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•Vitamin D deficiency has recently been posited as an important factor in the pathogenesis of restless leg syndrome.

•We evaluated the association between vitamin D deficiency and limb movements and sleep architecture in a pediatric sample.


•This is a retrospective analysis of a single institution sleep program looking at all patients who underwent overnight polysomnogram and 25-OH vitamin D within 60 days of doing the sleep study between January 2015 and October 2017. •Those with sleep apnea (Central Apnea Index >5/hr or Obstructive Apnea Hypopnea Index >2/ hr) were excluded. Results •There were a total of 83 children who qualified for inclusion. Mean age was 7.0 years (range 1–17 years). •Overall, higher Vitamin D level was significantly associated with increasing N3 sleep (r=0.267, p=0.015), but was not significantly associated with other sleep parameters including limb movements. •In multivariate regression modelling including Vitamin D and age, the association between vitamin D and N3 sleep percentage remained significant (B=0.212, SE=0.102, p=0.04). Conclusions •Overall, there is a weak positive correlation between vitamin D and N3 sleep, even independent of age. •In contrast, there was no association between any limb movement parameter and Vitamin D status. •Further investigation is needed to better define the role of Vitamin D in sleep physiology.

MeSH Keywords

Sleep; Polysomnography; Vitamin D; Nocturnal Myoclonus Syndrome; Restless Legs Syndrome; Child


Children; Sleep Architecture; Limb Movements


Pediatrics | Sleep Medicine


SLEEP 2018;41 (Suppl):A303

Abstract 0816

The Relationship Between Vitamin D Status, Limb Movements, and Sleep Architecture in Children
