
Works from 2016


Vague neuroglycopenic complaints camouflage diagnosis of adolescent insulinoma: a case report., Kelsee Halpin, Ryan McDonough, Patria Alba, Jared Halpin, Vivekanand Singh, and Yun Yan (Article)

Works from 2015

Clots and Kids: An Increasing Problem, Michael Smith and Shannon L. Carpenter (Podcast)

Continuity of Care Through an Oncology Case Management Model, Michael Smith and Gerald Woods (Podcast)

Understanding the Role of Genetic Variations in Hispanic Pediatric Cancer Patients, Michael Smith and Terrie Flatt (Podcast)


The development and application of an oncology Therapy-Related Symptom Checklist for Adults (TRSC) and Children (TRSC-C) and e-health applications., Arthur R. Williams, David D. Williams, Phoebe D. Williams, Farrokh Alemi, Hosai Hesham, Blaine Donley, and Raya E. Kheirbek (Article)

Survive and Thrive: Addressing the Late Effects of Pediatric Cancer, Michael Smith and Joy M. Fulbright (Podcast)


Bruising in Children: Practice Patterns of Pediatric Hematologists and Child Abuse Pediatricians., Jami Jackson, Melissa Miller, Mary Moffatt, Shannon Carpenter, Ashley Sherman, and James Anderst (Article)


Biomarkers and oncology: the path forward to a learning health system., Peter P Yu, Mark A Hoffman, and Daniel F Hayes (Article)

Works from 2011


Neutropenic colitis in children., Frankie B. Fike, Vincent Mortellaro, David Juang, Shawn D. St Peter, Walter S. Andrews, and Charles L. Snyder (Article)


Pediatric dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: multi-institutional outcomes., Corey W. Iqbal, Shawn D. St Peter, and Michael B. Ishitani (Article)

Works from 2010


Giant ossifying malignant thymoma in a child., Jai Bikhchandani, Patricia A. Valusek, David Juang, James E. O'Brien, Maxine Hetherington, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Bowel obstruction after treatment of intra-abdominal tumors., Pablo Aguayo, B Ho, Jason D. Fraser, A S. Gamis, Shawn D. St Peter, and Charles L. Snyder (Article)

Works from 2009


Massive bilateral nephromegaly in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a case report., Pablo Aguayo, Jason D. Fraser, Shawn D. St Peter, T Spilde, John Gatti, Charles L. Snyder, and D J. Ostlie (Article)


Adrenocortical adenoma expressing glucocorticoid in an 8-month-old female., E Kim, Pablo Aguayo, Shawn D. St Peter, and G W. Holcomb III (Article)

Works from 2002


Sentinel lymph node biopsy demonstrating concomitant melanoma and mantle cell lymphoma., Shawn D. St Peter, Michael C. Roarke, Christopher R. Conley, and Barbara A. Pockaj (Article)