
Works from 2022


Mental Health Care Following Firearm and Motor Vehicle-related Injuries: Differences Impacting Our Treatment Strategies., Peter F. Ehrlich, Christian D. Pulcini, Heidi G. De Souza, Matt Hall, Annie Andrews, Bonnie T. Zima, Joel A. Fein, Sofia Chaudhary, Jennifer A. Hoffmann, Eric W. Fleegler, Kristyn N. Jeffries, Monika K. Goyal, Stephen W. Hargarten, and Elizabeth R. Alpern (Article)


Micro-scale pedestrian streetscapes and physical activity in Hispanic/Latino adults: Results from HCHS/SOL., James F. Sallis, Jordan A. Carlson, Adrian Ortega, Matthew A. Allison, Carrie M. Geremia, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Marta M. Jankowska, Stephen J. Mooney, Earle C. Chambers, David B. Hanna, Krista M. Perreira, Martha L. Daviglus, and Linda C. Gallo (Article)


Microtemporal Relationships in the Fear Avoidance Model: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study., Tiffany Kichline, Christopher C. Cushing, Mark Connelly, William R. Black, Laura E. Simons, Craig A. Friesen, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Article)


Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Intravenous Vitamin C: A Classic Pharmacokinetic Study., Ping Chen, Greg Reed, Joyce Jiang, Yaohui Wang, Jean Sunega, Ruochen Dong, Yan Ma, Anna E. Esparham, Ryan Ferrell, Mark Levine, Jeanne Drisko, and Qi Chen (Article)


Practical considerations and consensus opinion for children's hospital-based inpatient hemostasis and thrombosis (HAT) consultative services: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Pediatric/Neonatal Thrombosis and Hemostasis., Gary M. Woods, Leslie Raffini, Leonardo R. Brandão, Julie Jaffray, Brian R. Branchford, Christopher J. Ng, Sarah E. Sartain, Jennifer Pak, Christoph Male, Ayesha Zia, Mattia Rizzi, Nongnuch Sirachainan, Edward Vincent S. Faustino, Shannon L. Carpenter, and Neil A. Goldenberg (Article)


Prolonged hospital length of stay after pediatric heart transplantation: A machine learning and logistic regression predictive model from the Pediatric Heart Transplant Society., Dipankar Gupta, Neha Bansal, Byron C. Jaeger, Ryan C. Cantor, Devin Koehl, Allison K. Kimbro, Chesney D. Castleberry, Stephen G. Pophal, Alfred Asante-Korang, Kenneth Schowengerdt, James K. Kirklin, and David L. Sutcliffe (Article)


Risk Prediction After a Brief Resolved Unexplained Event., Nassr Nama, Matt Hall, Mark Neuman, Erin Sullivan, Risa Bochner, Amy De Laroche, Teena Hadvani, Shobhit Jain, Yiannis Katsogridakis, Edward Kim, Manoj Mittal, Alison Payson, Melanie Prusakowski, Nirav Shastri, Allayne Stephans, Kathryn Westphal, Victoria Wilkins, Joel Tieder, and Brief Resolved Unexplained Event Research and Quality Improvement Network (Article)


Shared Book Reading Intervention for Parents of Infants and Toddlers., Brenda Salley, Debora Daniels, Corinne Walker, and Kandace Fleming (Article)


Single doses of a highly selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 1 (lenrispodun) in healthy volunteers: a randomized pharmaco-fMRI clinical trial., Sahib S. Khalsa, Teresa A. Victor, Rayus Kuplicki, Hung-Wen Yeh, Kimberly E. Vanover, Martin P. Paulus, and Robert E. Davis (Article)


Successful use of telemedicine for evaluation of infantile hemangiomas during the early COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study., Nicole W. Kittler, Ilona J. Frieden, Katrina Abuabara, Dawn H. Siegel, Kimberly A. Horii, Erin F. Mathes, Francine Blei, Anita N. Haggstrom, Jenna L. Streicher, Denise W. Metry, Maria C. Garzon, Kimberly D. Morel, Christine T. Lauren, Marcia Hogeling, Esteban Fernandez Faith, Eulalia Baselga, Megha M. Tollefson, Brandon D. Newell, Catherine C. McCuaig, Anthony J. Mancini, Sarah L. Chamlin, Emily M. Becker, Maria L. Cossio, and Sonal D. Shah (Article)


T Cell Transcriptome in Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome., Nikita Raje, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Katherine A. Shortt, Nicole Gigliotti, Marcia A. Chan, and Daniel P. Heruth (Article)


The CAPNET multi-center data set for child physical abuse: Rationale, methods and scope., Devon M. Kratchman, Porcia Vaughn, Ligia Batista Silverman, Kristine A. Campbell, Daniel M. Lindberg, James Anderst, Angela N. Bachim, Rachel P. Berger, Kent P. Hymel, Megan Letson, John D. Melville, and Joanne N. Wood (Article)


The effect of neuropsychiatric medication on pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease., Jamie L. Ryan, Ashley K. Sherman, Daniel E. Heble, Craig A. Friesen, James F. Daniel, Ryan T. Fischer, and Voytek Slowik (Article)


The Frequency and Outcomes of Nerve Palsies in Operatively Treated Supracondylar Humerus Fractures., Kirsten N Norrell, Connor E Muolo, Ashley K. Sherman, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)


The influence of nurse manager competency on practice environment, missed nursing care, and patient care quality: A cross-sectional study of nurse managers in U.S. hospitals., Nora E. Warshawsky, Emily Cramer, Elizabeth M. Grandfield, and Ann E. Schlotzhauer (Article)


Tracking the source of contaminant lead in children's blood., F Becker, F Marcantonio, S Datta, C Wichterich, L Cizmas, J Surber, Kevin Kennedy, and Eric Bowles (Article)


Understanding Variation in Rotavirus Vaccine Effectiveness Estimates in the United States: The Role of Rotavirus Activity and Diagnostic Misclassification., Avnika B. Amin, Timothy L. Lash, Jacqueline E. Tate, Lance A. Waller, Mary E. Wikswo, Umesh D. Parashar, Laura S. Stewart, James D. Chappell, Natasha B. Halasa, John V. Williams, Marian G. Michaels, Robert W. Hickey, Eileen J. Klein, Janet A. Englund, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Mary Allen Staat, Monica M. McNeal, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Christopher J. Harrison, Mary Moffatt, Jennifer E. Schuster, Barbara A. Pahud, Gina Weddle, Parvin H. Azimi, Samantha H. Johnston, Daniel C. Payne, Michael D. Bowen, and Benjamin A. Lopman (Article)


Combining Guided Intervention of Education and Relaxation (GIER) with Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) in the Acute Treatment of Migraine., Dawn C. Buse, Liron Rabany, Tamar Lin, Alon Ironi, Mark Connelly, and Jennifer L. Bickel (Article)


Impact and Modifiers of Ventricular Pacing in Patients With Single Ventricle Circulation., Henry Chubb, Anica Bulic, Douglas Mah, Jeremy P. Moore, Jan Janousek, Jennifer Fumanelli, S Yukiko Asaki, Andreas Pflaumer, Allison C. Hill, Carolina Escudero, Sit Yee Kwok, Jasveer Mangat, Luis A. Ochoa Nunez, Seshadri Balaji, Eric Rosenthal, William Regan, Michaela Horndasch, Hiroko Asakai, Ronn Tanel, Richard J. Czosek, Ming-Lon Young, David J. Bradley, Thomas Paul, Peter Fischbach, Lindsey Malloy-Walton, Doff B. McElhinney, and Anne M. Dubin (Article)


Mutant p53 Depletion by Novel Inhibitors for HSP40/J-Domain Proteins Derived from the Natural Compound Plumbagin., Mohamed A.A. Alalem, Mrinalini Bhosale, Atul Ranjan, Satomi Yamamoto, Atsushi Kaida, Shigeto Nishikawa, Alejandro Parrales, Sana Farooki, Shrikant Anant, Subhash Padhye, and Tomoo Iwakuma (Article)


CHAP-child: an open source method for estimating sit-to-stand transitions and sedentary bout patterns from hip accelerometers among children., Jordan A. Carlson, Nicola D. Ridgers, Supun Nakandala, Rong Zablocki, Fatima Tuz-Zahra, John Bellettiere, Paul R Hibbing, Chelsea Steel, Marta M. Jankowska, Dori E. Rosenberg, Mikael Anne Greenwood-Hickman, Jingjing Zou, Andrea Z. LaCroix, Arun Kumar, and Loki Natarajan (Article)


Location-specific psychosocial and environmental correlates of physical activity and sedentary time in young adolescents: preliminary evidence for location-specific approaches from a cross-sectional observational study., Adrian Ortega, Carolina M Bejarano, Christopher C Cushing, Vincent S. Staggs, Amy Papa, Chelsea Steel, Robin P. Shook, Terry L. Conway, Brian E. Saelens, Karen Glanz, Kelli L. Cain, Lawrence D. Frank, Jacqueline Kerr, Jasper Schipperijn, James F. Sallis, and Jordan A. Carlson (Article)


Comparing Kidney Health Outcomes in Children, Adolescents, and Adults With Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis., Debbie S. Gipson, Jonathan P. Troost, Cathie Spino, Samara Attalla, Joshua Tarnoff, Susan Massengill, Richard Lafayette, Virginia Vega-Warner, Sharon Adler, Patrick Gipson, Matthew Elliott, Frederick Kaskel, Damian Fermin, Marva Moxey-Mims, Richard N. Fine, Elizabeth J. Brown, Kimberly Reidy, Katherine Tuttle, Keisha Gibson, Kevin V. Lemley, Larry A. Greenbaum, Meredith A. Atkinson, Sangeeta Hingorani, Tarak Srivastava, Christine B. Sethna, Kevin Meyers, Cheryl Tran, Katherine M. Dell, Chia-Shi Wang, Jennifer Lai Yee, Matthew G. Sampson, Rasheed Gbadegesin, J J Lin, Tammy Brady, Michelle Rheault, and Howard Trachtman (Article)


Vaccine Effectiveness Against Life-Threatening Influenza Illness in US Children., Samantha M. Olson, Margaret M. Newhams, Natasha B. Halasa, Leora R. Feldstein, Tanya Novak, Scott L. Weiss, Bria M. Coates, Jennifer E. Schuster, Adam J. Schwarz, Aline B. Maddux, Mark W. Hall, Ryan A. Nofziger, Heidi R. Flori, Shira J. Gertz, Michele Kong, Ronald C. Sanders, Katherine Irby, Janet R. Hume, Melissa L. Cullimore, Steven L. Shein, Neal J. Thomas, Laura S. Stewart, John R. Barnes, Manish M. Patel, Adrienne G. Randolph, and Pediatric Intensive Care Influenza Investigators (Article)


Impact of Perceived Barriers on Patient Engagement and Attitudes towards Transition and Transfer., Megan Drovetta, Emily Cramer, Alaina Linafelter, Jordan Sevart, and Michele H. Maddux (Article)


The Impact of Prior Infection and Age on Antibody Persistence After Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Messenger RNA Vaccine., Elizabeth Fraley, Cas LeMaster, Santosh Khanal, Dithi Banerjee, T Pastinen, Elin Grundberg, Rangaraj Selvarangan, and Todd Bradley (Article)


Continuation of Gender-affirming Hormones Among Transgender Adolescents and Adults., Christina M. Roberts, David A. Klein, Terry A. Adirim, Natasha A. Schvey, and Elizabeth Hisle-Gorman (Article)


Rotavirus Strain Trends in United States, 2009-2016: Results from the National Rotavirus Strain Surveillance System (NRSSS)., Slavica Mijatovic-Rustempasic, Jose Jaimes, Charity Perkins, M Leanne Ward, Mathew D. Esona, Rashi Gautam, Jamie Lewis, Michele Sturgeon, Junaid Panjwani, Gail A. Bloom, Steve Miller, Erik Reisdorf, Ann Marie Riley, Morgan A. Pence, James Dunn, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Robert C. Jerris, Dona DeGroat, Umesh D. Parashar, Margaret M. Cortese, and Michael D. Bowen (Article)


Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza Hospitalization and Emergency Department Visits in 2 A(H3N2) Dominant Influenza Seasons Among Children <18 Years Old-New Vaccine Surveillance Network 2016-2017 and>2017-2018., Sara S. Kim, Eric A. Naioti, Natasha B. Halasa, Laura S. Stewart, John V. Williams, Marian G. Michaels, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Christopher J. Harrison, Mary A. Staat, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Janet A. Englund, Eileen J. Klein, Constance E. Ogokeh, Angela P. Campbell, Manish M. Patel, and New Vaccine Surveillance Network (Article)


Vaping, Perceptions of Vaping, and Plans to Quit Among E-cigarette Users in the United States and the United Kingdom., Nathalia Munck Machado, Keith Feldman, Ligia Menezes do Amaral, Telmo Mota Ronzani, and Kimber P. Richter (Article)


Accuracy of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Pediatric Cardiac Masses: A Multicenter Study., Rebecca S. Beroukhim, Sunil Ghelani, Ravi Ashwath, Sowmya Balasubramanian, David M. Biko, Sujatha Buddhe, M Jay Campbell, Russell Cross, Pierluigi Festa, Lindsay Griffin, Heynric Grotenhuis, Keren Hasbani, Sassan Hashemi, Sanjeet Hegde, Tarique Hussain, Supriya Jain, Maria Kiaffas, Shelby Kutty, Christopher Z. Lam, Gabriela Liberato, Anthony Merlocco, Nilanjana Misra, Katie L. Mowers, Juan Carlos Muniz, Arni Nutting, David A. Parra, Jyoti K. Patel, Antonio R. Perez-Atayde, Deepa Prasad, Carlos F. Rosental, Amee Shah, Margaret M. Samyn, Lynn A. Sleeper, Timothy Slesnick, Emanuela Valsangiacomo, and Tal Geva (Article)


A ten-gene DNA-damage response pathway gene expression signature predicts gemtuzumab ozogamicin response in pediatric AML patients treated on COGAAML0531 and AAML03P1 trials., Mohammed O. Gbadamosi, Vivek M. Shastri, Abdelrahman H. Elsayed, Rhonda Ries, Oluwaseyi Olabige, Nam H K Nguyen, Angelica De Jesus, Yi-Cheng Wang, Alice Dang, Betsy A. Hirsch, Todd A. Alonzo, Alan S. Gamis, Soheil Meshinchi, and Jatinder K. Lamba (Article)


Changes in self-image after pectus carinatum brace treatment., Beth A. Orrick, Amy L. Pierce, and Susan F. McElroy (Article)


Comprehensive Assessment of Quality of Life, Functioning, and Mental Health in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Noninfectious Uveitis., Joseph McDonald, Amy Cassedy, Mekibib Altaye, Jennifer Andringa, Ashley M. Cooper, Carolyn Drews-Botsch, George Engelhard, Theresa Hennard, Gary N. Holland, Kirsten Jenkins, Scott R. Lambert, Jessi Lipscomb, Courtney McCracken, Deborah K. McCurdy, Najima Mwase, Sampath Prahalad, Jessica Shantha, Erin Stahl, Virginia Miraldi Utz, A Adrienne Walker, Steven Yeh, and Sheila T. Angeles-Han (Article)


Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Hemodialysis Access-Associated Infections in Children: A Prospective Cohort Study From the SCOPE Collaborative., Rebecca L. Ruebner, Heidi Gruhler De Souza, Troy Richardson, Badreldin Bedri, Olivera Marsenic, Franca Iorember, Jillian K. Warejko, Bradley A. Warady, and Alicia M. Neu (Article)


Feasibility and acceptability of a diagnostic randomized clinical trial of bowel ultrasound in infants with suspected necrotizing enterocolitis., Alain Cuna, Sherwin S. Chan, Jill Jones, Maura Sien, Amie L. Robinson, Karishma Rao, and Erin K. Opfer (Article)


Fellow Entrustment for the Common Pediatric Subspecialty Entrustable Professional Activities Across Subspecialties., Sarah Pitts, Alan Schwartz, Carol L. Carraccio, Bruce E. Herman, John D. Mahan, Cary G. Sauer, Christiane E L Dammann, Tandy Aye, Angela Myers, Pnina G. Weiss, David A. Turner, Deborah C. Hsu, Diane E J Stafford, Patricia R. Chess, Jill J. Fussell, Kathleen A. McGann, Pamela High, Megan L. Curran, and Richard B. Mink (Article)


Fundoplication without esophagocrural sutures: Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial., Kayla B. Briggs, Wendy Jo Svetanoff, James Fraser, Pablo Aguayo, Jason D. Fraser, George W HolcombIII, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Hybrid Closed-Loop Systems and Glycemic Outcomes in Children and Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World Evidence From a U.S.-Based Multicenter Collaborative., Nudrat Noor, Manmohan K. Kamboj, Taylor Triolo, Sarit Polsky, Ryan McDonough, Carla Demeterco-Berggren, Laura Jacobsen, Rona Sonabend, Osagie Ebekozien, and Daniel J. DeSalvo (Article)


Impact and interactions between risk factors on the iron status of at-risk neonates., Christine E. Brichta, Jennie Godwin, Sally Norlin, and Pamela J. Kling (Article)


Key predictors of the need for a family-focused pediatric epilepsy adherence intervention., Dana Bakula, Katherine W. Junger, Shanna M. Guilfoyle, Constance A. Mara, and Avani C. Modi (Article)


Multi-Institutional Review of the Preoperative Diagnostic Accuracy for Pediatric Ovarian Mature Cystic Teratomas., Maria E. Knaus, Amanda J. Onwuka, Amin Afrazi, Lesley Breech, Kristine S. Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Peter F. Ehrlich, Mary E. Fallat, Jason D. Fraser, Samir K. Gadepalli, Julia E. Grabowski, S Paige Hertweck, Rashmi Kabre, Dave R. Lal, Matthew P. Landman, Amy E. Lawrence, Charles M. Leys, Grace Z. Mak, Troy A. Markel, Naila Merchan, R Elliott Overman, Brooks L. Rademacher, Manish T. Raiji, Beth Rymeski, Thomas T. Sato, Madeline Scannel, Allegra G. Schikler, Joseph A. Sujka, Tiffany Wright, Jennifer H. Aldrink, Geri D. Hewitt, Peter C. Minneci, Katherine J. Deans, and Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium (Article)


Neighborhood Environment and Metabolic Risk in Hispanics/Latinos From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos., Linda C. Gallo, Kimberly L. Savin, Marta M. Jankowska, Scott C. Roesch, James F. Sallis, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Gregory A. Talavera, Krista M. Perreira, Carmen R. Isasi, Frank J. Penedo, Maria M. Llabre, Mayra L. Estrella, Earle C. Chambers, Martha L. Daviglus, Scott C. Brown, and Jordan A. Carlson (Article)


Obesity and dyslipidemia predict cardiac allograft vasculopathy and graft loss in children and adolescents post-heart transplant: A PHTS multi-institutional analysis., Carmel Bogle, Ryan Cantor, Devin Koehl, Jillien Lochridge, James K. Kirklin, Aliessa P. Barnes, Gonzalo Wallis, Shahnawaz Amdani, Rebecca Ameduri, Elfriede Pahl, Kathleen E. Simpson, and Elizabeth D. Blume (Article)


Pediatric Rome IV diagnosis agreement is greater than agreement on diagnostic testing., Isha Kaul, Vincent S. Staggs, Amber Bagherian, Amna Ali, Robert J. Shulman, Jennifer Colombo, Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Bruno P. Chumpitazi, and Craig A. Friesen (Article)


Pediatric Urgent Care Providers' Approach to Antibiotic Stewardship: A National Survey., Rana F. Hamdy, Amanda Nedved, Melody Fung, Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, Cindy M. Liu, Jill Obremskey, and Amanda Montalbano (Article)


Physical Activity, Glycemic Variability, and Parental Hypoglycemia Fear in Preschoolers With Type 1 Diabetes., Susana R. Patton, Alexandra D. Monzon, Amy E. Noser, and Mark A. Clements (Article)


Physician Perspectives on Acupuncture Use in the Pediatric Emergency Department., Jami Jackson, Anna E. Esparham, Jennifer J. Dilts, Madeline Boorigie, and Kimberly A Randell (Article)


Psychosocial Needs for Newly Diagnosed Youth with Type 1 Diabetes and Their Families., Susana R. Patton, David Maahs, Priya Prahalad, and Mark A. Clements (Article)


Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) targeting in pediatric high-grade glioma and diffuse midline glioma: Pre-clinical models and precision medicine., Kallen Schwark, Dana Messinger, Jessica R. Cummings, Joshua Bradin, Abed Kawakibi, Clarissa M. Babila, Samantha Lyons, Sunjong Ji, Rodrigo T. Cartaxo, Seongbae Kong, Evan Cantor, Carl Koschmann, and Viveka Nand Yadav (Article)


Remedy to Diabetes Distress (R2D2): Development protocol for a scalable screen-to-treat program for families of school-age children., Susana R. Patton, Jessica S. Pierce, Larry Fox, Matthew Benson, Ryan McDonough, and Mark A. Clements (Article)


Self-reported Race, Serum Creatinine, Cystatin C, and GFR in Children and Young Adults With Pediatric Kidney Diseases: A Report From the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study., Derek K. Ng, Susan L. Furth, Bradley A. Warady, Deidra C. Crews, Jesse C. Seegmiller, George J. Schwartz, and CKiD Study Investigators (Article)


Shared Decision Making in Health Care: Theoretical Perspectives for Why It Works and For Whom., Ken Resnicow, Delwyn Catley, Kathy Goggin, Sarah Hawley, and Geoffrey C. Williams (Article)


The presence of a neurodiverse disorder is associated with increased use of antegrade enema therapy in children with severe constipation: A study from the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC)., Scott S. Short, Ron W. Reeder, Katelyn E. Lewis, Belinda Dickie, Julia Grabowski, Taylor Sepuha, Megan M. Durham, Jason Frischer, Andrea Badillo, Casey M. Calkins, Rebecca M. Rentea, Matt Ralls, Richard J. Wood, Megan K. Fuller, Kathleen van Leeuwen, Jeffrey R. Avansino, Kelly Austin, and Michael D. Rollins (Article)


Therapeutic plasma exchange for multiorgan dysfunction among critically ill pediatric patients with leukemia: A single-institutional experience., Sarah E. Mc Dermott, Chandni Dargan, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Lejla Music Aplenc, Terrie Flatt, and Nazia Iqbal (Article)


The Relationship Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Kidney Disease Progression in the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Cohort., Sara A. Boynton, Matthew B. Matheson, Derek K. Ng, Guillermo Hidalgo, Bradley A. Warady, Susan L. Furth, and Meredith A. Atkinson (Article)


Variability in 30-day major amputation rates following endovascular peripheral vascular intervention for critical limb ischemia., Jeremy B. Provance, John A. Spertus, Philip G. Jones, Mark A. Hoffman, Matthew C. Bunte, Todd R. Vogel, Carlos Mena-Hurtado, and Kim G. Smolderen (Article)


Evaluating the efficacy of the HITSystem 2.1 to improve PMTCT retention and maternal viral suppression in Kenya: Study protocol of a cluster-randomized trial., Sharon Mokua, May Maloba, Catherine Wexler, Kathy Goggin, Vincent S. Staggs, Natabhona Mabachi, Nicodemus Maosa, Shadrack Babu, Emily A. Hurley, and Sarah Finocchario-Kessler (Article)


Real-world use of tisagenlecleucel in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Amy Moskop, Lauren Pommert, Christina Baggott, Snehit Prabhu, Holly L. Pacenta, Christine L. Phillips, Jenna Rossoff, Heather E. Stefanski, Julie-An Talano, Steve P. Margossian, Michael R. Verneris, Douglas Myers, Nicole A. Karras, Patrick A. Brown, Muna Qayed, Michelle L. Hermiston, Prakash Satwani, Christa Krupski, Amy K. Keating, Rachel Wilcox, Cara A. Rabik, Vanessa A. Fabrizio, Vasant Chinnabhandar, A Yasemin Goksenin, Kevin J. Curran, Crystal L. Mackall, Theodore W. Laetsch, Erin M. Guest, Erin H. Breese, and Liora M. Schultz (Article)


Provider Knowledge and Experience in Care, Management, and Education of Pediatric Ehlers-Danlos syndrome., Jordan T. Jones and William R. Black (Article)


Adipose methylome integrative-omic analyses reveal genetic and dietary metabolic health drivers and insulin resistance classifiers., Colette Christiansen, Max Tomlinson, Melissa Eliot, Emma Nilsson, Ricardo Costeira, Yujing Xia, Sergio Villicaña, Olatz Mompeo, Philippa Wells, Juan Castillo-Fernandez, Louis Potier, Marie-Claude Vohl, Andre Tchernof, Julia El-Sayed Moustafa, Cristina Menni, Claire J. Steves, Karl Kelsey, Charlotte Ling, Elin Grundberg, Kerrin S. Small, and Jordana T. Bell (Article)


Maternal Vaccination and Risk of Hospitalization for Covid-19 among Infants., Natasha B. Halasa, Samantha M. Olson, Mary A. Staat, Margaret M. Newhams, Ashley M. Price, Pia S. Pannaraj, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Kathleen Chiotos, Melissa A. Cameron, Katherine E. Bline, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Aline B. Maddux, Bria M. Coates, Kelly N. Michelson, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Katherine Irby, Ryan A. Nofziger, Elizabeth H. Mack, Laura Smallcomb, Stephanie P. Schwartz, Tracie C. Walker, Shira J. Gertz, Jennifer E. Schuster, Satoshi Kamidani, Keiko M. Tarquinio, Samina S. Bhumbra, Mia Maamari, Janet R. Hume, Hillary Crandall, Emily R. Levy, Matt S. Zinter, Tamara T. Bradford, Heidi R. Flori, Melissa L. Cullimore, Michele Kong, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Suzanne M. Gilboa, Kara N. Polen, Angela P. Campbell, Adrienne G. Randolph, Manish M. Patel, and Overcoming Covid-19 Investigators (Article)


A research agenda to support the development and implementation of genomics-based clinical informatics tools and resources., Ken Wiley, Laura Findley, Madison Goldrich, Tejinder K. Rakhra-Burris, Ana Stevens, Pamela Williams, Carol J. Bult, Rex Chisholm, Patricia Deverka, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Eric D. Green, Gail Jarvik, George A. Mensah, Erin Ramos, Mary V. Relling, Dan M. Roden, Robb Rowley, Gil Alterovitz, Samuel Aronson, Lisa Bastarache, James J. Cimino, Erin L. Crowgey, Guilherme Del Fiol, Robert R. Freimuth, Mark A. Hoffman, Janina Jeff, Kevin Johnson, Kensaku Kawamoto, Subha Madhavan, Eneida A. Mendonca, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Siddharth Pratap, Casey Overby Taylor, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Nephi Walton, Chunhua Weng, Teresa Zayas-Cabán, Teri A. Manolio, and Marc S. Williams (Article)


Psychiatric symptoms are not associated with circulating CRP concentrations after controlling for medical, social, and demographic factors., Leandra K. Figueroa-Hall, Bohan Xu, Rayus Kuplicki, Bart N. Ford, Kaiping Burrows, T Kent Teague, Sandip Sen, Hung-Wen Yeh, Michael R. Irwin, Jonathan Savitz, and Martin P. Paulus (Article)


Characterization of the Mucosally-Adherent Duodenal Microbiome in Children with and without Crohn's Disease., Kenneth Schmidt, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Carrie Vyhlidal, Daniel P. Heruth, Vivekanand Singh, Atif A. Ahmed, Taina Hudson, Veronica Williams, and Valentina Shakhnovich (Article)


Integrated PERSEVERE and endothelial biomarker risk model predicts death and persistent MODS in pediatric septic shock: a secondary analysis of a prospective observational study., Mihir R. Atreya, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Scott L. Weiss, Michael T. Bigham, Parag N. Jain, Adam J. Schwarz, Riad Lutfi, Jeffrey Nowak, Geoffrey L. Allen, Neal J. Thomas, Jocelyn R. Grunwell, Torrey Baines, Michael Quasney, Bereketeab Haileselassie, Christopher J. Lindsell, Matthew N. Alder, and Hector R. Wong (Article)


Validation of remote height and weight assessment in a rural randomized clinical trial., Bethany Forseth Hanson, Ann M. Davis, Dana Bakula, Megan Murray, Kelsey Dean, Rebecca E. Swinburne Romine, and Kandace Fleming (Article)


Effect of Various Preterm Infant Milk Formulas on NEC-Like Gut Injury in Mice., Karishma Rao, Alain Cuna, Susana Chavez-Bueno, Heather Menden, Wei Yu, Ishfaq Ahmed, Pugazhendhi Srinivasan, Shahid Umar, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)


A Longitudinal Effectiveness Study of a Child Obesity Electronic Health Record Tool., Amy Braddock, Richelle J. Koopman, Jamie Smith, Andy S. Lee, Samuel Holt McNair, Sarah Hampl, Nuha Wareg, Megan Clary, Natalie Miller, and Christy B. Turer (Article)


A Multisite Collaborative to Decrease Inappropriate Antibiotics in Urgent Care Centers., Amanda Nedved, Melody Fung, Destani Bizune, Cindy M. Liu, Jill Obremskey, Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, Rana F. Hamdy, and Amanda Montalbano (Article)


Analysis of Neonatal Neurobehavior and Developmental Outcomes Among Preterm Infants., Elisabeth C. McGowan, Julie A. Hofheimer, T Michael O'Shea, Howard Kilbride, Brian S. Carter, Jennifer Check, Jennifer Helderman, Charles R. Neal, Steve Pastyrnak, Lynne M. Smith, Marie Camerota, Lynne M. Dansereau, Sheri A. Della Grotta, and Barry M. Lester (Article)


Analysis of Neurogastrointestinal and Motility Disorders From the National Pediatric Database (Kid's Inpatient Database): Exploring Demographic Access and Outcomes., Dhiren Patel, Noor Al-Hammadi, Evan Xu, Leslie Hinyard, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)


An analysis of physicians' diagnostic reasoning regarding pediatric abusive head trauma., Kent P. Hymel, Stephen C. Boos, Veronica Armijo-Garcia, Matthew Musick, Kerri Weeks, Suzanne B. Haney, Mark Marinello, Bruce E. Herman, Terra N. Frazier, Christopher L. Carroll, Katelyn Even, Ming Wang, and Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network (PediBIRN) Investigators (Article)


A phase IV, multicentre, open-label study of emicizumab prophylaxis in people with haemophilia A with or without FVIII inhibitors undergoing minor surgical procedures., Miguel Escobar, Amy Dunn, Doris Quon, Ben Trzaskoma, Lucy Lee, Richard H. Ko, and Shannon L. Carpenter (Article)


A Prediction Model for Positive Infant Meconium and Urine Drug Tests., Elizabeth Simpson, David Skoglund, Sarah E. Stone, and Ashley K. Sherman (Article)


Association of GSTM1 Deletion With Progression of CKD in Children: Findings From the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) Study., Rebecca V. Levy, Kimberly J. Reidy, Thu H. Le, Victor David, Cheryl Winkler, Yunwen Xu, Bradley A. Warady, Susan Furth, Frederick Kaskel, and Michal L. Melamed (Article)


Child Protective Services Reports in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: A Delphi Process Examining Best Practices., Maya I. Ragavan, Camille M. Skinner, Emily Killough, Cynterria Henderson, Adelaide L. Eichman, and Kimberly A Randell (Article)


Children's Oncology Group Trial AALL1231: A Phase III Clinical Trial Testing Bortezomib in Newly Diagnosed T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Lymphoma., David T. Teachey, Meenakshi Devidas, Brent L. Wood, Zhiguo Chen, Robert J. Hayashi, Michelle L. Hermiston, Robert D. Annett, J Hunter Archer, Barbara L. Asselin, Keith August, Steve Y. Cho, Kimberly P. Dunsmore, Brian T. Fisher, Jason L. Freedman, Paul J. Galardy, Paul Harker-Murray, Terzah M. Horton, Alok I. Jaju, Allison Lam, Yoav H. Messinger, Rodney R. Miles, Maki Okada, Samir I. Patel, Eric S. Schafer, Tal Schechter, Neelam Singh, Amii C. Steele, Maria Luisa Sulis, Sarah L. Vargas, Stuart S. Winter, Charlotte Wood, Patrick Zweidler-McKay, Catherine M. Bollard, Mignon L. Loh, Stephen P. Hunger, and Elizabeth A. Raetz (Article)


Corticosteroid response predicts bronchopulmonary dysplasia status at 36 weeks in preterm infants treated with dexamethasone: A pilot study., Keith Feldman, Christopher R. Nitkin, Alain Cuna, Alexandra Oschman, William E. Truog, Michael Norberg, Michael F. Nyp, Jane B. Taylor, and Tamorah Lewis (Article)


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Personal Systems Approach in Improving Medication Adherence in Adult Kidney Transplant Patients., Melanie Whittington, Kathy Goggin, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Donna Hathaway, Laura Remy, Dana Aholt, Debra Clark, Courtney Miller, Catherine Ashbaugh, Mark Wakefield, Rebecca B. Ellis, and Cynthia Russell (Article)


Defining Clinical Effort for Hospital-Based Pediatricians., Steven Olsen, Kanekal Gautham, Howard Kilbride, Michael Artman, and Satyan Lakshminrusimha (Editorial)


Demographics of children with feeding difficulties from a large electronic health record database., Sarah T. Edwards, Earl F. Glynn, Michael Slogic, Ann M. Davis, Haley J. Killian, Jose Cocjin, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)


Determinants of medication adherence in childhood nephrotic syndrome and associations of adherence with clinical outcomes., Chia-Shi Wang, Jonathan P. Troost, Yujie Wang, Larry A. Greenbaum, Keisha Gibson, Howard Trachtman, Tarak Srivastava, Kimberly Reidy, Frederick Kaskel, Christine B. Sethna, Kevin Meyers, Katherine M. Dell, Cheryl L. Tran, Sangeeta Hingorani, Kevin V. Lemley, Jen-Jar Lin, and Debbie S. Gipson (Article)


Diagnostic outcomes from a combined Pediatric Dermatology-Genetics clinic., Maeve C. Maher, Amy J. Nopper, Brandon D. Newell, Emily Fleming, Jennifer L. Gannon, Dihong Zhou, and Kimberly A. Horii (Article)


Differences Between Viral Meningitis and Abusive Head Trauma., Danielle Horton, Tanya Burrell, Mary Moffatt, Henry T. Puls, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Lyndsey Hultman, and James Anderst (Article)


Dosing Variability and Clinical Outcomes of Oxybutynin: A Pediatric Cohort of Patients With Neurogenic Bladder., Mahnoor F. Malik, Joseph Hogan Randall, Jack G. Campbell, Matthew J. McLaughlin, and Joel F Koenig (Article)


Evaluating the Impact of Smartphones on Nursing Workflow: Lessons Learned., Kathlyn Baharaeen, Eryn M. Godwin, Tiffany Mullen, McKenzie Hamacher, and Sarah Fouquet (Article)


Feeding Therapy Treatments for Infants With Unilateral Vocal Cord Paresis., Leah Hunt and Adrienne Olney (Article)


Informing Parents as Caregivers With a Symptom Assessment App Developed for Children With Cancer., Katherine M. Bernier Carney, Kristin Stegenga, and Lauri A. Linder (Article)


Insurance coverage and respiratory morbidities in bronchopulmonary dysplasia., Joseph M. Collaco, Michael C. Tracy, Catherine A. Sheils, Jessica L. Rice, Lawrence M. Rhein, Leif D. Nelin, Paul E. Moore, Winston M. Manimtim, Jonathan C. Levin, Khanh Lai, Lystra P. Hayden, Julie L. Fierro, Eric D. Austin, Stamatia Alexiou, Amit Agarwal, Natalie Villafranco, Roopa Siddaiah, Antonia P. Popova, Ioana A. Cristea, Christopher D. Baker, Manvi Bansal, and Sharon A. McGrath-Morrow (Article)


Intimate Partner Violence and the Pediatric Electronic Health Record: A Qualitative Study., Kimberly A Randell, Maya I. Ragavan, Lindsey A. Query, Mangai Sundaram, Megan Bair-Merritt, Elizabeth Miller, and M Denise Dowd (Article)


Length of Stay per Total Body Surface Area Burn Relative to Mechanism: A Pediatric Injury Quality Improvement Collaborative Study., Kelli N. Patterson, Amanda Onwuka, Kyle Z. Horvath, Renata Fabia, Sheila Giles, Daniel J. Marx, Pablo Aguayo, Susan Ziegfeld, Alejandro Garcia, F Dylan Stewart, Jennifer Fritzeen, Randall S. Burd, Lisa Vitale, Justin Klein, and Rajan K. Thakkar (Article)


Low variability of plant protein intake in the CKiD cohort does not demonstrate changes in estimated GFR nor electrolyte balance., Lokesh N. Shah, Matthew B. Matheson, Susan L. Furth, George J. Schwartz, Bradley A. Warady, and Cynthia J. Wong (Article)


Management of the undescended testis in children: An American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice Committee Systematic Review., Robert L. Gates, Julia Shelton, Karen A. Diefenbach, Meghan Arnold, Shawn D. St Peter, Elizabeth J. Renaud, Mark B. Slidell, Stig Sømme, Patricia Valusek, Gustavo A. Villalona, Jarod P. McAteer, Alana L. Beres, Joanne Baerg, Rebecca M. Rentea, Lorraine Kelley-Quon, Akemi L. Kawaguchi, Yue-Yung Hu, Doug Miniati, Robert Ricca, and Robert Baird (Article)


Neighborhood built environments and Hispanic/Latino adults' physical activity in the U.S.: The Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos community and surrounding areas study., Jordan A. Carlson, James F. Sallis, Marta M. Jankowska, Matthew A. Allison, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Scott C. Roesch, Chelsea Steel, Kimberly L. Savin, Gregory A. Talavera, Sheila F. Castañeda, Maria M. Llabre, Frank J. Penedo, Robert Kaplan, Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani, Martha Daviglus, Krista M. Perreira, and Linda C. Gallo (Article)


Part 6: Essentials of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship: program administration., Maria Gillam-Krakauer, J Sharma, Patrick Myers, ONTPD Fellowship Directors Writing Group, and Elizabeth M. Bonachea (Article)


Prescribing Patterns of Amantadine During Pediatric Inpatient Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multicentered Retrospective Review From the Pediatric Brain Injury Consortium., Matthew J. McLaughlin, Eric Caliendo, Ryan Lowder, William D. Watson, Brad Kurowski, Katherine T. Baum, Laura S. Blackwell, Christine H. Koterba, Kristen R. Hoskinson, Sarah J. Tlustos, Kanecia O. Zimmerman, Sudhin A. Shah, and Stacy J. Suskauer (Article)


Randomized Clinical Trial of a Self-care and Communication Intervention for Parents of Adolescent/Young Adults Undergoing High-Risk Cancer Treatment: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group., Joan E. Haase, Kristin Stegenga, Sheri L. Robb, Mary C. Hooke, Debra S. Burns, Patrick O. Monahan, Timothy E. Stump, Amanda K. Henley, Paul R. Haut, Brooke Cherven, Lona Roll, Anne-Marie Langevin, Rita H. Pickler, Karen Albritton, DeAnna Hawkins, Erin Osterkamp, Pauline Mitby, Jackie Smith, Virginia R. Diaz, Erica Garcia-Frausto, and Margo Moore (Article)


Supporting Children Experiencing Family Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: IPV and CPS Provider Perspectives., Lauren Risser, Rachel P. Berger, Veronica Renov, Fatimah Aboiye, Virginia Duplessis, Cynterria Henderson, Kimberly A Randell, Elizabeth Miller, and Maya I. Ragavan (Article)


Symptom Profiles of Adolescents and Young Adults in Active Cancer Treatment by Diagnostic Groups., Suzanne Ameringer, R K Elswick, Kristin Stegenga, Catherine Fiona Macpherson, Jeanne M. Erickson, and Lauri Linder (Article)