Works from 2018
Enteric duplication in children., Joseph A Sujka, Justin Sobrino, Leo A. Benedict, Hanna Alemayehu, Shawn D. St Peter, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
Genetic predisposition to necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants: Current knowledge, challenges, and future directions., Alain Cuna, Lovya George, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)
Same-Day Discharge for Nonperforated Appendicitis in Children: An Updated Institutional Protocol., Leo Andrew Benedict, Joseph Sujka, Justin Sobrino, Pablo Aguayo, Shawn D. St Peter, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji (Article)
A safe and efficacious preventive strategy in the high-risk surgical neonate: cycled total parenteral nutrition., Joseph A. Sujka, Katrina L. Weaver, Joel D. Lim, Katherine W. Gonzalez, Deborah J. Biondo, David Juang, Pablo Aguayo, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
Percutaneous transhepatic cholecysto-cholangiography (PTCC): An alternative to intraoperative cholangiography in high risk infants suspect for biliary atresia, Joseph Sujka, Katrina L. Weaver, Ashwini S. Poola, Douglas C. Rivard, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
The Laparoscopic Versus Open Approach for Reduction of Intussusception in Infants and Children: An Updated Institutional Experience., Leo Andrew Benedict, Derrick Ha, Joseph Sujka, Justin A. Sobrino, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, Shawn D. St Peter, and Jason D. Fraser (Article)
Developmental Intervention Patters in a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Grace Winningham, Cy Nadler, Sarah Nyp, Eugenia K. Pallotto, and Ashley Sherman (Poster)
Adherence With Multiple National Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations in a Large Pediatric Center Electronic Health Record and Reduced Risk of Obesity., Robin P. Shook, Kelsee Halpin, Jordan A. Carlson, Ann Davis, Kelsey Dean, Amy Papa, Ashley K. Sherman, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Shelly Summar, Gary Krueger, Deborah Markenson, and Sarah Hampl (Article)
Developmental intervention patterns in a level IV neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Grace Winningham, Cy Nadler, Sarah Nyp, Eugenia K. Pallotto, and Ashley Sherman (Poster)
Magnet foreign body ingestion: rare occurrence but big consequences., Richard Sola, Eric H. Rosenfeld, Yangyang R Yu, Shawn D. St Peter, Sohail R. Shah, and Y R. Yu (Article)
Social Work Triage in a School District for the School Year 2017-2018, Libby Milkovich, Briana A. Woods-Jaeger, and Allison Zoromski PhD (Poster)
Case 1: Hemoptysis in a Healthy 13-year-old Boy., Grace Winningham and Wendy Estrellado-Cruz (Article)
Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis., Laura C. McCarthy, Karen S. Fernandez, and Reuben Antony (Article)
Letter to the Editor concerning: "Results of pectus excavatum correction using a minimally invasive approach with subxyphoid incision and three-point fixation"., Joseph Sujka, Shawn D. St Peter, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Response or Comment)
Potential Value of YAP Staining in Rhabdomyosarcoma., Atif Ahmed, Sahibu Sultan M Habeebu, Ashley K. Sherman, Shui Q. Ye, Nicole Wood, Katherine M. Chastain, and Maria G. Tsokos (Article)
The Role of a Single Dose of Vancomycin in Reducing Clinical Sepsis in Premature Infants Prior to Removal of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: A Retrospective Study., Vidit Bhargava, Lovya George MD, Michael Malloy, and Rafael Fonseca (Article)
Does muscle biopsy change the treatment of pediatric muscular disease?, Joseph A. Sujka, Nhatrang Le, Justin Sobrino, Leo A Benedict, Rebecca M. Rentea, Hanna Alemayehu, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Improving Guideline-Based Streptococcal Pharyngitis Testing: A Quality Improvement Initiative., Laura E. Norton, Brian R. Lee, Lory Harte, Keith Mann, Jason G. Newland, R Alan Grimes, and Angela Myers (Article)
Frequent erythrophagocytosis by leukemic blasts in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Oluwaseun O. Olaiya and Weijie Li (Article)
Benchmarking rectal cancer care: institutional compliance with a longitudinal checklist., William C. Chapman, Pamela Choi, Alexander T. Hawkins, Steven R. Hunt, Matthew L. Silviera, Paul E. Wise, Matthew G. Mutch, and Sean C. Glasgow (Article)
Early childhood onset of high-grade atrioventricular block in Hunter syndrome., Meghan M. Chlebowski, Bryce A. Heese, and Lindsey Malloy-Walton (Article)
Patterns of use of non-ambulatory care services in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, July K. Jean Cuevas, Hongying Dai, and Suman Sahil (Presentation)
Post-ligation cardiac syndrome is associated with increased morbidity in preterm infants., Timothy JB Ulrich, Taylor P. Hansen, Kimberly J J. Reid, Michael A. Bingler, and Steven L. Olsen (Article)
Problematic Child Mealtime Behavior and Caregiver Mobile Phone Use, Libby Milkovich, Meredith Dreyer, Brooke Sweeney, Sarah Nyp, and Benjamin Black (Presentation)
Subclinical Rhythmic EEG Discharge of Adult (SREDA) in a Child With Generalized Epilepsy and Literature Review of SREDA in Children., Marcie Goeden and Lalit R. Bansal (Article)
A Pilot Study of Viscoelastic Monitoring in Pediatric Trauma: Outcomes and Lessons Learned., Bola Aladegbami, Pamela M. Choi, Martin S. Keller, and Adam M. Vogel (Article)
Are Foley catheters needed after minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum?, Tyler C. Friske, Richard Sola, Yangyang R. Yu, Abdur R. Jamal, Eric Rosenfeld, Huirong Zhu, Mark V. Mazziotti, Shawn D. St Peter, and Sohail R. Shah (Article)
Pediatric Iatrogenic Movement Disorders., Deepti Nagesh, Marcie Goeden, and Keith A. Coffman (Article)
Employing a results-based algorithm to reduce laboratory utilization in ACTH stimulation testing., Ryan J. McDonough, Patria Alba, Kavitha Dileepan, and Joseph Cernich (Article)
Current Concepts in the Evaluation and Management of Bronchiolitis, Kathyrn Kyler and Russell J. McCulloh (Article)
Maturation of effect size during enrollment of prospective randomized trials., Ashwini S. Poola, Tolulope A. Oyetunji, G W. Holcomb III, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Role of intestinal Hsp70 in barrier maintenance: contribution of milk to the induction of Hsp70.2., Rebecca M. Rentea, Yuee Guo, Xiaorong Zhu, Mark W Musch, Eugene B Chang, David M Gourlay, and Jennifer L Liedel (Article)
Utility of arterial stiffness assessment in children., Chaitanya Panchangam, Eric Dean Merrill, and Geetha Raghuveer (Article)
Variability in outcomes after gastroschisis closure across U.S. children's hospitals., Dani O. Gonzalez, Jennifer N. Cooper, Shawn D. St Peter, Peter C. Minneci, and Katherine J. Deans (Article)
Adequate Pain Management and Sedation in the Neonate: a Fine Balance, Lauren Cummings, Tamorah R. Lewis MD PhD, and Brian S. Carter (Article)
A Single-Center Experience with Dynamic Compression Bracing for Children with Pectus Carinatum., Ashwini Suresh Poola, Amy L. Pierce, Beth A. Orrick, Shawn David St. Peter, Charles L. Snyder, David Juang, Pablo Aguayo, Jason D. Fraser, and George W. Holcomb III (Article)
Interventricular Septal Pseudoaneurysm After Blunt Chest Trauma in a 6 Year Old: An Illustrative Case and Review., Natalie Behrle, Peter Dyke, and Abdallah Dalabih (Article)
The Pipeline From Abstract Presentation to Publication in Pediatric Hospital Medicine., Lisa E. Herrmann, Matthew Hall, Kathyrn Kyler, Joseph Cochran, Annie L. Andrews, Derek J. Williams, Karen M. Wilson, Samir S. Shah, and Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network (Article)
Cabot rings and marked anisopoikilocytosis in Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome., Derrick L. Goubeaux and Weijie Li (Article)
Current Approaches and New Developments in the Pharmacological Management of Tourette Syndrome., Julio Quezada and Keith A. Coffman (Article)
Fever of Unknown Origin, Laura Norton and Mary Anne Jackson (Book Chapter)
Implementation of Bedside Huddle to Improve Communication When Coordinating Care for PICU Patients with Newly Diagnosed Anterior Mediastinal Masses, Laura McCarthy, Pam Nicklaus, Paul Sheeran, Tara Benton, Jenna Miller, Douglas C. Rivard, Melissa Gener, Susan Whitney, and Keith August (Poster)
Medication Timeliness in Emergency Department in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease Population Presenting with Vaso-Occlusive Episode, Derrick Goubeaux, Kaitlyn Hoch, Gerald Woods, Julie Routhieaux, Maureen Guignon, and Valerie McDougall Kestner (Poster)
Pertussis, Joel Waddell and Russell J McCulloh (Book Chapter)
Problematic Child Mealtime Behavior and Caregiver Mobile Phone Use, Libby Milkovich, Meredith Dreyer, Brooke Sweeney, Sarah Nyp, and Ben Black (Poster)
Sawubona from Swaziland! - A Global Health View of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Swaziland, Abby Hardin (Poster)
The impact of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist mode on respiratory severity score and energy expenditure in infants: a randomized crossover trial., J L. Rosterman, Eugenia K. Pallotto, William E Truog, Hugo Escobar, Kerrie A. Meinert, Anne Holmes, H Dai, and Winston M. Manimtim (Article)
Works from 2017
The role of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate in prevention of penile adhesions after circumcision: A prospective, randomized trial., Hanna Alemayehu, Nicole E. Sharp, Katherine Gonzalez, Ashwini S. Poola, Charles L. Snyder, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
The Effect on Somatic Growth of Surgical and Catheter Treatment of Secundum Atrial Septal Defects., Meghan M. Chlebowski, Hongying Dai, and Stephen Kaine (Article)
Extending Antimicrobial Stewardship to All Hospitalized Children: The Time Is Now., Russell J. McCulloh, Laura E. Norton, and Jennifer L. Goldman (Response or Comment)
Contemporary Management of Appendicitis in Children., Rebecca M. Rentea and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Factors leading to rehospitalization for tracheostomized and ventilator-dependent infants through 2 years of age., Gangaram Akangire, Winston M. Manimtim, Michael F. Nyp, N Townley, H Dai, Michael Norberg, and J B Taylor (Article)
Re-Tubularization of Highly-Ischemic Anti-Mesenteric Border (ReHAB): A Novel Bowel Preservation Technique in Complex Gastroschisis., Richard J. Hendrickson, Ashwini S. Poola, Katherine W. Gonzalez, Joel Lim, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji (Article)
Review of surgical and anesthetic management for esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistula, unilateral pulmonary agenesis and dextrocardia., Rebecca M. Rentea, Tolulope A. Oyetunji, John Erkmann, Joshua Q. Knowlton, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
Term Neonate with Atypical Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Presentation: A Case Report., Nick Townley, Emily McNellis, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)
Congenital Left Ventricle-to-Coronary Sinus Fistula: A Rare Isolated Anomaly of the Coronary Sinus., Doaa M. Aly, Nikki M. Singh, and Sanket Shah (Article)
Association of Income Inequality With Pediatric Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care-Sensitive Conditions., Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jeffrey D. Colvin, Jay G. Berry, Henry T. Puls, Jessica L. Markham, Laura Plencner, Molly Krager, Matthew B. Johnson, Mary Ann Queen, Jacqueline M. Walker, Grant M. Latta, Robert Riss, and Matt Hall (Article)
Clostridium difficile Ileitis in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease., David Butler, Sanet Torres-Torres, Barbara A. Pahud, Angela Myers, Julie A. Bass, Shawn D. St Peter, and Russell McCulloh (Article)
Paraneoplastic autoantibody panels: sensitivity and specificity, a retrospective cohort., Rawan Albadareen, Gary Gronseth, Marcie Goeden, Matthew Sharrock, Colleen Lechtenberg, and Yunxia Wang (Article)
A Novel Method of Measuring Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Tracheostomized Ventilator-Dependent Children., Vydehi R. Murthy, Hugo Escobar, Michael Norberg, Charisse I. Lachica, Linda L. Gratny, Ashley K. Sherman, William E Truog, and Winston M. Manimtim (Article)
Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome as a Mimic of Neuroimmune Disorders: 3 Cases From the Clinic and Review of the Literature., Tyler Allison, Inés Roncero, Rob Forsyth, Keith A. Coffman, and Jean-Baptist LePichon (Article)
Pediatric 8p11 eosinophilic myeloproliferative syndrome (EMS): A case report and review of the literature., Jay F. Sarthy, Naresh Reddivalla, Mohamed Radhi, and Katherine Chastain (Article)
Routine use of chest radiographs in the post-operative management of pectus bar removal: necessity or futility., Ashwini Suresh Poola, Rebecca M. Rentea, Katrina L. Weaver, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Neonatal and pediatric esophageal perforation., Rebecca M. Rentea and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Neuroblastoma in children: Update on clinicopathologic and genetic prognostic factors., Atif A Ahmed, Lei Zhang, Naresh Reddivalla, and Maxine Hetherington (Article)
Pediatric Appendicitis., Rebecca M. Rentea and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
Are esophagocrural sutures needed during laparoscopic fundoplication: A prospective randomized trial., Shawn D. St Peter, Ashwini S. Poola, Obinna Adibe, David Juang, Jason D. Fraser, Pablo Aguayo, and George W. Holcomb III (Article)
A Singleton Infant with Bilateral Renal Agenesis and Normal Pulmonary Function., Lovya George, Winston M. Manimtim, and Jotishna Sharma (Article)
Gastroenteritis, Laura Norton and J Christopher Day (Book Chapter)
Pediatric Ovarian Growing Teratoma Syndrome., Rebecca M. Rentea, Aaron Varghese, Atif Ahmed, Alexander Kats, Michelle Manalang, Tazim Dowlut-McElroy, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)
The financial impact of flipping the coin., Katherine W. Gonzalez, Shiva R. Reddy, Angela A. Mundakkal, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)
The risk of developing a symptomatic inguinal hernia in children with an asymptomatic patent processus vaginalis., Katrina L. Weaver, Ashwini S. Poola, Joanna L. Gould, Susan W. Sharp, Shawn D. St Peter, and G W. Holcomb III (Article)
Works from 2016
A 9-Year-Old Boy With a Chest Mass and Eosinophilia., Laura E. Norton, Sean N. Curtis, and Jennifer L. Goldman (Article)
A 5-Year-Old With Fever, Headache, Neck Stiffness, and Leg Pain., Joy L. Solano, Grace Winningham, Duha Al Zubeidi, and Angela Myers (Article)
Birth Injuries in Neonates., Gangaram Akangire and Brian S. Carter (Article)
Reducing after-hours prescription refill requests., Britton Zuccarelli and Keith A. Coffman (Article)
Autism screening in primary care: Community providers incorrectly report adherence to AAP autism screening guidelines, Jose Lopez-Lizarranga MD, Kimberly J. Reid, Sarah Nyp, and Cy Nadler (Poster)
Preoperative antibiotic orders: Protocol-initiated pharmacist order entry, Ben B. Hyde, Richard K. Ogden Jr., Ron D. Berger, Brad W. VanBrimmer, and Leslie M. Stach (Article)
Association of HbA1c to BOLUS Scores Among Youths with Type 1 Diabetes., Mark A. Clements, Stephen A. DeLurgio, David D. Williams, Sana Habib, Kelsee Halpin, and Susana R. Patton (Article)
Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Myxoma in a 12-Year-Old Male., Meghan Chlebowski, James O'Brien, Casey Hertzenberg, and Jonathan B. Wagner (Article)
Cognitive Distortions, Caroline Pittard and Patrick Possel (Book Chapter)
Depressive Cognitive Triad, Patrick Possel and Caroline Pittard (Book Chapter)
Depressive Schemata, Patrick Possel and Caroline Pittard (Book Chapter)
Learned Helplessness, Caroline Pittard and Patrick Possel (Book Chapter)
Self-Referent Cognitions, Patrick Possel and Caroline Pittard (Book Chapter)
Vague neuroglycopenic complaints camouflage diagnosis of adolescent insulinoma: a case report., Kelsee Halpin, Ryan McDonough, Patria Alba, Jared Halpin, Vivekanand Singh, and Yun Yan (Article)
Works from 2015
Current treatment options for idiopathic angioedema., Jodi Shroba, Jill Hanson, and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)
Neonatal Presentation of an Air-Filled Neck Mass that Enlarges with Valsalva: A Case Report., Jasminkumar Bharatbhai Patel, Howard Kilbride, and Lorien Paulson (Article)
First use of investigational antiviral drug pocapavir (v-073) for treating neonatal enteroviral sepsis., Sanet Torres-Torres, Angela Myers, J Michael Klatte, Eric E Rhoden, M Steven Oberste, Marc S. Collett, and Russell J. McCulloh (Article)
Works from 2013
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP): A Potential Biomarker for Extubation Failure in Infants Following Cardiac Surgery, Jennifer Flint, Lori Erickson, Dawn Tucker, and Erica Molitor-Kirsch (Poster)
Works from 2012
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP): A Potential Biomarker for Extubation Failure in Infants Following Cardiac Surgery, Jennifer Flint, Lori Erickson, Dawn Tucker, and Erica Molitor-Kirsch (Poster)
Symptomatic Hypocalcemia During Urinary Alkalinization for Acute Aspirin Toxicity, Jennifer Flint and Bruce Banwart (Poster)