
Works from 2023


The evolving landscape of immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic conditions., Aarti Pandya, Esosa Adah, Bridgette Jones, and Rachel Chevalier (Article)


The physiology, assessment, and treatment of neonatal pain., Megan H. Tucker, Priya Tiwari, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


Treatment of Post-Operative Pain in Children with Severe Neurologic Impairment, Jordan Keys, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Jessica L. Markham, and Matthew Hall (Poster)


Overactive bladder syndrome symptoms in youth with abdominal pain-associated disorders of gut-brain interaction., Hunter J. Friesen, Pierce Thompson, Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Jennifer Colombo, and Craig A. Friesen (Article)


Fluid therapy and traumatic brain injury: A narrative review., Eduardo Esteban-Zubero, Cristina García-Muro, and Moises Alatorre-Jimenez (Article)


Comparative healthcare use by adolescents screening positive for sexual exploitation., Cree Kachelski, Jennifer Hansen, Mary Moffatt, Grace E. Arends MD, Ashley K. Sherman, and James Anderst (Article)


Enhancing Curricula About Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Undergraduate Medical Education., Tyler Smith and Zuri Hudson (Article)


Green Cytoplasmic Neutrophilic Inclusion Bodies in a Patient With Aspiration Pneumonia and Bowel Perforation., Phillip S. Wozniak and Garrett L. Rampon (Article)


Laparoscopic Repair of an Incarcerated Left Ovary, Hemi-Uterus, and Salpinx Within A Left Inguinal Hernia., Shai Stewart MD, Charlene Dekonenko, Andrew M. Lupo, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Article)


Telemedicine beyond the pandemic: challenges in the pediatric immunology clinic., Aarti Pandya, Sonya Parashar, Morgan Waller, and Jay M. Portnoy (Article)


The methylome and cell-free DNA: current applications in medicine and pediatric disease., Benjamin L. Spector, Lauren Harrell, Drinnan Sante, Gerald J Wyckoff, and Laurel K. Willig (Article)


Case report: Use of therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacogenetic testing as opportunities to individualize care in a case of flecainide toxicity after fetal supraventricular tachycardia., Ronald Palmen, Tracy L. Sandritter, Lindsey Malloy-Walton, Christopher Follansbee, and Jonathan B. Wagner (Article)


Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia and Growth Hormone Deficiency Secondary to 20p11 Deletion., Erica Wee, John Herriges, Kavitha Dileepan, Sarah Tsai, Joseph Alaimo, and Emily Paprocki (Article)


Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Patients with Inherited Bleeding Disorders, Thomas Cochran, Brian R. Lee, and Shannon L. Carpenter (Poster)


Congenital malformations and preeclampsia associated with integrase inhibitor use in pregnancy: A single-center analysis., Christiana Smith, Angela J. Fought, Joyce F. Sung, Jennifer R. McKinney, Torri D. Metz, Kirk B. Fetters, Sarah Lazarus, Shannon Capraro, Emily Barr, Carrie Glenny, Jenna Buehler, Adriana Weinberg, and CHIP Perinatal Medical Team (Article)


Appropriateness of Diagnosis and Management for Otitis Media With Effusion in Pediatric Urgent Care Clinics., Donna Wyly, Ashley DeSchepper, Amanda Nedved, Brian R. Lee, and Rana El Feghaly (Article)


Central Hypothyroidism Following Neonatal Graves' Presentation, Emily Metzinger and Kelsee Halpin (Poster)


Unique Evaluation and Management Considerations for Adolescents with Late Gynecologic and Colorectal Issues in the Setting of Anorectal Malformations., Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Ashli A. Lawson, Joseph Lopez, Kayla B. Briggs, James Fraser, Christina M. Low Kapalu, John Gatti, Anne-Marie Priebe, Julie Strickland, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Variation in stool testing for children with acute gastrointestinal infections., Jessica L. Markham, Matt Hall, Megan Collins, Samir S. Shah, Matthew J. Molloy, Paul L. Aronson, Jillian M. Cotter, Michael J. Steiner, Elisha McCoy, Michael J. Tchou, and John R. Stephens (Article)


Direct haplotype-resolved 5-base HiFi sequencing for genome-wide profiling of hypermethylation outliers in a rare disease cohort., Warren A. Cheung, Adam F. Johnson, William J. Rowell, Emily G. Farrow, Richard Hall, Ana S A Cohen, John C. Means, Tricia N. Zion, Daniel M. Portik, Christopher T. Saunders, Boryana Koseva, Chengpeng Bi, Tina K. Truong, Carl F. Schreck, Byunggil Yoo, Jeffrey J. Johnston, Margaret Gibson, Gilad Evrony, William B. Rizzo, Isabelle Thiffault, Scott T. Younger, Tom Curran, Aaron M. Wenger, Elin Grundberg, and T Pastinen (Article)


A novel and comprehensive testing strategy to identify the genetic etiology of neonatal hypotonia phenotypes, Jasmine A. McQuerry, Margaret Gibson, Scott T. Younger, T Pastinen, and Emily G. Farrow


A Pediatric Case of Treatment-related Myelodysplastic Syndrome While on Therapy for Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia., Sara McElroy, Douglas Myers, and Terrie Flatt (Article)


Bone Marrow Transplant For Macrophage Activation Syndrome In Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis​, Shailly Gaur, Michael J. Holland, J Allyson Hays, and Ibrahim A. Ahmed (Poster)


Clinical Course of a Patient With Agammaglobulinemia Caused by SLC39A7 defect, Thao Le, Emily Farrow, Alvin Singh, Isabelle Thiffault, and Nikita Raje (Poster)


Clinical Presentation and Differential Diagnosis of a 10-year-old Presenting with Unerupted Maxillary Central Incisor: A Case Report., Dev Patel, Robin Onikul, Amy Burleson, Brenda S Bohaty, Jenna Sparks, Neena Patel, and A Naidu (Poster)


Comparative Study of Pain Perception with Use of Vibration and/or Cold Stimulation Applied During Local Anesthetic Delivery in a Dental Setting: A Systematic Review, Tara Craven, Gage Williams, and Brenda S Bohaty (Poster)


Drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters may help determine effective budesonide dosing in EoE, Laurie McCann, Lisa Harvey, Norah Almahbub, Wendy Y. Wang, Erin C. Boone, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell, and Rachel Chevalier (Poster)


Impact of an antibiotic stewardship program on antibiotic choice, dosing, and duration in pediatric urgent cares., Amanda Nedved, Brian R. Lee, Megan Hamner, Ann Wirtz, Alaina N. Burns, and Rana El Feghaly (Article)


Lessons from a Community Health Elective in Rural Guatemala on Cultural Humility, Roxana Guggenmous (Poster)


My Global Health Experience - Eldoret, Kenya, Megan Carroll (Poster)


Practicing Pediatrics in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, Chandra Swanson (Poster)


Premature Pubarche in Prader-Willi Syndrome: Potential Predictors and Consequences, Emily Griffing, Kelsee Halpin, Brian R. Lee, and Emily Paprocki


Skin Toxicity Due to Mercaptopurine in Maintenance Therapy Among Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia., Kayeleigh Higgerson and Terrie Flatt (Article)


Socioeconomic factors and PICU interventions in high mortality risk asthmatics, Hanh Ho, Paul N. Bauer, and Jade B. Tam-Williams


Solitary Median Maxillary Incisor and Holoprosencephaly: A review of the literature, Benjamin Olson, Robin Onikul, Amy Burleson, Brenda S. Bohaty, Jenna Sparks, and Neena Patel (Poster)


Stem Like T Cells in Anti-cancer Immunosurveillance Against Therapy-resistant Pediatric Cancer, Fang Tao, Sara McElroy, Jacqelyn Nemechek, Irina Pushel, Santosh Khanal, John Szarejko, Todd Bradley, Douglas Myers, and John M. Perry


Variations in Rates of Clinical Alarm Burden, Source, and Cause Across Inpatient Unit Types at a Children’s Hospital, Nicholas Clark, Kathyrn Kyler, Geoffrey L. Allen, Andrew Ausmus, Kathleen Berg, Jeremy Beyer, Ryan Centanni, Christine Claeys, Matthew Hall, Andrea Miles, Ginny Nyberg, and Lindsey Malloy-Walton


Who’s my child’s main doctor?​ Caregiver Perceptions of Teaching Teams, Jonathan Ermer, Shelby Chesbro, Jessica Boerner, Jacqueline M. Walker, and Joy L. Solano (Poster)


Trends in the representation of women in the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology program at the Pediatric Academic Society annual meetings 2012-2021., Bahar Barani Najafabadi, David T. Selewski, Danielle E. Soranno, and Darcy K. Weidemann (Article)


Perinucleolar Compartment (PNC) Prevalence as an Independent Prognostic Factor in Pediatric Ewing Sarcoma: A Multi-Institutional Study., Elizabeth Gonzalez, Atif A. Ahmed, Laura McCarthy, Katherine Chastain, Sahibu Sultan M Habeebu, Marta Zapata-Tarres, Rocio Cardenas-Cardos, Liliana Velasco-Hidalgo, Celso Corcuera-Delgado, Rodolfo Rodriguez-Jurado, Lilia García-Rodríguez, Alejandro Parrales, Tomoo Iwakuma, Midhat S. Farooqi, Brian R. Lee, Scott J. Weir, and Terrie Flatt (Article)


Innovative Management of Posterior Upper Thigh Pain In Two Adolescent Athletes, Thomas Munro and Brian Harvey (Poster)


Insidious Ankle Swelling, Catharine Kral and Brian Harvey (Poster)


Leadership Across the Career Continuum: Using Self-Reflection Effective Leadership Practices for Optimal Team Functioning, Emily Bonanni, Grant M. Latta, Michael Platt, Christine Irvin, Angela Etzenhouser, Megan Collins, Sian Best, Jonathan Ermer, Joy L. Solano, and Jacqueline M. Walker (Presentation)


Necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants-A defect in the brakes? Evidence from clinical and animal studies., Venkatesh Sampath, Maribel Martinez, Michael Caplan, Mark A. Underwood, and Alain Cuna (Article)


Phlebotomy-Free Days in Common Conditions Among Hospitalized Children and the Association with Clinical Outcomes, Megan Collins, M Hall, SS Shah, MJ Molloy, PL Aronson, JM Cotter, MJ Steiner, MJ Tchou, JR Stephens, and Jessica L. Markham (Poster)


Rates of Positive Suicide Screens in the Emergency Department and Outpatient Clinics at a Tertiary Care Children's Hospital., Fajar Raza, Hung-Wen Yeh, Kathy Goggin, Mark Connelly, and Shayla Sullivant (Article)


Recurrence Rates for Pediatric Benign Ovarian Neoplasms., Maria E. Knaus, Amanda J. Onwuka, Naila M. Abouelseoud, Katherine C. Bergus, Lesley L. Breech, Katherine S. Brito, Charlene Dekonenko, S Paige Hertweck, Helena Y. Hong, Seema Menon, Diane F. Merritt, Allegra G. Schikler, Nikki Senapati, Yolanda R. Smith, Julie L. Strickland, Amber I. Truehart, Peter C. Minneci, and Geri D. Hewitt (Article)


Sepsis-induced Acute Lung Injury and the Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Premature Infants, Jacob S. Ward, Hung-Wen Yeh, Megan Tucker, and Venkatesh Sampath (Poster)


Standardization of Fertility Preservation Discussion Among Pediatric Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Patients: A Single Institution Experience., Chandni Dargan, Sarah Mc Dermott, Shelby Chesbro, Amanda Trout, Nancy Terwilliger, Tennille Hilyard, Ashley Flynn, and Joy M. Fulbright (Article)


Treatment of Post-Operative Pain in Children with Severe Neurological Impairment, Jordan Keys (Presentation)


A Case of Hexasomy 15q due to a Tricentric Supernumerary Chromosome 15, Emily Farrow, Laura A. Cross, Bonnie Sullivan, Keely M. Fitzgerald, Joseph Alaimo, Elena Repnikova, John Herriges, and Lei Zhang (Poster)


A longitudinal analysis of the effect of anemia on executive functions in children with mild to moderate chronic kidney disease., Nisha S. Singh, Rebecca J. Johnson, Matthew B. Matheson, Joann Carlson, Stephen R. Hooper, and Bradley A. Warady (Article)


Evaluating the Impact of Long Read Genomes in Rare Disease: A systematic analysis of 1000 HiFi Genomes, Emily Farrow, Isabelle Thiffault, Ana S A Cohen, Tricia N. Zion, Adam Walter, Margaret Gibson, Chengpeng Bi, Warren A. Cheung, Jeffrey J. Johnston, and T Pastinen (Poster)


Exploring Bidirectional Partnerships in Global Health Training Programs, Anik Patel, Pauline Kamau, Ashley Combs, Justus Simba, and Megan Song McHenry (Presentation)


Genetic heterogeneity and enrichment of variants in DNA-repair genes in ameloblastoma., Waheed Awotoye, Joseph Craig Whitt, Byunggil Yoo, Midhat S. Farooqi, Emily G. Farrow, Veerasathpurush Allareddy, Brad A. Amendt, and Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan (Article)


If We Know Better, Why Don’t We Do Better? A QI Project Aimed at Addressing Pain Related to Vaccinations, Haley J. Killian, Amanda D. Deacy, Elizabeth Edmundson, Lucy Raab, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Poster)


Objective and self-report outcomes of intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment for youth with chronic pain with and without functional neurological disorder, Kelsey Zaugg, Dustin Wallace, Kayla Friesen, and Cara M. Hoffart (Poster)


Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Patients with Inherited Bleeding Disorders, Thomas Cochran, Brian Lee, and Shannon Carpenter (Poster)


Psychosocial Needs of Pediatric Patients with Cancer Predisposition Syndromes: Standardized Screening Needed, Meredith Ehrhardt, Mirae Fornander, and Rachel Moore (Poster)


Re-membering Gun Violence., R. Dawn Hood-Patterson (Article)


Disseminated Juvenile Xanthogranuloma with a Novel MYH9-FLT3 Fusion Presenting as a Blueberry Muffin Rash in a Neonate., Emily E. Clark, Mollie Walton, Lionel M L Chow, J Todd Boyd, M David Yohannan, and Shreyas Arya (Article)


Comprehensive SMN1 and SMN2 profiling for spinal muscular atrophy analysis using long-read PacBio HiFi sequencing., Xiao Chen, John Harting, Emily G. Farrow, Isabelle Thiffault, Dalia Kasperaviciute, Genomics England Research Consortium, Alexander Hoischen, Christian Gilissen, T Pastinen, and Michael A. Eberle (Article)


A Novel Approach to Emergency Department Readiness for Airborne Precautions Using Simulation-Based Clinical Systems Testing., Christopher S. Kennedy, Marc Sycip, Shautonja Woods, and Lisa Ell (Article)


Experiences of Racism among Black and African Children with Asthma, Esosa Adah, Rayanna Tucker, and Bridgette Jones (Poster)


Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Protocol: A Single Center Study, Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, James A. Fraser MD, Shai Stewart MD, Derek Marlor, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Richard J. Hendrickson, Charles L. Snyder, Shawn D. St.Peter, Jason D. Fraser, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji (Presentation)


Late Onset Paradoxical Effect of Zolpidem after Anoxic Brain Injury: A Pediatric Case Report, Amanda Lindenberg and Sathya Vadivelu (Poster)


Parent satisfaction with same day discharge after laparoscopic appendectomy for non perforated appendicitis, Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, James Fraser, Shai Stewart MD, Derek Marlor, Rebecca M. Rentea, Pablo Aguayo, David Juang, Richard J. Hendrickson, Charles L. Snyder, Bhargava Mullapudi, Shawn D. St.Peter, Jason D. Fraser, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji (Presentation)


Persistent Pediatric Breast Abscesses Following Initial Treatment at Tertiary and Community Centers, Derek Marlor, Kayla B. Briggs, Shai Stewart MD, Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, Charlene Dekonenko, Tolulope A. Oyetunji, and Jason D. Fraser (Presentation)


Randomized Controlled Trials in Pediatric Cardiology: A Power Struggle?, Francisco E. Herrera-Carrillo, Riddhi Patel, Saul Flores, Enrique G. Villarreal, Juan S. Farias, and Rohit S. Loomba (Article)


Genetic Variation in CYP2D6 and SLC22A1 Affects Amlodipine Pharmacokinetics and Safety, Paula Soria-Chacartegui, Pablo Zubiaur, Dolores Ochoa, Gonzalo Villapalos-García, Manuel Román, Miriam Matas, Laura Figueiredo-Tor, Gina Mejía-Abril, Sofía Calleja, Alejandro de Miguel, Marcos Navares-Gómez, Samuel Martín-Vilchez, and Francisco Abad-Santos (Article)


Increasing cefazolin use for surgical prophylaxis in penicillin-allergy-labeled patients., Kathryn A. VanderVelde, Sarah Suppes, Kate Gibbs, Kevin Latz, Angela C. Vanderpool, Rana El Feghaly, and Jennifer Goldman (Article)


Association of central venous saturation and serum lactate with outcomes in veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation., Rohit S. Loomba, Enrique G. Villarreal, Juan S. Farias, and Saul Flores (Letter to the Editor)


Beyond the Hot Comb: Updates in Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia from 2011 to 2021., Elisabeth A. George, Caneisaya Matthews, Fritzlaine C. Roche, and Susan C. Taylor (Article)


Clinical features and outcomes in pediatric severe scald burn patients, Ashley Daniel (Presentation)


Developmental pharmacokinetics of indomethacin in preterm neonates: Severely decreased drug clearance in the first week of life., Wojciech Krzyzanski, Bradley Stockard, Andrea Gaedigk, Allison Scott, Whitney M. Nolte, Kim T. Gibson, J Steven Leeder, and Tamorah Lewis (Article)


Evaluating caretaker satisfaction with same-day discharge after gastrostomy tube placement., James Fraser, Shai Stewart MD, Amy L. Pierce, Beth A. Orrick, Shawn D. St Peter, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Article)


Financial outcomes of high-flow nasal cannula use for bronchiolitis on the general pediatric floor., Jonathan Hartley, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, Dave Synhorst, and James Gay (Article)


Gallbladder Disease, Charlene Dekonenko, Shawn D. St.Peter, and George W Holcomb III (Book Chapter)


Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: We Have More to Learn About Patient Demographics and Outcomes, Nathan LaVoy, John Cowden, Jenna Miller, Asdis Finnsdottir Wagner, Shekinah Hensley, and Stephen Pfeiffer (Presentation)


Philippines Global Health, Thomas Rieth, Kourtney Bettinger, and Ryan Northup (Poster)


Pre-hospital CPR after traumatic arrest: Outcomes at a level 1 pediatric trauma center., Shai Stewart MD, Kayla B. Briggs, James Fraser, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, Valerie A. Waddell, and Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH (Article)


Response to Letter to the Editor., Francisco E Herrera-Carrillo, Riddhi Patel, Saul Flores, Enrique G. Villarreal, Juan S. Farias, and Rohit S. Loomba (Letter to the Editor)


San Pedro Hospital - San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala, Jennifer Paumen (Poster)


Sensitivity and Specificity of Whole-body MRI for the Detection of Pediatric Malignancy., Thomas Cochran, Sachit Patel, Travis Kruse, Elizabeth Lyden, Susan Comer, and James Ford (Article)


Short-chain fatty acids ameliorate necrotizing enterocolitis-like intestinal injury through enhancing Notch1-mediated single immunoglobulin interleukin-1-related receptor, toll-interacting protein, and A20 induction., Wei Yu, Aparna Venkatraman, Heather Menden, Maribel Martinez, Shahid Umar, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)

Works from 2022


Airway anomalies in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A scoping review., Paul Hankey, Jana Ghulmiyyah, Hung-Wen Yeh, Meghan Tracy, and Jill M. Arganbright (Article)


Applying Interventions to Address the Social Determinants of Health and Reduce Health Disparities in Congenital Heart Disease Patients, Bianca Cherestal, Zuri Hudson, and Keila N. Lopez (Article)


Are resident physicians family-centered rounds non-believers?, Joy L. Solano and Jonathan Ermer (Editorial)


Electrocardiographic changes in non-hospitalised children with COVID-19., Howard J. Heching, Anmol Goyal, Brian S. Harvey, Lindsey Malloy-Walton, Christopher Follansbee, Amanda McIntosh, and Daniel Forsha (Article)


Eosinophilic Myocarditis Secondary to Hypereosinophilic Syndrome vs. Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis: A Diagnostic Dilemma, Nathan LaVoy, Brian Birnbaum, Julia G. Harris, Aarti Pandya, and Allison Taber (Poster)


Failure of Operative Therapy after Ovarian-Sparing Surgery for Pediatric Benign Ovarian Neoplasms: A Retrospective Review., Maria E. Knaus, Amanda J. Onwuka, Naila M. Abouelseoud, Lesley L. Breech, Katherine S. Brito, Charlene Dekonenko, S Paige Hertweck, Helena Y. Hong, Amy E. Lawrence, Seema Menon, Diane F. Merritt, Allegra G. Schikler, Nikki Senapati, Yolanda R. Smith, Julie L. Strickland, Amber I. Truehart, Peter C. Minneci, and Geri D. Hewitt (Article)


Improving Duration of Antibiotics for Skin and Soft-tissue Infections in Pediatric Urgent Cares., Megan Hamner, Amanda Nedved, Holly Austin, Donna Wyly, Alaina N. Burns, Kathleen Berg, Brian R. Lee, and Rana El Feghaly (Article)


International Guideline Adherence in Girls with Turner Syndrome: Multiple Subspecialty Clinics Versus Coordinated Multidisciplinary Clinic., Benjamin D. Hoag, Sarah Tsai, David D. Williams, and Joseph Cernich (Article)


Testicular torsion disparities in the pediatric population., Shai Stewart MD, Kayla B. Briggs, James Fraser, Obiyo O. Osuchukwu, Christopher Roberts, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Hanna Alemayehu (Article)


Treating Obesity in Children and Adolescents with Special Healthcare Needs., Meredith Dreyer, Haley J. Killian, Cristina Fernandez MD, and Brooke Sweeney (Article)


Successful Treatment of Splenic Vein Thrombosis Secondary to Acute Pancreatitis with Oral Anticoagulants: A Pediatric Case Series., Shannon Capraro, Melissa Acquazzino, Mary Drake, and Chinenye R. Dike (Article)


A Rare Cause of Urticaria In An NSAID Tolerant Patient, Thao Le, Mary K. McLeod, and Laurianne Wild (Poster)


Cardiac Biomarkers in Differentiating Kawasaki Disease and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children Associated with COVID-19, Mollie Walton, Geetha Raghuveer, K Kamakoti, N Dahdah, L Garrido, S Tierney, T Harris, M Khoury, M Hicar, E Braunlin, D Thacker, M Khare, F Dallaire, R Lowndes, I Glassmeyer, J Ballweg, G Goldenberg, S Merves, C Manlhiot, P Farid, and BW McCrindle (Poster)


Case Report: Autoimmune anemia and thrombocytopenia following hematopoietic stem cell transplant, Thomas Cochran, Gabor Oroszi, Nancy Terwilliger, Gabe Metzler, and Lejla Music Aplenc (Poster)


Current practices in delaying testing for IgE-mediated food allergy after anaphylaxis, Jordan Pitt, Cody Shopper, Paul Dowling, Christopher Miller, Ashley K. Sherman, and Salman Aljubran (Article)