Presenter Status


Abstract Type


Primary Mentor

John M. Perry

Start Date

16-5-2024 11:30 AM

End Date

16-5-2024 1:30 PM

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation


While the cure rates for pediatric ALL have improved over the decades, infants with ALL (iALL) have not benefitted from these advances and continue to have a devastating prognosis. Unfortunately progress in treatment has also been slowed by inadequate research models. With this project, we address this unmet need by investigating a novel model to understand the cellular and molecular changes that occur during iALL onset and progression.


May 16th, 11:30 AM May 16th, 1:30 PM

A Genomics Driven Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Model of Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - Early Results

While the cure rates for pediatric ALL have improved over the decades, infants with ALL (iALL) have not benefitted from these advances and continue to have a devastating prognosis. Unfortunately progress in treatment has also been slowed by inadequate research models. With this project, we address this unmet need by investigating a novel model to understand the cellular and molecular changes that occur during iALL onset and progression.