Scholarly works by Children's Mercy Kansas City's doctors, nurses, researchers, and other staff.
Affiliation to Children's Mercy Hospital listed as of time of publication.
Works from 2020
RNA Sequencing of Human Peripheral Nerve in Response to Injury: Distinctive Analysis of the Nerve Repair Pathways., Andrew S. Welleford, Jorge E. Quintero, Nader El Seblani, Eric Blalock, Sumedha Gunewardena, Steven M. Shapiro, Sean M. Riordan, Peter Huettl, Zain Guduru, John A. Stanford, Craig G. van Horne, and Greg A. Gerhardt (Article)
Safe and effective medication utilization in pediatric patients requiring rehabilitation services during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2019., Matthew J. McLaughlin (Article)
#Science: The Potential and the Challenges of Utilizing Social Media and Other Electronic Communication Platforms in Health Care., Violette Gijsen, Michele H. Maddux, Adam Lavertu, Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, Nilam Ram, Byron Reeves, Thomas Robinson, Victoria Ziesenitz, Valentina Shakhnovich, and Russ Altman (Article)
Single-cell analysis of human adipose tissue identifies depot and disease specific cell types., Jinchu Vijay, Marie-Frédérique Gauthier, Rebecca L. Biswell, Daniel A. Louiselle, Jeffrey J. Johnston, Warren A. Cheung, Bradley Belden, Albena Pramatarova, Laurent Biertho, Margaret Gibson, Marie-Michelle Simon, Haig Djambazian, Multiple Tissue Human Expression Resource Consortium, Alfredo Staffa, Guillaume Bourque, Anita Laitinen, Johanna Nystedt, Marie-Claude Vohl, Jason D. Fraser, T Pastinen, André Tchernof, and Elin Grundberg (Article)
Standardizing CYP2D6 Genotype to Phenotype Translation: Consensus Recommendations from the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium and Dutch Pharmacogenetics Working Group., Kelly E. Caudle, Katrin Sangkuhl, Michelle Whirl-Carrillo, Jesse J. Swen, Cyrine E. Haidar, Teri E. Klein, Roseann S. Gammal, Mary V. Relling, Stuart A. Scott, Daniel L. Hertz, Henk-Jan Guchelaar, and Andrea Gaedigk (Article)
Stem cell therapy for preventing neonatal diseases in the 21st century: Current understanding and challenges., Christopher R. Nitkin, Johnson Rajasingh, Courtney Pisano, Gail E Besner, Bernard Thébaud, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)
Stridor in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and whole body hypothermia: A case series., Mahdi Alsaleem, N Hpa, and V H S Kumar (Article)
Tetralogy of Fallot: risk stratification is straightforward. Or is it?, John Papagiannis (Article)
The Association Between Affect and Sleep in Adolescents With and Without FGIDs., Alexandra D. Monzon, Christopher C. Cushing, Craig A. Friesen, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Article)
The Case of a Twitchy Tongue: An Uncommon Presentation of a Common Childhood Epilepsy., Roha Khalid, Mohammed Ilyas, and Ahmed Abdelmoity (Article)
"They Merely Prescribe and I Merely Swallow": Perceptions of Antenatal Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Supplements Among Pregnant Women in Bamako, Mali., Alexandra R. Searle, Emily A. Hurley, Seydou O. Doumbia, and Peter J. Winch (Article)
Torsion of an Accessory Spleen in a Child With Biliary Atresia Splenic Malformation Syndrome., David A. Simon, Nathan R. Fleishman MD, Pamala Choi, Jason D. Fraser, and Ryan T. Fischer (Article)
Trends in the Use of Administrative Codes for Physical Abuse Hospitalizations., Henry T. Puls, James Anderst, Amber Davidson, and Matthew Hall (Article)
Tunneled hemodialysis catheter care practices and blood stream infection rate in children: results from the SCOPE collaborative., Olivera Marsenic, Jonathan Rodean, Troy Richardson, Sarah Swartz, Donna Claes, J Christopher Day, Bradley A. Warady, Alicia Neu, and Standardizing Care to Improve Outcomes in Pediatric End Stage Renal Disease (SCOPE) Investigators (Article)
Understanding the Value of Tumor Markers in Pediatric Ovarian Neoplasms., Amy E. Lawrence, Mary E. Fallat, Geri Hewitt, Paige Hertweck, Amanda Onwuka, Amin Afrazi, Christina Bence, Robert C. Burns, Kristine S. Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Peter F. Ehrlich, Jason D. Fraser, Dani O. Gonzalez, Julia E. Grabowski, Rashmi Kabre, Dave R. Lal, Matthew P. Landman, Charles M. Leys, Grace Z. Mak, R Elliott Overman, Brooks L. Rademacher, Manish T. Raiji, Thomas T. Sato, Madeline Scannell, Joseph A. Sujka, Tiffany Wright, Peter C. Minneci, Katherine J. Deans, Jennifer H. Aldrink, and Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium (Article)
Upper GI in patients with FAP-the need for formal research., Isabel Martin; Jacqueline Hawkins; Warren Hyer; Thomas M. Attard; Shlomi Cohen; Allan Spigelman; Susan K. Clark; Andrew Latchford; and European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Working Group (Response or Comment)
Using a Social Support Framework to Understand How HIV Positive Kenyan Men Engage in PMTCT/EID Care: Qualitative Insights From Male Partners., Natabhona M. Mabachi, Melinda Brown, Matthew Sandbulte, Catherine Wexler, Kathy Goggin, May Maloba, and Sarah Finocchario-Kessler (Article)
Utility of echocardiography in predicting mortality in infants with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia., Shilpa Vyas-Read, Erica M. Wymore, Isabella Zaniletti, Karna Murthy, Michael A. Padula, William E. Truog, William A. Engle, Rashmin C. Savani, Sushmita Yallapragada, J Wells Logan, Huayan Zhang, Erik B. Hysinger, Theresa R. Grover, Girija Natarajan, Leif D. Nelin, Nicolas F M Porta, Karin P. Potoka, Robert DiGeronimo, Joanne M. Lagatta, and Children’s Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Severe BPD Focus Group (Article)
Validation of claims-based diagnoses of adult and pediatric neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and variations in diagnostic evaluation and treatment initiation., Sabrina Gmuca, Duriel I. Hardy, Sona Narula, Sharon Stoll, Julia G. Harris, Yongdong Zhao, Rui Xiao, Pamela F. Weiss, Amy T. Waldman, and Jeffrey S. Gerber (Article)
Valve Replacement in Children with Single Ventricle Physiology., Noor Alshami, Amber Leila Sarvestani, Amanda S Thomas, James D. St Louis, Lazaros Kochilas, and Geetha Raghuveer (Article)
Which Model Fits? Evaluating Models of Integrated Behavioral Health Care in Addressing Unmet Behavioral Health Needs among Underserved Sociodemographic Groups, Ayanda Chakawa, Leslee Belzer, Trista Perez-Crawford, and Natalie Brei (Article)
Yes to Life: An Opportunity for Partnership Between Medicine and Religion, John Lantos (Article)
Works from 2019
Incidence of Initial Renal Replacement Therapy Over the Course of Kidney Disease in Children., Derek K. Ng, Matthew B. Matheson, Bradley A. Warady, Susan R. Mendley, Susan L. Furth, and Alvaro Muñoz (Article)
Anticipation, Accompaniment, and a Good Death in Perinatal Care., Bryanna S. Moore, Brian S. Carter, Bryan Beaven, Katie House, and Joel House (Article)
Transanal-only Swenson-like pull-through for late diagnosed Hirschsprung disease., Rebecca M. Rentea, Devin R. Halleran, Hira Ahmad, Elias Maloof, Richard J. Wood, and Marc A. Levitt (Article)
Unraveling Complexity about Childhood Obesity and Nutritional Interventions: Modeling Interactions Among Psychological Factors., Keith Feldman, Gisela M B Solymos, Maria Paula de Albuquerque, and Nitesh V. Chawla (Article)
Change in Dyslipidemia with Declining Glomerular Filtration Rate and Increasing Proteinuria in Children with CKD., Jeffrey M. Saland, Juan C. Kupferman, Christopher B. Pierce, Joseph T. Flynn, Mark M. Mitsnefes, Bradley A. Warady, and Susan L. Furth (Article)
Snord94 expression level alters methylation at C62 in snRNA U6., Allison Ogren, Nataliya Kibiryeva, Jennifer A. Marshall, James O'Brien, and Douglas C. Bittel (Article)
An electronic medical records-based approach to identify idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury in children., Tracy L. Sandritter, Jennifer Goldman, Clayton J Habiger, James F. Daniel, Jennifer Lowry, and Ryan T. Fischer (Article)
Accelerated Immunotherapy: Why Are We Going So Slow?, Jessica Van Mason and Jay Portnoy (Article)
A Research Agenda for Emergency Medicine-based Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health., Melissa K. Miller, Lauren S. Chernick, Monika K. Goyal, Jennifer L. Reed, Fahd A. Ahmad, Erin F. Hoehn, Michelle S. Pickett, Kristin Stukus, and Cynthia J. Mollen (Article)
Beyond tumor mutational burden: potential and limitations in using exosomes to predict response to immunotherapy., Jennifer Crow, Glenson Samuel, and Andrew K. Godwin (Article)
Cerebrospinal Fluid Profiles of Infants ≤60 Days of Age With Bacterial Meningitis., Eduardo Fleischer, Mark I. Neuman, Marie E. Wang, Lise E. Nigrovic, Sanyukta Desai, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rianna C. Leazer, Richard D. Marble, Laura F. Sartori, Paul L. Aronson, and FEBRILE YOUNG INFANT RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE (Article)
Characterization of Severe Adverse Drug Reactions at a Free-Standing Children's Hospital., Diana Yu, Justin Sheets, Sarah Suppes, and Jennifer Goldman (Article)
Commentary: Is donor acceptance a bigger problem than donor availability? Time for a realistic look., James D. St Louis and Mark Plunkett (Editorial)
Disclosing adverse events and near misses to parents of neonates., Brian S. Carter and John Lantos (Article)
Effects of an MRI Try Without program on patient access., Barbra Rudder, Sara J. Easley, Amie L. Robinson, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, and David B. Nielsen (Article)
Emergent high fatality lung disease in systemic juvenile arthritis., Vivian E. Saper, Guangbo Chen, Gail H. Deutsch, R Paul Guillerman, Johannes Birgmeier, Karthik Jagadeesh, Scott Canna, Grant Schulert, Robin Deterding, Jianpeng Xu, Ann N. Leung, Layla Bouzoubaa, Khalid Abulaban, Kevin Baszis, Edward M. Behrens, James Birmingham, Alicia Casey, Michal Cidon, Randy Q. Cron, Aliva De, Fabrizio De Benedetti, Ian Ferguson, Martha P. Fishman, Steven I. Goodman, T Brent Graham, Alexei A. Grom, Kathleen Haines, Melissa Hazen, Lauren A. Henderson, Assunta Ho, Maria Ibarra, Christi J. Inman, Rita Jerath, Khulood Khawaja, Daniel J. Kingsbury, Marisa Klein-Gitelman, Khanh Lai, Sivia Lapidus, Clara Lin, Jenny Lin, Deborah R. Liptzin, Diana Milojevic, Joy Mombourquette, Karen Onel, Seza Ozen, Maria Perez, Kathryn Phillippi, Sampath Prahalad, Suhas Radhakrishna, Adam Reinhardt, Mona Riskalla, Natalie Rosenwasser, Johannes Roth, Rayfel Schneider, Dieneke Schonenberg-Meinema, Susan Shenoi, Judith A. Smith, Hafize Emine Sönmez, Matthew L. Stoll, Christopher Towe, Sara O. Vargas, Richard K. Vehe, Lisa R. Young, Jacqueline Yang, Tushar Desai, Raymond Balise, Ying Lu, Lu Tian, Gill Bejerano, Mark M. Davis, Purvesh Khatri, Elizabeth D. Mellins, and Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Registry Investigators (Article)
Endobronchial Glomus Tumor in a Child., Moshe Y. Prero, Melissa Gener, Eugenio Taboada, and Christopher M. Oermann (Article)
Ethical issues with testing and treatment for Krabbe disease., Paul Ehmann and John Lantos (Article)
Ethics and Medico-legal implications in delivery room emergencies., Jessica Brunkhorst and John Lantos (Article)
Failure mode and effects analysis to reduce risk of heparin use., Felicity A. Pino, Darcy K. Weidemann, Lisa L. Schroeder, Damon Pabst, and Audrey R. Kennedy (Article)
Fungi and Atopy., Charles Barnes (Article)
Heterogeneity introduced by EHR system implementation in a de-identified data resource from 100 non-affiliated organizations., Earl F. Glynn and Mark A. Hoffman (Article)
MAGEL2-related disorders: A study and case series., Jameson Patak, James Gilfert, Melissa Byler, Vamsee Neerukonda, Isabelle Thiffault, Laura A. Cross, Shivarajan Manickavasagam Amudhavalli, Marta Pacio-Miguez, Maria Palomares-Bralo, Sixto Garcia-Minaur, Fernando Santos-Simarro, Zoe Powis, Wendy Alcaraz, Sha Tang, Julie Jurgens, Brenda Barry, Eleina England, Elizabeth Engle, Jonathon Hess, and Robert R. Lebel (Article)
MSTO1 mutations cause mtDNA depletion, manifesting as muscular dystrophy with cerebellar involvement., S Donkervoort, R Sabouny, P Yun, L Gauquelin, K R Chao, Y Hu, I Al Khatib, A Töpf, P Mohassel, B B Cummings, R Kaur, D Saade, S A Moore, L B Waddell, M A Farrar, J K Goodrich, P Uapinyoying, S H S Chan, A Javed, M E Leach, P Karachunski, J Dalton, L Medne, A Harper, C Thompson, Isabelle Thiffault, S Specht, R E Lamont, Carol J. Saunders, H Racher, F P Bernier, D Mowat, N Witting, J Vissing, R Hanson, Keith A. Coffman, Meagan K. Hainlen, J S Parboosingh, A Carnevale, G Yoon, R E Schnur, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, K M Boycott, J K Mah, V Straub, A Reghan Foley, A M Innes, C G Bönnemann, and T E Shutt (Article)
Non-physiologic Bioreactor Processing Conditions for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering., Mitchell C. VeDepo, Eric E. Buse, Arghya Paul, Gabriel L. Converse, and Richard A. Hopkins (Article)
Patient-reported quality of life after tisagenlecleucel infusion in children and young adults with relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a global, single-arm, phase 2 trial., Theodore W. Laetsch, Douglas Myers, André Baruchel, Andrew C. Dietz, Michael A. Pulsipher, Henrique Bittencourt, Jochen Buechner, Barbara De Moerloose, Kara L. Davis, Eneida Nemecek, Timothy Driscoll, Francoise Mechinaud, Nicolas Boissel, Susana Rives, Peter Bader, Christina Peters, Himalee S. Sabnis, Stephan A. Grupp, Gregory A. Yanik, Hidefumi Hiramatsu, Heather E. Stefanski, Lawrence Rasouliyan, Lan Yi, Sweta Shah, Jie Zhang, and Andrew C. Harris (Article)
Pediatric Liver Ultrasound Elastography, Peter Winningham, Erin K. Opfer, Erin Payne, and Sherwin S. Chan (Article)
Pharmacology of Common Analgesic and Sedative Drugs Used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit., Jamesia Donato, Karishma Rao, and Tamorah R. Lewis MD PhD (Article)
Phenotypic spectrum associated with SPECC1L pathogenic variants: new families and critical review of the nosology of Teebi, Opitz GBBB, and Baraitser-Winter syndromes., Elizabeth J. Bhoj, Damien Haye, Annick Toutain, Dominique Bonneau, Irene Kibæk Nielsen, Ida Bay Lund, Pauline Bogaard, Stine Leenskjold, Kadri Karaer, Katherine T. Wild, Katheryn L. Grand, Mirena C. Astiazaran, Luis A. Gonzalez-Nieto, Ana Carvalho, Daphné Lehalle, Shivarajan M. Amudhavalli, Elena Repnikova, Carol J. Saunders, Isabelle Thiffault, Irfan Saadi, Dong Li, Hakon Hakonarson, Yoann Vial, Elaine Zackai, Patrick Callier, Séverine Drunat, and Alain Verloes (Article)
Pneumothorax: What’s a Pediatric Pulmonologist To Do?, Terrence W. Carver (Article)
Polyp Characteristics of Nonsyndromic and Potentially Syndromic Juvenile Polyps: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis., Nadia Ibrahimi, Seth S. Septer, Brian R. Lee, Robert E. Garola, Raj Shah, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)
Population pharmacokinetics of sildenafil in extremely premature infants., Daniel Gonzalez, Matthew M. Laughon, P Brian Smith, Shufan Ge, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Andrew Atz, Gregory M. Sokol, Chi D. Hornik, Dan Stewart, Gratias Mundakel, Brenda B. Poindexter, R Gaedigk, Mary Mills, Michael Cohen-Wolkowiez, Karen Martz, Christoph P. Hornik, and Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act - Pediatric Trials Network Steering Committee (Article)
Possible Role of Environmental Factors in the Development of Food Allergies., Jodi Shroba, Niharika Rath, and Charles Barnes (Article)
Preoperative Physiology, Imaging, and Management of Coarctation of Aorta in Children., Madhusudan Ganigara, Arpan Doshi, Iman Naimi, Guru Prasad Mahadevaiah, Sujatha Buddhe, and Sathish M. Chikkabyrappa (Article)
Prevalence and outcomes of fragility: a frailty-inflammation phenotype in children with chronic kidney disease., Kristen Sgambat, Matthew B. Matheson, Stephen R. Hooper, Bradley A. Warady, Susan Furth, and Asha Moudgil (Article)
Recruiting 101., Stephanie Meyer (Article)
Safety of Laparoscopic Gastrostomy in Children Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis., R Michael Dorman, Leo Andrew Benedict, Joseph Sujka, Justin Sobrino, Charlene Dekonenko, Walter Andrews, Bradley A. Warady, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
School-Located Influenza Vaccination: Do Vaccine Clinics at School Raise Vaccination Rates?, Peter G. Szilagyi, Stanley Schaffer, Cynthia M. Rand, Nicolas Pn Goldstein, A Dirk Hightower, Mary Younge, Christina S. Albertin, Kristine DiBitetto, Byung-Kwang Yoo, and Sharon Humiston (Article)
Spectrum of K V 2.1 Dysfunction in KCNB1-Associated Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Seok Kyu Kang, Carlos G. Vanoye, Sunita N. Misra, Dennis M. Echevarria, Jeffrey D. Calhoun, John B. O'Connor, Katarina L. Fabre, Dianalee McKnight, Laurie Demmer, Paula Goldenberg, Lauren E. Grote, Isabelle Thiffault, Carol J. Saunders, Kevin A. Strauss, Ali Torkamani, Jasper van der Smagt, Koen van Gassen, Robert P. Carson, Jullianne Diaz, Eyby Leon, Joseph E. Jacher, Mark C. Hannibal, Jessica Litwin, Neil R. Friedman, Allison Schreiber, Bryan Lynch, Annapurna Poduri, Eric D. Marsh, Ethan M. Goldberg, John J. Millichap, Alfred L. George, and Jennifer A. Kearney (Article)
Telemedicine for General Pediatrics., Luisa Taylor and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)
The 2018 Pediatric Neurology Trainee Publication Award., Mark S. Scher, Galen Breningstall, Donald Gilbert, Lori Jordan, Yasmin Khakoo, and Jean-Baptist LePichon (Editorial)
The Clinical Utility of Pollen Counts., Carmi Geller-Bernstein and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)
The future of publishing., George W. Holcomb (Article)
The Impact of Environmental Chronic and Toxic Stress on Asthma., Maggie Barnthouse and Bridgette Jones (Article)
The localizing value of epileptic auras: pitfalls in semiology and involved networks., Angelo Russo, Anca Adriana Arbune, Lalit R. Bansal, Ioanna Mindruta, Giuseppe Gobbi, and Michael Duchowny (Article)
The Role of the Environment in Eosinophilic Esophagitis., Paul J. Dowling, Hannah N. Neuhaus, and Brooke I. Polk (Article)
To the Editor: Accommodating, regoaling, and satisficing: life lessons from the NICU., Brian S. Carter (Letter to the Editor)
Trends in the epidemiology of pediatric acute and chronic cholecystitis-related admissions in the USA: a nationwide emergency department and inpatient sample study., Suvrat Chandra, Craig A. Friesen, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)
When Specialty Care Is Unavailable to Rural Families., Jennifer E. deSante-Bertkau, Catherine D. Shubkin, William A. Nelson, Erica K. Salter, and John Lantos (Article)
Primary Spinal Epidural/Extramedullary Ewing Sarcoma in Young Female Patients., Amanda N. Fletcher, Joanne Abby M. Marasigan, Stephen V. Hiatt, John Anderson, Eugenio Taboada, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Determining the Instructional Effectiveness of Online Vaccine Education Modules: A Focus-Group Analysis, Sarah Williams, Shannon Clark, Sharon Humiston, Barbara Pahud, Donald Middleton, and Kadriye O. Lewis (Article)
Subcutaneous fat necrosis, a rare but serious side effect of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and whole-body hypothermia., Mahdi Alsaleem, Lina Saadeh, Valerie Elberson, and Vasantha H S Kumar (Article)
The Early "Unnatural" History Following Surgical Repair of Ventricular Septal Defects., Sathish M. Chikkabyrappa, Justin T. Tretter, Arpan R. Doshi, Sujatha Buddhe, Puneet Bhatla, and Achi Ludomirsky (Article)
Elevated glucose acts directly on osteocytes to increase sclerostin expression in diabetes, Donna M. Pacicca, Tammy Brown, Dara Watkins, Karen Kover, Yun Yan, Matthew Prideaux, and Lynda Bonewald (Article)
Factors affecting acceptance of at-birth point of care HIV testing among providers and parents in Kenya: A qualitative study., Catherine Wexler, May Maloba, Melinda Brown, Natabhona Mabachi, Kathy Goggin, Brad Gautney, Beryne Odeny, and Sarah Finocchario-Kessler (Article)
Hydrocortisone Improves Oxygenation Index and Systolic Blood Pressure in Term Infants With Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension., Mahdi Alsaleem, Aysha Malik, Satyan Lakshminrusimha, and Vasantha Hs Kumar (Article)
Gamna-Gandy Bodies Present as a Spleen Mass in a Patient with Hereditary Spherocytosis, Chandni Dargan, Sahibu Sultan M Habeebu, Grace S. Mitchell, and Weijie Li (Article)
Serum Ferritin in the Pediatric Sleep Clinic: What's Normal Anyway?, David G. Ingram MD and Baha Al-Shawwa MD (Response or Comment)
Mucosal Profiling of Pediatric-Onset Colitis and IBD Reveals Common Pathogenics and Therapeutic Pathways., Bing Huang, Zhanghua Chen, Lanlan Geng, Jun Wang, Huiying Liang, Yujie Cao, Huan Chen, Wanming Huang, Meiling Su, Hanqing Wang, Yanhui Xu, Yukun Liu, Bingtai Lu, Huifang Xian, Huiwen Li, Huilin Li, Lu Ren, Jing Xie, Liping Ye, Hongli Wang, Junhong Zhao, Peiyu Chen, Li Zhang, Shanmeizi Zhao, Ting Zhang, Banglao Xu, Di Che, Wenyue Si, Xiaoqiong Gu, Liang Zeng, Yong Wang, Ding-You Li, Yifan Zhan, David Delfouneso, Andrew M. Lew, Jun Cui, Wai Ho Tang, Yan Zhang, Sitang Gong, Fan Bai, Min Yang, and Yuxia Zhang (Article)
Prospective clinical testing and experimental validation of the Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model., Hector R. Wong, J Timothy Caldwell, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Scott L. Weiss, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Michael T. Bigham, Parag N. Jain, Adam Schwarz, Riad Lutfi, Jeffrey Nowak, Geoffrey L. Allen, Neal j. Thomas, Jocelyn R. Grunwell, Torrey Baines, Michael Quasney, Bereketeab Haileselassie, and Christopher J. Lindsell (Article)
Data on the endogenous conversion of tyrosol into hydroxytyrosol in humans., Anna Boronat, Julian Mateus, Natalia Soldevila-Domenech, Mercè Guerra, Jose Rodríguez-Morató, Carlota Varon, Daniel Muñoz, Francina Barbosa, Juan Carlos Morales, Andrea Gaedigk, Klaus Langohr, Maria-Isabel Covas, Clara Pérez-Mañá, Montserrat Fitó, Rachel F. Tyndale, and Rafael de la Torre (Article)
Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for low and middle-income countries: protocol for a cluster randomised trial to evaluate 'Lifestyle Africa'., Delwyn Catley, Thandi Puoane, Lungiswa Tsolekile, Ken Resnicow, Kandace Fleming, Emily A. Hurley, Joshua M. Smyth, Mara Z. Vitolins, Estelle V. Lambert, Naomi Levitt, and Kathy Goggin (Article)
Nearly complete genome sequences of 17 enterovirus D68 strains from Kansas City, Missouri, 2018, Suman B. Pakala, Yi Tan, Ferdaus Hassan, Annie Mai, Robert H. Markowitz, Meghan H. Shilts, Seesandra V. Rajagopala, Rangaraj Selvarangan, and Suman R. Das (Article)
Pain, functional disability, and their Association in Juvenile Fibromyalgia Compared to other pediatric rheumatic diseases., Mark Connelly, Jennifer E Weiss, and CARRA Registry Investigators (Article)
Failure to Rescue as an Outcome Metric for Pediatric and Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Programs: Analysis of Data From the IMPACT Registry., Michael L. O'Byrne, Kevin F. Kennedy, Natalie Jayaram, Lisa J. Bergersen, Matthew J. Gillespie, Yoav Dori, Jeffrey H. Silber, Steven M. Kawut, Jonathan J. Rome, and Andrew C. Glatz (Article)
Visible-Light-Activated High-Density Materials for Controlled in Vivo Insulin Release., Bhagyesh R. Sarode, Karen Kover, and Simon H. Friedman (Article)
A religiously-tailored, multilevel intervention in African American churches to increase HIV testing: Rationale and design of the Taking It to the Pews cluster randomized trial., J Berkley-Patton, C Bowe Thompson, Kathy Goggin, Delwyn Catley, M Berman, Andrea Bradley-Ewing, K P Derose, K Resnicow, J Allsworth, and S Simon (Article)
Blueberry Muffin Skin Lesions in an Infant With Epsilon Gamma Delta Beta Thalassemia., Neha Puar, Brandon D. Newell, and Lei Shao (Article)
Bracing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Trial (BrAIST): Development and Validation of a Prognostic Model in Untreated Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using the Simplified Skeletal Maturity System., Lori A. Dolan, Stuart L. Weinstein, Mark F. Abel, Patrick P. Bosch, Matthew B. Dobbs, Tyler O. Farber, Matthew F. Halsey, M Timothy Hresko, Walter F. Krengel, Charles T. Mehlman, James O. Sanders, Richard M. Schwend, Suken A. Shah, and Kushagra Verma (Article)
Cardiovascular benefits of tyrosol and its endogenous conversion into hydroxytyrosol in humans. A randomized, controlled trial., Anna Boronat, Julian Mateus, Natalia Soldevila-Domenech, Mercè Guerra, Jose Rodríguez-Morató, Carlota Varon, Daniel Muñoz, Francina Barbosa, Juan Carlos Morales, Andrea Gaedigk, Klaus Langohr, Maria-Isabel Covas, Clara Pérez-Mañá, Montserrat Fitó, Rachel F. Tyndale, and Rafael de la Torre (Article)
Case 4: Vomiting and Tachypnea in a 9-week-old Girl., William R. Otto, Sarah Orr, and Jennifer W. Boyd (Article)
Characterization of Reference Materials for Genetic Testing of CYP2D6 Alleles: A GeT-RM Collaborative Project., Andrea Gaedigk, Amy Turner, Robin E. Everts, Stuart A. Scott, Praful Aggarwal, Ulrich Broeckel, Gwendolyn A. McMillin, Roberta Melis, Erin C. Boone, Victoria M. Pratt, and Lisa V. Kalman (Article)
Chronic stress exposure among young African American children with asthma: Racism is a factor., Bridgette Jones, Vincent S. Staggs, and Brianna Woods-Jaeger (Letter to the Editor)
COLA (Conferences On-Line Allergy) at 10 Years - Evolution of an Online Fellowship Curriculum., Paul J. Dowling, Rubin Kader, and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)
Compassion Fatigue in Pediatric Emergency Department Staff., Laura M. Nilan, Lina Patel, Mary E. Moffatt, Jennifer S. Linebarger, Ashley K. Sherman, and Kimberly A. Randell (Article)
Determining IDH-Mutational Status in Gliomas Using IDH1-R132H Antibody and Polymerase Chain Reaction., Dibson D. Gondim, Melissa Gener, Kendra L. Curless, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, Eyas M. Hattab, and Liang Cheng (Article)
e-Consults in Allergy and Immunology: "Why Am I Here?", Jay M. Portnoy, Alicia C. Brush, and Richard W. Honsinger (Editorial)
eHealth Interventions for Early Infant Diagnosis: Mothers' Satisfaction with the HIV Infant Tracking System in Kenya., Melinda Brown, Catherine Wexler, Brad Gautney, Kathy Goggin, Emily A. Hurley, Beryne Odeny, May Maloba, Raphael Lwembe, Matthew Sandbulte, and Sarah Finocchario-Kessler (Article)