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BACKGROUND: Children’s Mercy admits approximately 300 patients per year under 6 months of age who require cardiac surgery. Post-operative management of these infants is complex, necessitating soothing interventions to maintain infant reserves necessary for growth and development. Parents cannot always be available and staffing ratios do not always allow for immediate attention to soothe.
TEST ARTICLE: The SNOO Smart Sleeper responds to an infant’s cry with the proven elements of soothing through swaddling, motion, and noise while demonstrating safe infant sleep practices. The prior success of the SNOO in other fragile infant populations (e.g., those with neonatal abstinence syndrome) suggests the possibility for its use in the high-risk congenital heart disease population during the post-operative recovery phase.
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the willingness of staff and parents to use the SNOO for post-operative cardiac infants and evaluate the feasibility of collecting a participant’s timestamped data elements representing hemodynamic changes (e.g., heart rate, respiratory rate) and pain medication usage from the cardiorespiratory monitors and electronic medical record (EMR).
HYPOTHESIS: Staff and parents of cardiac infants will be willing to utilize the SNOO during post-operative recovery from cardiac surgery. Clinical data could be aligned with the SNOO sleep log to allow for future investigation of physiologic trends during SNOO usage.
RATIONALE: Post-operative cardiac infants can be difficult to manage on a medical/surgical floor where staffing ratios do not always allow staff to provide immediate soothing measures. The SNOO Smart Sleeper responds to an infant’s cries with movement and white noise, providing immediate soothing until a staff member can intervene.
PROCEDURES: Thirteen potential participants were approached to utilize the SNOO instead of a hospital crib throughout their stay on a medical/surgical unit. Processes to collect and link data elements from participant’s cardiorespiratory monitors and EMR with SNOO sleep logs were developed over a 14-month period.
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Lysaught, Shannon; Erickson, Lori; Marshall, Jennifer A.; and Feldman, Keith, "The Sssh’s: Snoo Smart Sleeper Use In Post-Operative Infants With Congenital Heart Disease" (2022). Research at Children's Mercy Month 2022. 8.