
Works from 2022


Improving fluid management of extreme premature infants by providing a restrictive fluid management algorithm in the ICN, Jacob S. Ward, Dena Hubbard, and Nicholas Clark (Poster)


Malignancy masquerading as steroid resistant hypereosinophilic syndrome, Sonya Parashar and Aarti Pandya (Poster)


MicroRNA Content of Ewing Sarcoma Derived Extracellular Vesicles Leads to Biomarker Potential and Identification of a Previously Undocumented EWS-FLI1 Translocation., Jennifer Crow, Glenson Samuel, Emily G. Farrow, Margaret Gibson, Jeffrey J. Johnston, Erin M. Guest, Neil Miller, Dong Pei, Devin Koestler, Harsh Pathak, Xiaobo Liang, Cooper Mangels, and Andrew K. Godwin (Article)


Gender diversity in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome., Cintya Schweisberger, Laurie L. Hornberger, Romina Barral, Charles Burke, Emily Paprocki, Ashley K. Sherman, Heidi Vanden Brink, and Tania S. Burgert (Article)


Alterations in the Metabolic Comorbidities of Youth with Overweight and Obesity during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Safa Farrukh, Erica Wee, Ashley Sherman, and Yun Yan (Poster)


Endoscopic Removal of Safety Pin from Appendiceal Orifice, Alex Biller, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez, Jeremy Stewart, and Ruba A. Abdelhadi (Poster)


Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography Using A Colonoscope In A Pediatric Liver Transplant Patient With Roux-en-y Biliary Anastomosis, Nadia Ibrahimi, Thomas M. Attard, Ryan T. Fischer, Voytek Slowik, Richard J. Hendrickson, Bhargava Mullapudi, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez, and Syed Jafri (Poster)


Evaluation of a fluid resuscitation protocol for patients with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis., James Fraser, Obiyo O. Osuchukwu, Kayla B. Briggs, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Jason D. Fraser, Charles L. Snyder, Richard J. Hendrickson, Shawn D. St Peter, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Article)


Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm In An 18-year-old With Recurrent Pancreatitis, Nadia Ibrahimi, Thomas M. Attard, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez, Karie Robinson, and Syed Jafri (Poster)


Inverted Appendix Presenting As Abdominal Pain And Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez and Thomas M. Attard (Poster)


Is More Documentation Better for Adverse Drug Reactions?, Sonya Parashar and Jay M. Portnoy (Editorial)


Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: A Single Institution Protocol Analysis, Shai Stewart MD, James A. Fraser, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Jason D. Fraser, Charles L. Snyder, Richard J. Hendrickson, Tolulope A. Oyetunji, and Shawn D. St.Peter (Poster)


Novel Oncogenic PDGFRB Variant in Severe Infantile Myofibromatosis With Response to Imatinib Using Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Abbey Elsbernd, Boutaina Boulouadnine, Atif Ahmed, Midhat S. Farooqi, Tracy L. Sandritter, Valentina Shakhnovich, Darius Blanding, Jean-Baptiste Demoulin, and Joel Thompson (Article)


Pediatric burn review., Shai Stewart MD, David Juang, and Pablo Aguayo (Article)


Recent advances in the ontogeny of drug disposition., Brian D. Chapron, Alenka Chapron, and J Steven Leeder (Article)


Repeat Tracheal Aspirates in Pediatric Intensive Care Patients: Frequency, Resistance and Antimicrobial Use, Edward Lyon, Jennifer Goldman, Brian Lee, Margaret Campbell, Rangaraj Selvarangan, and Elizabeth Monsees (Poster)


Single institution review of Mini-ACE® low-profile appendicostomy button for antegrade continence enema administration., Joseph Lopez, Wendy J. Svetanoff, Nicholas Bruns, Wendy E. Lewis, Christine N. Warner, James Fraser, Kayla B. Briggs, Alonso Carrasco, John Gatti, John Rosen, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Stewardship Opportunities for Cervical Lymphadenitis and Deep Neck Space Infections, Aaron Shaw, Brian R. Lee, Lauren Kazmaier, Emily Baker, Tina Dao, Sandra Arnold, and Angela Myers (Poster)


Two Siblings With Microvillous Inclusion Disease, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez, Brandi Weller, Meike Orlick, and William San Pablo (Poster)


Umbilical access in laparoscopic surgery in infants less than 3 months: A single institution retrospective review., James Fraser, Kayla B. Briggs, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Jason D. Fraser, Charles L. Snyder, Richard J. Hendrickson, Shawn D. St Peter, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Article)


A 9-year-old girl with white urine., Katherine Kurzinski and Darcy K. Weidemann (Article)


A rare cause of oligoanuric kidney failure - a diagnosis not to miss: Answers., Benjamin Spector and Judith Sebestyen VanSickle (Article)


A rare cause of oligoanuric kidney failure - a diagnosis not to miss: Questions., Benjamin Spector and Judith Sebestyen VanSickle (Article)


Clinical Validation of Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 in a Laboratory Utilizing Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies., Lisa A. Lansdon, Maxime Cadieux-Dion, John Herriges, Jeffrey J. Johnston, Byunggil Yoo, Joseph Alaimo, Isabelle Thiffault, Neil Miller, Ana S A Cohen, Elena Repnikova, Lei Zhang, Midhat S. Farooqi, Emily G. Farrow, and Carol J. Saunders (Article)


Common and Consequential Fractures That Should Not Be Missed in Children., Caroline Tougas and Olubusola Brimmo (Article)


Impact of Remote Monitoring During the Interstage Period on Outcomes in Single Ventricle Patients Across Socioeconomic Groups, Bianca Cherestal, Lori Erickson, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell, Girish S. Shirali, Hayley S. Hancock, Doaa Aly, and Natalie Jayaram (Poster)


Laparoscopic Gastrostomy in Infants During an Open Abdominal Procedure: A Novel Approach., Shai Stewart MD, Kayla B. Briggs, James Fraser, Charlene Dekonenko, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Richard J. Hendrickson, Charles L. Snyder, Shawn D. St Peter, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Jason D. Fraser (Article)


Mental Health Care Following Firearm and Motor Vehicle-related Injuries: Differences Impacting Our Treatment Strategies., Peter F. Ehrlich, Christian D. Pulcini, Heidi G. De Souza, Matt Hall, Annie Andrews, Bonnie T. Zima, Joel A. Fein, Sofia Chaudhary, Jennifer A. Hoffmann, Eric W. Fleegler, Kristyn N. Jeffries, Monika K. Goyal, Stephen W. Hargarten, and Elizabeth R. Alpern (Article)


Safety, Timing, and Outcomes of Early Postoperative Cardiac Catheterization Following Congenital Heart Surgery, Karoline Krzywda, Jeremy Affolter, Darcie Al-Hassan, William Gibson, Ryan Romans, and Kelly S. Tieves (Poster)


COVID-19 in a mosaic trisomy 13 patient with polycystic kidney disease., Natalie K. Ost, Heather M. Minchew, Andrew Garcia, and Hammad A. Ganatra (Article)


Impact and interactions between risk factors on the iron status of at-risk neonates., Christine E. Brichta, Jennie Godwin, Sally Norlin, and Pamela J. Kling (Article)


Important Advances in Pediatric Injury Prevention., Kathy Monroe, Cassi Smola, Erinn Schmit, Kristyn Jeffries, Allison Reid Burks, and Michele Nichols (Article)


Phenotypic expansion and variable expressivity in individuals with JARID2-related intellectual disability: A case series., Maxime Cadieux-Dion, Emily G. Farrow, Isabelle Thiffault, Ana S A Cohen, Holly Welsh, Lauren E. Bartik, Caitlin Schwager, Kendra Engleman, Dihong Zhou, Lei Zhang, Elena Repnikova, Shivarajan Manickavasagam Amudhavalli, and Carol J. Saunders (Article)


Steven Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Management in the Pediatric Population: The Surgeon’s Perspective, Shai Stewart MD, James Fraser, Ladonna Kearse, and Pablo Aguayo (Presentation)


Therapeutic plasma exchange for multiorgan dysfunction among critically ill pediatric patients with leukemia: A single-institutional experience., Sarah E. Mc Dermott, Chandni Dargan, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Lejla Music Aplenc, Terrie Flatt, and Nazia Iqbal (Article)


Get SMART: Implementation of Updated Asthma Guidelines for Pediatric Hospitalists, Alexander Hogan, Kathryn Kyler, and Claire Seguin (Presentation)


Heart Rate Variability Can Detect Blunt Traumatic Brain Injury Within the First Hour., Min Zhu, Elizabeth E. Blears, Claire B. Cummins, Jordan Wolf, Omar A. Nunez Lopez, Fredrick J. Bohanon, George C. Kramer, and Ravi S. Radhakrishnan (Article)


Characterization of the Mucosally-Adherent Duodenal Microbiome in Children with and without Crohn's Disease., Kenneth Schmidt, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Carrie Vyhlidal, Daniel P. Heruth, Vivekanand Singh, Atif A. Ahmed, Taina Hudson, Veronica Williams, and Valentina Shakhnovich (Article)


Demographics of children with feeding difficulties from a large electronic health record database., Sarah T. Edwards, Earl F. Glynn, Michael Slogic, Ann M. Davis, Haley J. Killian, Jose Cocjin, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)


Differences Between Viral Meningitis and Abusive Head Trauma., Danielle Horton, Tanya Burrell, Mary Moffatt, Henry T. Puls, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Lyndsey Hultman, and James Anderst (Article)


Financial Outcomes by Severity Across Children's Hospitals, Jonathan Hartley, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, David C. Synhorst, Jessica L. Markham, and James Gay (Presentation)


Pediatric subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy., Sonya Parashar, Aarti Pandya, and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)


Twenty-year comparison of delabeling pediatric patients with penicillin allergy with and without prior skin testing., Mary Nguyen, Sonya Parashar, Brian R. Lee, Paul Dowling, and Salman Aljubran (Article)


Considering metformin as a second-line treatment for children and adolescents with prediabetes., Chelsea M Hosey, Kelsee Halpin, and Yun Yan (Article)


Congenital Co-infections Among HIV-Exposed Infants Born to Mothers on Antiretroviral Treatment in the United States., Christiana Smith, Lori Silveira, Megan Crotteau, Krystle Garth, Jennifer Canniff, Kirk B. Fetters, Sarah Lazarus, Shannon Capraro, Adriana Weinberg, and CHIP Perinatal Team (Article)


Pharmacometabolomics Profiling of Preterm Infants Validates Patterns of Metabolism Associated With Response to Dexamethasone Treatment for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia., Bradley Stockard, Cheri Gauldin, William E. Truog, and Tamorah Lewis (Article)


A left-sided veno-venous bridge., Amulya Buddhavarapu, Robert H. Anderson, Girish S. Shirali, William Gibson, and Sanket Shah (Article)


Hemoglobin A1c Increase in Youth at Risk for Developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Erica Wee, Ashley Sherman, Mark A. Clements, Kelsee Halpin, and Yun Yan (Poster)


Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia and Growth Hormone Deficiency secondary to 20p11 deletion, Erica Wee, Kavitha Dileepan, Sarah Tsai, and Emily Paprocki (Poster)


Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for pediatric ovarian dermoids., Maria E. Knaus, Amanda J. Onwuka, Amin Afrazi, Lesley Breech, Kristine S. Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Peter F. Ehrlich, Mary E. Fallat, Jason D. Fraser, Samir K. Gadepalli, Julia E. Grabowski, S Paige Hertweck, Rashmi Kabre, Dave R. Lal, Matthew P. Landman, Amy E. Lawrence, Charles M. Leys, Grace Z. Mak, Troy A. Markel, Naila Merchant, R Elliott Overman, Brooks L. Rademacher, Manish T. Raiji, Beth Rymeski, Thomas T. Sato, Madeline Scannell, Allegra G. Schikler, Joseph A. Sujka, Tiffany Wright, Jennifer H. Aldrink, Geri D. Hewitt, Peter C. Minneci, Katherine J. Deans, and Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium (Article)


Management of Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis-How different are practice strategies? An international pediatric endosurgery group (IPEG) survey., Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Joseph Lopez, Kayla B. Briggs, James Fraser, Jason D. Fraser, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, Shawn D. St Peter, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Myocardial work by strain echocardiography: a predictor of exercise capacity in the Fontan population, Amulya Buddhavarapu, Suma Goudar, David A. White, Daniel Forsha, and Doaa Aly (Poster)


Short and long term outcomes of using cryoablation for postoperative pain control in patients after pectus excavatum repair., James Fraser, Kayla B. Briggs, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Jason D. Fraser, Charles L. Snyder, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Use of CGM in Monitoring Neonatal Diabetes, Emily Metzinger and Kelsee Halpin (Poster)


Weight Status, Medication Use, and Recreational Activities of Treatment-Naïve Transgender Youth., Mirae J. Fornander, Timothy A. Roberts, Anna Egan, and Christine Moser (Article)


The Burden of Mental Health Conditions in Children With CKD., Katherine L. Kurzinski and Darcy K. Weidemann (Editorial)


Angiopoietin-1 protects against endotoxin-induced neonatal lung injury and alveolar simplification in mice., Umar Salimi, Heather Menden, Sherry M. Mabry, Sheng Xia, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)


A Rare Case of Suspected Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy (GACI) in An Infant Presenting with Respiratory Failure in An Infant Presenting with Respiratory Failure and Arterial Calcification, Lilah Melzer, Catharine Kral, Bonnie Sullivan, Eric T. Rush, and Erin Khan (Poster)


Case presentation: Pulpal Obliteration in Primary Dentition of an 8-year-old, Differential Diagnosis Dental Dysplasia Type II., Tara Craven, Amy Burleson, Brenda S. Bohaty, Jenna Sparks, Neena Patel, and Aparna Naidu (Poster)


Characteristics of High-Acuity Patient Transfers to the PICU for Status Asthmaticus, Lilah Melzer, Marc Sycip, and Jade B. Tam-Williams (Poster)


CVST As A Rare Complication of Acute Pediatric COVID-19, Erin Bolen, Jonathan Ermer, and Mukta Sharma (Poster)


Feeding And Swallowing Disorders In Children With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Jana Ghulmiyyah, Meghan Tracy, and Jill M. Arganbright


Improvement in Follow-up Communication for Resident-Identified Patient Safety and Hospital Process Issues, Ross Newman, Angela Etzenhouser, Emily Killough, Danielle Reed, Allison Adam, Michelle Brown, Kelly Meyer, Denise Bratcher, and Nicholas Clark (Poster)


Memory T Cell Populations in Human Leukemia, Sara McElroy, Fang Tao, John Szarejko, and John M. Perry (Poster)


Natural killer cells in liver transplantation: Can we harness the power of the immune checkpoint to promote tolerance?, Jennifer Halma, Stephen Pierce, Rebecca McLennan, Todd Bradley, and Ryan T. Fischer (Article)


Oligodontia, Mandibular Hypoplasia and Microglossia in Pediatric Patients: Review of the Literature and Report of a Case, Gage Williams, Robin Onikul, Jenna Sparks, Neena Patel, Amy Burleson, and Brenda S. Bohaty (Poster)


Recurrent Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Masquerading as a Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation in a Young Female, Chandra Swanson, Justin Sobrino, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Erin Khan (Poster)


Sedation Services Offered at Pediatric Dental Offices in the United States as Reported on Publicly Available Practice Websites, Stefanie Curtis, Jane Witt, Brenda S. Bohaty, Robin Onikul, Amy Burleson, Jenna Sparks, and Neena Patel (Poster)


T Cell Populations And Response To Chemotherapy In Human Leukemia, Sara McElroy, Fang Tao, John Szarejko, and John M. Perry


The effect of coronavirus disease 2019 on asthma visits., Sean Stout, Helen Murphy, Aarti Pandya, Hung-Wen Yeh, and Jay M. Portnoy (Letter to the Editor)


The Relationship Between Neonatal Surgery, Postpartum Depression, and Infant Clinical Course., Laura E. Newton, Clara Hageman, Christina Zhou, Holly Roberts, Robert A. Cusick, and Howard Needelman (Article)


Treatment of Recurrent Wilms Tumor with Irinotecan/Temozolomide, Meagan Vacek and Terrie Flatt (Poster)

Unanticipated PICU Transfers Of Patients Admitted From The Pediatric ED, Allison Adam, Vivek Dubey, Jonathan Rodean, Lisa Carney, Stephen Pfeiffer, Kelli L. Behr, and Shobhit Jain


Wilms Tumor (WT) presenting with spontaneous necrosis and Clostridium perfringens co-infection, Ronald Palmen, Abbey Elsbernd, Kristin Palmen, and Kathyrn Kyler (Poster)


PrEP patient attitudes, beliefs and perceived barriers surrounding HPV vaccination: a qualitative study of semistructured interviews with PrEP patients in primary care clinics in Kansas and Missouri., Zoe C Sullivan-Blum, Margaret Brophy, Ryan Didde, Radha Nagireddy, Hannah Swagerty, Sumiko Weir, Kevin J. Sykes, Craig Dietz, Marcus Alt, Megha Ramaswamy, and Paul Rotert (Article)


17-year-old ballet dancer with 4 years of right upper extremity pain, Mariah Sisson and Brian S. Harvey (Poster)


A rare cause of elbow pain with a controversial name, Thomas Munro and Brian Harvey (Poster)


Assessing and Addressing Barriers to Fertility Preservation in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients at Risk for Infertility, Emily Burnett, Tennille Hilyard, and Julie Strickland (Presentation)


Caregiver Mental Health Screening in a Pediatric Feeding Clinic, Dana Bakula, Laura Slosky, Kelsey Dean, Ann M. Davis, and Sarah T. Edwards (Poster)


CYP2C8, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Characterization Using Next-Generation Sequencing and Haplotype Analysis: A GeT-RM Collaborative Project., Andrea Gaedigk, Erin C. Boone, Steven E. Scherer, Seung-Been Lee, Ibrahim Numanagić, Cenk Sahinalp, Joshua D. Smith, Sean McGee, Aparna Radhakrishnan, Xiang Qin, Wendy Y. Wang, Emily G. Farrow, Nina Gonzaludo, Aaron L. Halpern, Deborah A. Nickerson, Neil A. Miller, Victoria M. Pratt, and Lisa V. Kalman (Article)


Demographics in Children Presenting With Acute Neurologic Deficits Concerning for Stroke: An Evaluation of the Stroke Alert Process., Tiffany Barkley, Roha Khalid, Mukta Sharma, Ashley K. Sherman, and Jennifer Flint (Article)


Does Use of a Feeding Protocol Change Outcomes in Gastroschisis? A Report from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium., Charlene Dekonenko, Jason D. Fraser, Katherine Deans, Mary E. Fallat, Michael Helmrath, Rashmi Kabre, Charles M. Leys, R Cartland Burns, Kristine Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Cynthia Downard, Tiffany N. Wright, Samir K. Gadepalli, Julia Grabowski, Edward Hernandez, Ronald Hirschl, Kevin N. Johnson, Jonathan Kohler, Matthew P. Landman, Rachel M. Landisch, Amy E. Lawrence, Grace Z. Mak, Peter Minneci, Beth Rymeski, Thomas T. Sato, Bethany J. Slater, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Examining Diagnostic Variability Among Pediatric Subspecialists in Case Examples of Infant Head Injury, Angela Doswell, Emily Killough, James Anderst, Timothy Zinkus, and Ashley Sherman (Presentation)


Financial Implications of Short Stay Pediatric Hospitalizations., David C. Synhorst, Matt Hall, Michelle L. Macy, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jessica L. Markham, Samir S. Shah, Anthony Moretti, Mehul V. Raval, Yao Tian, Heidi Russell, Jonathan Hartley, Rustin Morse, and James C. Gay (Article)


Financial Outcomes by Severity Across Children's Hospitals, Jonathan Hartley, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, James Gay, David C. Synhorst, and Jessica L. Markham (Presentation)


Healthcare Needs and Experiences of Detained Youth, April McNeill-Johnson, Zuri Hudson, Brittany Moore, Dumebi Okocha, Megha Ramaswamy, and Kimberly A Randell (Poster)


Heart Rate Recovery Following Exercise Testing in Pediatric Patients with Acyanotic Repaired Congenital Heart Disease., Natalie S. Shwaish, Lindsey Malloy-Walton, Keith Feldman, Kelli M. Teson, Jessica S. Watson, Hung-Wen Yeh, and David A. White (Article)


Identifying Predictive Factors for Patients Transferred From Floor to PICU within 24 hours of Admission by a Pediatric Critical Care Transport Team, Gina Patel, Lisa Carney, Brian S. Olsen, and Jennifer Flint (Poster)


Improving Antibiotic Durations for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Pediatric Urgent Care Clinics, Megan Hamner, Amanda Nedved, Holly Austin, Donna Wyly, Alaina N. Burns, Brian Lee, and Rana El Feghaly (Presentation)


Missed Opportunities and the Impact of the Pandemic., Thusa Sabapathy, Riya Bansal, Lauren Bojorquez, Brenda Salley, Julie Grace Gianakon, Rose N. Gelineau-Morel, and Sarah S. Nyp (Article)


Opioid reduction and elimination in pediatric surgical patients., Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Nathaniel Aviles, Elizabeth Edmundson, Daniel Millspaugh, and Jason D. Fraser (Article)


Outpatient Emergency Preparedness, Mary Haywood (Presentation)


Parental Teach Back in the ED setting for Non-English Speaking Families, Rohan Akhouri (Presentation)


Patient Attitudes, Perceptions, Knowledge, and Beliefs Regarding Immigration Status in the Healthcare Setting, Anik Patel (Presentation)


Pediatric growth patterns in youth-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus: Implications for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models., Chelsea M. Hosey, Kelsee Halpin, Valentina Shakhnovich, Chengpeng Bi, Brooke Sweeney, Yun Yan, and J Steven Leeder (Article)


Potassium Status in Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease: A Preliminary Report from the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study, Katherine L. Kurzinski, Yunwen Xu, Derek NG, Susan Furth, George Schwartz, and Bradley A. Warady (Poster)


Rare variants in renal developmental genes and the risk of hypertension and CKD: a UK Biobank study, Benjamin Spector, Byunggil Yoo, Neil Miller, and Laurel K. Willig (Poster)


Rates of Physical Abuse Screening and Detection in Infants with Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs), Angela Doswell, James Anderst, Joel Tieder, and Henry T. Puls (Poster)


Rates of Physical Abuse Screening and Detection in Infants with Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs), Angela Doswell, James Anderst, Joel Tieder, Henry T. Puls, and BRUE Research and Quality Improvement Network (Presentation)


Self-Reported Sexual Behavior in A Pediatric Gender Clinic Sample, Mirae J. Fornander, Anna Egan, and Christine Moser (Poster)