiner, and James C. Gay (Article)
Parental Health Literacy and Acute Care Utilization in Children with Medical Complexity, Emily J. Goodwin, Joy L. Solano, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Ryan Coller, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rupal Gupta, Kayla R. Heller, Lauren Jones, Leah Jones, Kathyrn Kyler, Ingrid Larson, Laura Plencner, Margaret Queen, Timothy Ryan Smith, Tyler Smith, Jacqueline M. Walker, Margaret Wright, Isabella Zaniletti, and Jeffrey D. Colvin (Poster)
Reducing alarm burden by promoting judicious ordering of continuous pulse oximetry, Kathleen Berg, David Johnson, Ginny Nyberg, Andrew Ausmus, Christine Claeys, Emily Wilkinson, and Nicholas Clark (Presentation)
Safety Events in Children's Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Mitch Harris, Matt Hall, Sunitha Kaiser, Alexander H Hogan, Kavita Parikh, Nicholas Clark, and Shawn Rangel (Article)
Use of Clinical Criteria for Prediction of Invasive Bacterial Infection in Febrile Infants: Evaluation of the PROS Criteria, Lyubina Yankova, Mark Neuman, Marie Wang, Adrienne G. DePorre, Sanyukta Desai, Laura Sartori, Richard Marble, Lise Nigrovic, Rianna Leazer, Christopher Pruitt, Christopher Woll, Sahar Rooholamini, Frances Balamuth, and Paul Aronson (Presentation)
Emergency Visits and Hospitalizations for Child Abuse During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Sunitha V. Kaiser, Aaron E. Kornblith, Troy Richardson, Matthew S. Pantell, Eric W. Fleegler, Cristin Q. Fritz, Kavita Parikh, Alicia Zagel, Marion R. Sills, Heidi Gruhler De Souza, Monika K. Goyal, Alexander H. Hogan, Kayla R. Heller, Amy M. DeLaroche, Jennifer N. Cooper, and Henry T. Puls (Article)
Healthcare Encounter and Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Hospitals., David C. Synhorst, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, Cary Thurm, Samir S. Shah, Katherine A. Auger, Derek J. Williams, Rustin Morse, and Jay G. Berry (Article)
Obesity and Corticosteroid Dosing Guideline Adherence in Children Hospitalized With Asthma., Kathyrn Kyler, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, Earl F. Glynn, Mark A. Hoffman, Valentina Shakhnovich, Kim Smolderen, and Ann M. Davis (Article)
Observation Status Stays With Low Resource Use Within Children's Hospitals., David C. Synhorst, Matthew Hall, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jessica L. Markham, Michelle L. Macy, James C. Gay, and Rustin Morse (Article)
Antibiotic Regimens and Associated Outcomes in Children Hospitalized With Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome., Hannah C. Neubauer, Matthew Hall, Michelle A. Lopez, Andrea T. Cruz, Mary Ann Queen, Dana M. Foradori, Paul L. Aronson, Jessica L. Markham, Jennifer A. Nead, Gabrielle Z. Hester, Russell J. McCulloh, and Sowdhamini S. Wallace (Article)
Hospitals' Diversity of Diagnosis Groups and Associated Costs of Care., Jay G. Berry, Matt Hall, Eyal Cohen, Chris Feudtner, Vincent W Chiang, Paul J Chung, James C Gay, Samir S Shah, Elizabeth Casto, and Troy Richardson (Article)
Readmissions Following Hospitalization for Infection in Children With or Without Medical Complexity., Jessica L. Markham, Matt Hall, Jennifer Goldman, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, James C. Gay, James Feinstein, Julia Simmons, Stephanie K. Doupnik, and Jay G. Berry (Article)
Resource Use by Hospital Type for Frequent Inpatient Pediatric Conditions., Michelle A. Lopez, Xian Yu, Annette Walder, Marc A. Kowalkowski, Jeffrey D. Colvin, and Jean L. Raphael (Article)
Opportunities for Stewardship in the Transition From Intravenous to Enteral Antibiotics in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients., Jillian M. Cotter, Matt Hall, Sonya Tang Girdwood, John R. Stephens, Jessica L. Markham, James C. Gay, and Samir S. Shah (Article)
PHM Fellowships: Advanced Training for an Evolving Field., Karen E. Jerardi, Jacqueline M. Walker, Snehal Shah, and Jennifer Maniscalco (Response or Comment)
Type Ir pleuropulmonary blastoma in a 3-year-old child with asthma., Jose Morales Moreno and Kayla R. Heller (Letter to the Editor)
Using a Resident-Led School Outreach Program to Improve Knowledge of All-Terrain Vehicle Safety., Kristyn Jeffries, A Reid Burks, Michele Nichols, Julie Farmer, Nipam Shah, Charles A. Jennissen, Gerene M. Denning, and Kathy Monroe (Article)
Barriers to Tobacco Cessation for Caregivers of Hospitalized Children: Perspectives of Pediatric Hospitalists., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Kathleen Berg, Austin Harrison, Allison Rossetti, Kayla Heller, John Darby, My-Linh Ngo, Andrea Dean, and Delwyn Catley (Article)
Characteristics of Afebrile Infants ≤60 Days of Age With Invasive Bacterial Infections., Marie E. Wang, Mark I. Neuman, Lise E. Nigrovic, Christopher M. Pruitt, Sanyukta Desai, Adrienne G. DePorre, Laura F. Sartori, Richard D. Marble, Christopher Woll, Rianna C. Leazer, Fran Balamuth, Sahar N. Rooholamini, Paul L. Aronson, and FEBRILE YOUNG INFANT RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE (Article)
Ramping Up a Pediatric Hospital Medicine Advanced Practice Provider Team Rapidly., Anika Nelson, Jaime Fox, Heather Toth, and Alyssa Stephany (Article)
Trends in Incidence of Nicotine Use Disorder Among Adolescents in the Pediatric Hospital, 2012-2019., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Troy Richardson, Matt Hall, Delwyn Catley, and Karen Wilson (Article)
Variations in Sedated Echocardiography and Association With Repeat Echocardiography in Nonrefractory Kawasaki Disease., Nicholas Clark, Troy Richardson, Jennifer E. Schuster, Anitha Parthiban, and Henry T. Puls (Article)
Works from 2020
Febrile Infants ≤60 Days Old With Positive Urinalysis Results and Invasive Bacterial Infections., Lyubina C. Yankova, Mark I. Neuman, Marie E. Wang, Christopher Woll, Adrienne G. DePorre, Sanyukta Desai, Laura F. Sartori, Lise E. Nigrovic, Christopher M. Pruitt, Richard D. Marble, Rianna C. Leazer, Sahar N. Rooholamini, Fran Balamuth, and Paul L. Aronson (Article)
Associations Between Obesity and Use for Pediatric Hospitalizations., Kathyrn Kyler, Matt Hall, and Jessica L. Bettenhausen (Article)
Changes in opioid prescriptions for Medicaid-enrolled children and young adults, 2012-2016., Abbey R. Masonbrink, Troy Richardson, Jennifer Delzeit, Melissa K. Miller, Matt Hall, and Delwyn Catley (Article)
Hospital Observation Status and Readmission Rates., David C. Synhorst, Matt Hall, Mitch Harris, James C. Gay, Alon Peltz, Katherine A. Auger, Ronald J. Teufel, Michelle L. Macy, Mark I. Neuman, Harold K. Simon, Samir S. Shah, Jeffrey Lutmer, Pirooz Eghtesady, Padmaja Pavuluri, and Rustin B. Morse (Article)
Observation Encounters and Length of Stay Benchmarking in Children's Hospitals., James C. Gay, Matt Hall, Rustin Morse, Evan S. Fieldston, David C. Synhorst, and Michelle L. Macy (Article)
Opportunities to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Care Among Hospitalized Adolescents., Abbey R. Masonbrink (Article)
Pathways to Publication in Pediatric Hospital Medicine Educational Research., Joy L. Solano, Troy Richardson, Jacqueline M. Walker, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Michael Platt, Robert Riss, Christopher Veit, Grant M. Latta, Angela Etzenhouser MD, and Lisa E. Herrmann (Article)
Variation in Care and Clinical Outcomes Among Infants Hospitalized With Hyperbilirubinemia., Adrienne G. DePorre, Matthew Hall, Henry T. Puls, Ashley Daly, James C. Gay, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, and Jessica L. Markham (Article)
Variation in Early Inflammatory Marker Testing for Infection-Related Hospitalizations in Children., Jessica L. Markham, Cary W. Thurm, Matt Hall, Samir S. Shah, Ricardo Quinonez, Michael J. Tchou, James W. Antoon, Marquita C. Genies, Raymond Parlar-Chun, David P. Johnson, Snehal P. Shah, Molli Ittel, and Patrick W. Brady (Article)
Longitudinal Trends in Costs for Hospitalizations at Children's Hospitals, Heidi Russell, Matt Hall, Rustin B. Morse, Gretchen J. Cutler, Michelle Macy, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Michelle A. Lopez, Samir S. Shah, and Marion R. Sills (Article)
Benefits and Risks of Visitor Restrictions for Hospitalized Children During the COVID Pandemic., Alice K. Virani, Henry T. Puls, Rebecca Mitsos, Holly Longstaff, Ran D. Goldman, and John Lantos (Article)
Defining Competence in the Evolving Field of Pediatric Hospital Medicine., Meghan L. Fanta, Jacqueline M. Walker, and Karen E. Jerardi (Editorial)
Health Care Utilization and Spending for Children With Mental Health Conditions in Medicaid., Stephanie K. Doupnik, Jonathan Rodean, James Feinstein, James C. Gay, Julia Simmons, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jessica L. Markham, Matt Hall, Bonnie T. Zima, and Jay G. Berry (Article)
Filling the Gap in Knowledge for Drug Dose Individualization in Pediatric Obesity., Valentina Shakhnovich and Kathyrn Kyler (Response or Comment)
Room Costs for Common Pediatric Hospitalizations and Cost-Reducing Quality Initiatives., David C. Synhorst, Matthew B. Johnson, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Kathyrn Kyler, Troy Richardson, Keith J. Mann, Evan S. Fieldston, and Matt Hall (Article)
Actively Doing Less: Deimplementation of Unnecessary Interventions in Bronchiolitis Care Across Urgent Care, Emergency Department, and Inpatient Settings., Kathleen Berg, Amanda Nedved, Troy Richardson, Amanda Montalbano, Jeff Michael, and Matthew B. Johnson (Article)
Variation in Proportion of Blood Cultures Obtained for Children With Skin and Soft Tissue Infections., John R. Stephens, Matt Hall, Jessica L. Markham, Eric K. Zwemer, Jillian Cotter, Samir S. Shah, Mark S. Brittan, and James C. Gay (Article)
Care of Pediatric High-Cost Hospitalizations Across Hospital Types., Michelle A. Lopez, Matt Hall, Katherine A. Auger, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jeffrey D. Colvin, Gretchen J. Cutler, Evan Fieldston, Michelle L. Macy, Rustin Morse, Jean L. Raphael, Heidi Russell, Samir S. Shah, and Marion R. Sills (Article)
A quality improvement project to increase palliative care team involvement in pediatric oncology patients., Sana Farooki, Oluwaseun Olaiya, Lisa Tarbell, Nicholas Clark, Jennifer Linebarger, John Stroh, Kelstan Ellis, and Karen Lewing (Article)
Trends in the Use of Administrative Codes for Physical Abuse Hospitalizations., Henry T. Puls, James Anderst, Amber Davidson, and Matthew Hall (Article)
Works from 2019
Cerebrospinal Fluid Profiles of Infants ≤60 Days of Age With Bacterial Meningitis., Eduardo Fleischer, Mark I. Neuman, Marie E. Wang, Lise E. Nigrovic, Sanyukta Desai, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rianna C. Leazer, Richard D. Marble, Laura F. Sartori, Paul L. Aronson, and FEBRILE YOUNG INFANT RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE (Article)
Expanding journal clubs beyond single institutions using Twitter, Sonya C. Tang Girdwood, Jennifer K. Chen, Kathyrn Kyler, and John M. Morrison (Article)
Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among Hospitalized Children., Kathyrn Kyler, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matthew Hall, and Sarah Hampl (Article)
Drug Dose Selection in Pediatric Obesity: Available Information for the Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs to Children, Kathyrn Kyler, Jonathan B. Wagner, Chelsea Hosey-Cojocari, Kevin Watt, and Valentina Shakhnovich (Article)
Parenteral antibiotic therapy duration in young infants with bacteremic urinary tract infections, Sanyukta Desai, Paul L. Aronson, Veronika Shabanova, Mark I. Neuman, Frances Balamuth, Christopher M. Pruitt, Adrienne G. DePorre, Lise E. Nigrovic, Sahar N. Rooholamini, Marie E. Wang, Richard D. Marble, Derek J. Williams, Laura Sartori, Rianna C. Leazer, Christine Mitchell, Samir S. Shah, Elizabeth R. Alpern, Whitney L. Browning, Elana A. Feldman, Catherine E. Lumb, Russell J. McCulloh, Nipam Shah, Sarah J. Shin, and Christopher Woll (Article)
Trends in Volume and Utilization Outcomes in Adolescent Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery at Children's Hospitals., Kathyrn E. Kyler, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matthew Hall, Jason D. Fraser, and Brooke Sweeney (Article)
Current Practices and Perspectives on Peer Observation and Feedback: A National Survey., Corrie E. McDaniel, Amit T. Singh, Jimmy B. Beck, Krista Birnie, H Barrett Fromme, Cherie F. Ginwalla, Elena Griego, Marta King, Jennifer Maniscalco, Joanne Nazif, Kamakshya P. Patra, Elizabeth Seelbach, Jacqueline M. Walker, and Priti Bhansali (Article)
A Prediction Model to Identify Febrile Infants ≤60 Days at Low Risk of Invasive Bacterial Infection, Paul L. Aronson, Veronika Shabanova, Eugene D. Shapiro, Marie E. Wang, Lise E. Nigrovic, Christopher M. Pruitt, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rianna C. Leazer, Sanyukta Desai, Laura F. Sartori, Richard D. Marble, Sahar N. Rooholamini, Russell J. McCulloh, Christopher Woll, Fran Balamuth, Elizabeth R. Alpern, Samir S. Shah, Derek J. Williams, Whitney L. Browning, Nipam Shah, and Mark I. Neuman (Article)
Caring for Hospitalized Adolescents: Opportunities to Identify and Address Unmet Reproductive Health Needs., Abbey R. Masonbrink and Melissa K. Miller (Response or Comment)
Outpatient prescription opioid use in pediatric medicaid enrollees with special health care needs, James A. Feinstein, Jonathan Rodean, Matt Hall, Stephanie K. Doupnik, James C. Gay, Jessica L. Markham, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Julia Simmons, Brigid Garrity, and Jay G. Berry (Article)
Implementation of a General Pediatric Clinical Rounding Checklist., Nicholas Clark, Stephanie Burrus, Troy Richardson, Sophia Sterner, and Mary Ann Queen (Article)
To Discharge or Not to Discharge on Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: That Is the Question., Jessica L. Markham and Jennifer Goldman (Editorial)
Safeuristics! Do Heuristic Evaluation Violation Severity Ratings Correlate with Patient Safety Severity Ratings for a Native Electronic Health Record Mobile Application?, Brandan Kennedy, Ellen Kerns, Y Raymond Chan, Barbara S. Chaparro, and Sarah Fouquet (Article)