
Works from 2019


The False-negative Phenotype., John Lantos (Article)


When Deeply Held Personal Beliefs Conflict with Collective Societal Norms., John Lantos (Article)


Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective, John Lantos, Sarosh Saleem, Fajar Raza, Janicke Syltern, Erwin J. Khoo, Arpana Iyengar, Priya Pais, Jagdish Chinnappa, Pablo Lezama-Del Valle, and Andre Kidszun (Article)


Affirming, Balanced, and Comprehensive Care for Transgender Teenagers., Scott F. Leibowitz and John Lantos (Response or Comment)


Failure to Provide Adequate Palliative Care May Be Medical Neglect., Carly Levy, Kristin S. Weeks, Rebecca J. Benson, Jonathan M. Miller, Jennifer Higgins, Stephanie Anne Deutsch, and John Lantos (Article)


When a Child Needs a Transplant but Lacks Familial Social Support, Hilary Mabel, Charlotte H. Harrison, Mahwish U. Ahmad, Elizabeth D. Blume, Gerard J. Boyle, Johan C. Bester, and John Lantos (Article)


Medical crowdfunding and the virtuous donor., Bryanna Moore (Article)


The Strange Tale of Three Identical Strangers: Cinematic Lessons in Bioethics., Bryanna Moore, Jeremy R. Garrett, Leslie Ann McNolty, and Maria Cristina Murano (Article)


When Parents Take Conflicts to Digital Media., Bryanna Moore and John Lantos (Article)


Anticipation, Accompaniment, and a Good Death in Perinatal Care., Bryanna S. Moore, Brian S. Carter, Bryan Beaven, Katie House, and Joel House (Article)


Ethical Considerations in Multiple Pregnancy: Preterm Delivery in the Setting of Discordant Fetal Anomaly., Thérèse Phillips, Bryanna Moore, Elske Posma, Lynn Gillam, Rocco Cuzzilla, and Stephen Cole (Article)


Disclosure of Misattributed Paternity., Moshe Y. Prero, Meghan Strenk, Jeremy R. Garrett, Ann Kessler, Jonathan M. Fanaroff, and John Lantos (Article)


Allowing Adolescents to Weigh Benefits and Burdens of High-stakes Therapies., Kriti Puri, Janet Malek, Caridad Maylin de la Uz, John Lantos, Antonio Gabriel Cabrera, and Ernest Frugé (Article)


Pediatric neurosurgeons' views regarding prenatal surgery for myelomeningocele and the management of hydrocephalus: a national survey., John S S. Riley, Ryan M. Antiel, Alan W. Flake, Mark P. Johnson, Natalie E. Rintoul, John Lantos, Michael D. Traynor, N Scott Adzick, Chris Feudtner, and Gregory G. Heuer (Article)


How to Conduct Clinical Trials in Children: A Tutorial., Valentina Shakhnovich, Christoph P. Hornik, Gregory L. Kearns, Jaylene Weigel, and Susan M. Abdel-Rahman (Article)


When Only Family Is Available to Interpret., Jessica Turnbull, Joshua Arenth, Kate Payne, John Lantos, and Joseph Fanning (Article)


When I say… moral distress as a teaching point., Reid A. Waldman, Steven D. Waldman, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


The Potential Benefits of Research May Justify Certain Research Risks., David Wendler, Robert M. Nelson, and John Lantos (Article)


Ethical and Policy Considerations for Genomic Testing in Pediatric Research: The Path Toward Disclosing Individual Research Results., Craig S. Wong, Amy J. Kogon, Bradley A. Warady, Susan L. Furth, John Lantos, and Benjamin S. Wilfond (Article)

Works from 2018


Please Test My Child for a Cancer Gene, but Don't Tell Her., Johan Bester, Maya Sabatello, Clara D M van Karnebeek, and John Lantos (Article)


Should Pediatric Euthanasia be Legalized?, Marije Brouwer, Christopher Kaczor, Margaret P. Battin, Els Maeckelberghe, John Lantos, and Eduard Verhagen (Article)


Why Are There So Few Ethics Consults in Children's Hospitals?, Brian S. Carter, Manuel Brockman, Jeremy R. Garrett, Angie Knackstedt, and John Lantos (Article)


Considering Whether the Dismissal of Vaccine-Refusing Families Is Fair to Other Clinicians., Michael J. Deem, Mark C. Navin, and John Lantos (Article)


Dismissal Policies for Vaccine Refusal-Reply., Michael J. Deem, Mark C. Navin, and John Lantos (Response or Comment)


Controversy About a High-Risk and Innovative Fetal Cardiac Intervention., Lindsay Atherton Edwards, Henri Justino, Shaine A. Morris, Katie and John, Jack Rychik, Chris Feudtner, and John Lantos (Article)


Fragile lives with fragile rights: Justice for babies born at the limit of viability., Manya J. Hendriks and John Lantos (Article)


When a Mother Changes Her Mind About a DNR., Jason Higginson, Kellie R. Lang, Hellen Ransom, Clint Parker, Matthew Ledoux, D Micah Hester, and John Lantos (Article)


Medical Marijuana for Minors May Be Considered Child Abuse., Larissa Hines, Jill Glick, Kristin Bilka, and John Lantos (Article)


Growth Hormone Therapy for a Child With Severe Cognitive Impairment., Vincent E. Horne, David E. Sandberg, Melissa Gardner, John Lantos, and David B. Allen (Article)


Considering Family Resources When Making Medical Recommendations., Arpana Iyengar, Sanjiv Lewin, and John Lantos (Article)


Sequencing Newborns: A Call for Nuanced Use of Genomic Technologies., Josephine Johnston, John Lantos, Aaron Goldenberg, Flavia Chen, Erik Parens, Barbara A. Koenig, and members of the NSIGHT Ethics and Policy Advisory Board (Article)


Should a Teenager Be Allowed to Leave the Hospital AMA to Attend His Father's Funeral?, Thomas Kania, Melissa Schafer, Amy E. Caruso Brown, Robert S. Olick, and John Lantos (Article)


Best Interest, Harm, God's Will, Parental Discretion, or Utility., John Lantos (Editorial)


Ethical Problems in Decision Making in the Neonatal ICU., John Lantos (Article)


Intractable Disagreements About Futility., John Lantos (Response or Comment)


Pediatricians and court appointed special advocates (CASA)., John Lantos (Response or Comment)


Tell Parents the Truth, but Tell It Slant., John Lantos (Article)


We Know Less Than We Think We Know About Perinatal Outcomes., John Lantos (Article)


What is the Purpose of Antenatal Counseling?, John Lantos (Editorial)


Do Sociocultural Factors Influence Periviability Counseling and Treatment More Than Science? Lessons From Scandinavia., John Lantos, Brian S. Carter, and Jeremy R. Garrett (Article)


Child Abuse, Incarceration, and Decisions About Life-sustaining Treatment., Paul C. Mann, Elliott Mark Weiss, Rebecca R. Seltzer, Rachel A B Dodge, Renee D. Boss, and John Lantos (Article)


Unilateral Withdrawal of Life-sustaining Therapy in a Severely Impaired Child., Kathryn E. Miller, Ryan D. Coleman, Leah Eisenberg, Joan Henriksen, John Lantos, and Elliott Mark Weiss (Article)


Fertility Preservation for a Transgender Teenager., Leena Nahata, Lisa T. Campo-Engelstein, Amy Tishelman, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, and John Lantos (Article)


When Parents Have Misunderstandings About the Risks and Benefits of Palliative Surgery., Berklee Robins, Adam Booser, and John Lantos (Article)


Pediatric Participation in Medical Decision Making: Optimized or Personalized?, Maya Sabatello, Annie Janiver, Eduard Verhagen, Wynne Morrison, and John Lantos (Editorial)


An Extravagant Gift From a Grateful Patient., Akshay Sharma, Liza-Marie Johnson, Amy Caruso Brown, Yoram Unguru, and John Lantos (Article)


When Residents Let Conscience Be Their Guide: Professional Development and Educational Opportunity., Catherine D. Shubkin, Jeremy R. Garrett, and John Lantos (Article)


Look to Scandinavia., Lars Ursin, Janicke Syltern, and John Lantos (Article)


Parents Refusing Dialysis for a 3-Month-Old With Renal Failure., Laurel K. Willig, Erin Paquette, D Micah Hester, Bradley A. Warady, and John Lantos (Article)


Should Foreigners Get Costly Lifesaving Treatments in the United States?, Shane R. Wo, Emily A. Largent, Jeffrey Brosco, Abby R. Rosenberg, Kenneth W. Goodman, and John Lantos (Article)

Works from 2017


Newborn Sequencing in Genomic Medicine and Public Health., Jonathan S. Berg, Pankaj B. Agrawal, Donald B. Bailey, Alan H. Beggs, Steven E. Brenner, Amy M. Brower, Julie A. Cakici, Ozge Ceyhan-Birsoy, Kee Chan, Flavia Chen, Robert J. Currier, Dmitry Dukhovny, Robert C. Green, Julie Harris-Wai, Ingrid A. Holm, Brenda Iglesias, Galen Joseph, Stephen F. Kingsmore, Barbara A. Koenig, Pui-Yan Kwok, John Lantos, J Steven Leeder, Megan A. Lewis, Amy L. McGuire, Laura V. Milko, Sean D. Mooney, Richard B. Parad, Stacey Pereira, Josh E. Petrikin, Bradford C. Powell, Cynthia M. Powell, Jennifer M. Puck, Heidi L. Rehm, Neil Risch, Myra Roche, Joseph T. Shieh, Narayanan Veeraraghavan, Michael S. Watson, Laurel K. Willig, Timothy W. Yu, Tiina Urv, and Anastasia L. Wise (Article)


How Are Neonatology Fellows Trained for Antenatal Periviability Counseling?, Dalia M. Feltman, David D. Williams, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


Neonatologists' opinions about the 'foreseeable risks' in comparative effectiveness research: Results from an online survey., D M. Feltman and John Lantos (Article)


Ethical Concerns When Minors Act as Standardized Patients., Erwin Jiayuan Khoo, Robert Schremmer, Douglas S. Diekema, and John Lantos (Article)


The regulation of clinical research: What's love got to do with it?, John Lantos (Article)


Ethics Rounds: Death After Pediatric Dental Anesthesia: An Avoidable Tragedy?, Helen Lee, Peter Milgrom, Colleen E. Huebner, Philip Weinstein, Wylie Burke, Erika Blacksher, and John Lantos (Article)


Surrogate Pregnancy After Prenatal Diagnosis of Spina Bifida., Lynnette J. Mazur, Mary Kay Kisthardt, Helen H. Kim, Laura M. Rosas, and John Lantos (Article)

Works from 2016


Considering Decision-Making and Sexuality in Menstrual Suppression of Teens and Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities., Kruti Acharya and John D. Lantos (Article)


Should pediatric practices have policies to not care for children with vaccine-hesitant parents?, Kenneth Alexander, Tomas A. Lacy, Angela L. Myers, and John D. Lantos (Article)


Should Neonatologists Give Opinions Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment?, J S. Blumenthal-Barby, Laura Loftis, Christy L. Cummings, William Meadow, Monica Lemmon, Peter A. Ubel, Laurence McCullough, Emily Rao, and John Lantos (Article)


More than medication: perinatal palliative care., Brian S. Carter (Editorial)


Why Palliative Care for Children is Preferable to Euthanasia., Brian S. Carter (Article)


Please Do Whatever It Takes to End Our Daughter's Suffering!, Stéphan Clément de Cléty, Marie Friedel, A A Eduard Verhagen, John D. Lantos, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


Medical Therapy for Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors in a Teen With Autism Spectrum Disorder., Loyal Coshway, Julia Broussard, Kruti Acharya, Karen Fried, Michael E. Msall, John Lantos, and Leena Nahata (Article)


Difficult Discharge in Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Causing Moral Distress., Michael Green, Brian S. Carter, and Andrew Lasky (Article)


Tough Decisions for Premature Triplets., Ashley Hurst, Scott and Emily (parents), Brooke D. Vergales, Alix Paget-Brown, Mark Mercurio, and John Lantos (Article)


Parental Refusal of Surgery in an Infant With Tricuspid Atresia., Alexander A. Kon, Angira Patel, Steven Leuthner, and John Lantos (Article)


One Exemption Too Many: The Case for Mandated CCHD Screening., John Lantos, Julie Caciki, and Jeremy R. Garrett (Editorial)


Introduction to Bioethics Special Supplement V: Ethical Issues in Genomic Testing of Children., John D. Lantos (Article)

Works from 2012


Equipoise, ethics, and the necessity of randomized trials in surgery., Obinna O. Adibe and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Why we should eliminate personal belief exemptions to vaccine mandates., John Lantos, Mary Anne Jackson, and Christopher J. Harrison (Article)

Works from 2011


Ethical considerations associated with clinical use of next-generation sequencing in children., John Lantos, Michael Artman, and Stephen F. Kingsmore (Article)

Works from 2010


Controversies in Vaccine Mandates, John D. Lantos, Mary Anne Jackson, Douglas J. Opel, Edgar K. Marcuse, Angela L. Myers, and Beverly L. Connelly (Article)