Works from 2025
Matched comparison of non-fusion surgeries for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: posterior dynamic distraction device and vertebral body tethering., Julia Todderud, A Noelle Larson, Geoffrey Haft, Ron El-Hawary, Nigel Price, John Anderson, Ryan Fitzgerald, Gilbert Chan, Baron Lonner, Michael Albert, Daniel Hoernschemeyer, and Todd A. Milbrandt (Article)
Works from 2024
Pelvic Asymmetry and Spinal Fixation in Myelomeningocele, Michael Benvenuti, Shanika de Silva, and Lawrence Karlin
Are Recreational Sports a Relic of the Past OR a Solution for the Future?, Lauren S. Butler, Joseph Janosky, Gregory Knell, Sophia Ulman, and Kevin Latz (Editorial)
Highly Active Middle School Athletes Demonstrate Poor Motor Skill Proficiency., Lauren S Butler, Dai Sugimoto, Ashley Erdman, Jason D. Yoderq, Kayla Greiner, Cynthia Larroque, Kevin Latz, Alex Loewen, Charles W Wyatt, Amie DeVerna, PRiSM Injury Prevention Research Interest Group, and Sophia Ulman (Article)
Safety in Cheerleading: Epidemiology and Recommendations: Policy Statement., Greg Canty, Jennifer King, and COUNCIL ON SPORTS MEDICINE AND FITNESS (Article)
BrAIST-Calc: Prediction of Individualized Benefit From Bracing for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis., Lori A. Dolan, Stuart L. Weinstein, Matthew B. Dobbs, John M Jack Flynn, Daniel W. Green, Matthew F. Halsey, M Timothy Hresko, Walter F. Krengel, Charles T. Mehlman, Todd A. Milbrandt, Peter O. Newton, Nigel Price, James O. Sanders, Michael L. Schmitz, Richard M. Schwend, Suken A. Shah, Kit Song, and Vishwas Talwalkar (Article)
Position Specific Injury Patterns in Male Developmental Academy Soccer Players, Andrew Donaldson, Catharine Kral, Shannon Margherio, McKeenna Noe, and Brian S. Harvey (Presentation)
Pediatric Device Innovation: An Analysis of Food and Drug Administration Authorizations Over Time., Jonathan Dubin, Krish Sardesai, Caleb W. Grote, Caroline Tougas, Katherine Branche, and Norman Otsuka (Article)
Surgical technique: proximal extension of instrumentation using sublaminar bands for salvage of postoperative proximal junctional failure in pediatric patients., Mason A. Fawcett and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Health-related quality of life and clinical outcomes for magnetically controlled growing rod patients after treatment termination., Adam A. Jamnik, K Aaron Shaw, David Thornberg, Anna McClung, Chan-Hee Jo, Brandon Ramo, and Amy McIntosh (Article)
Anterior Hip Pain in Adolescent Female Wrestler, Melanie Kennedy (Poster)
Raymond Roy-Camille: a pioneer in spine surgery., Andrew G. King and Richard M. Schwend (Editorial)
Something's Gnawing at Me, Catharine Kral and Brian Harvey (Poster)
Developmental dysplasia of the hip and ultrasound reading by pediatric orthopedic surgeons: a pilot study., Ariel Kwart, Matthew Pacana, Norman Otsuka, Brian Piazza, Douglas Armstrong, Brian Shaw, Lee S. Segal, Scott Sorenson, Kristine Fortuna, Joshua Abzug, and William Hennrikus (Article)
Echocardiographic findings in non-hospitalised children and adolescents following acute COVID-19., Amanda McIntosh, Anmol Goyal, Carol Moser-Dungan, Brian S. Harvey, Howard J. Heching, Doaa G. Aly, Nitin Madan, and Daniel Forsha (Article)
A Simple Clinical Predictive Model for Arthroscopic Mobility of Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee., Matthew D. Milewski, Patricia E. Miller, Emma C. Gossman, Ryan P. Coene, Marc A. Tompkins, Christian N. Anderson, Kathryn Bauer, Michael T. Busch, James L. Carey, Sasha Carsen, Henry G. Chambers, Ryan P. Coene, Eric W. Edmonds, Jutta Ellermann, Henry B. Ellis, John Erickson, Peter D. Fabricant, Theodore J. Ganley, Emma C. Gossman, Daniel W. Green, Benton E. Heyworth, James Hoi Po Hui, Mininder S. Kocher, Aaron J. Krych, Kevin Latz, Roger M. Lyon, Stephanie Mayer, Matthew D. Milewski, Patricia E. Miller, Bradley J. Nelson, Jeffrey J. Nepple, Jie C. Nguyen, Carl W. Nissen, James Lee Pace, Mark V. Paterno, Andrew T. Pennock, Crystal Perkins, John D. Polousky, Paul Saluan, Kevin G. Shea, Marc A. Tompkins, Eric J. Wall, Jennifer M. Weiss, Clifton Willimon, Philip Wilson, Rick W. Wright, Andy Zbojniewicz, and Gregory D. Myer (Article)
Forensic Nurse Examiners - Meeting the Needs of Survivors of Violent Crimes., McKenna C. Noe, Miriam Crandall, and Caroline Tougas (Editorial)
The effect of surgical time on perioperative complications in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cases. A propensity score analysis., McKenna C. Noe, Daniel Hagaman, Brittany Sipp, Fahad Qureshi, Jonathan R. Warren, Ellie Kaji, Ashley K. Sherman, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Pediatric Type I Open Both Bone Forearm Fractures: Predicting Failure of Nonoperative Management., McKenna C. Noe, Robert C. Link, Jonathan R. Warren, Ezra Goodrich, Mark R. Sinclair, and Caroline Tougas (Article)
2015-2021 Industry Payments to Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons: Analysis of Trends and Characteristics of Top-earning Surgeons., McKenna Noe, Ellie Kaji, George Thomas, Jonathan R. Warren, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Transiliac-Shortening Osteotomy to Treat Ischial Pressure Injury due to Fixed Pelvic Obliquity: A Case Report., Richard M. Schwend, Brandon T Nguyen, McKenna C. Noe, John Anderson, and Shao Jiang (Article)
What's Important (Arts & Humanities): Our Uniformed., K Aaron Shaw (Editorial)
Postoperative CT imaging to characterize fusion in pediatric and adolescent vertebral column resection., K Aaron Shaw, Kendall Anigian, and Daniel J. Sucato (Article)
Vertebral body tethering for Lenke 1A curves: the lumbar modifier predicts less optimal outcomes., K Aaron Shaw, Firoz Miyanji, Tracey Bryan, Stefan Parent, Peter O. Newton, Joshua S. Murphy, and Harms Study Group (Article)
In-hospital post-operative fever after posterior spinal fusion for neuromuscular scoliosis in non-ambulatory cerebral palsy patients: is there value for clinical workup for an isolated fever?, K Aaron Shaw, Joshua S. Murphy, Ryan Koehler, Hilary Harris, Numera Sachwani, Robert Bruce, Dennis Devito, Michael Schmitz, Jorge Fabregas, Daniel Raftis, Just West, and Nicholas Fletcher (Article)
Implementing a Halo Gravity Traction Program: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor., Anne E. Stuedemann, Michon Huston, Nicolette Saddler, Richard M. Schwend, John Anderson, Elizabeth Pierce, Tiffany Koivuniemi-Berg, Jamie Fryatt, and Katrina Herman (Article)
Speeding Up Time: An Old Back in a Young Athlete, Carey Wagoner and Greg Canty (Poster)
Bioinductive patch as an augmentation for rotator cuff repair, a systematic review and meta-analysis., Jonathan R. Warren, El R. Domingo-Johnson, Amelia A. Sorensen, An-Lin Cheng, Kevin Latz, and Akin Cil (Article)
Two AIS Cases, 2 Surgeons, 1 Operating Room, 1 Day: Faster and Safer Than 1 Case in a Day., Jonathan R. Warren, Robert C Link, Sean Bonanni, McKenna C. Noe, John Anderson, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Time-Dependent Bacterial Contamination of a Surgical Suction Tip., Jonathan R. Warren, McKenna C. Noe, Gordon H. Stock, Timothy Juelson, William Hotchkiss, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Works from 2023
Surgeon and SterEOS agreement of spinal sagittal plane parameters in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis., Daniel Cherian, John Anderson, Nigel Price, and Ashley K. Sherman (Article)
Indications for Early Surgical Intervention in Adolescents with Salter-Harris II Distal Radius Fractures, Cyrus Etebari, Jonathan Warren, Olivia Pruss, Sricharan Yadali, Vincent Staggs, and Micah K. Sinclair
Biomechanical analysis of rod contouring in posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion for 3D correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis., Marine Gay, Xiaoyu Wang, Todd Ritzman, Lorena Floccari, Richard M. Schwend, and Carl-Eric Aubin (Article)
A whole-joint histopathologic grading system for murine knee osteoarthritis., Caleb W. Grote, Matthew J. Mackay, Qinghua Lu, Xiangliang Liu, Anders R. Meyer, and Jinxi Wang (Article)
Predicting Rates of Angular Correction After Hemiepiphysiodesis in Patients With X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets., Caleb W. Grote, Jeffrey J. Nepple, Perry L. Schoenecker, Gary S. Gottesman, J Eric Gordon, and Mark L. Miller (Article)
Symptomatic spinal arachnoid cyst with spastic diplegia secondary to cerebral palsy: illustrative case., Andrew Guillotte, Abdul-Rahman Alkiswani, Kathryn Keeler, and Michael D. Partington (Article)
Insidious Ankle Swelling, Catharine Kral and Brian Harvey (Poster)
Benefits of youth sports, Kelsey Logan, Alissa Conde, and Melanie Kennedy (Book Chapter)
Relationship Between Age and Pathology With Treatment of Pediatric and Adolescent Discoid Lateral Meniscus: A Report From the SCORE Multicenter Database., Members of the SCORE Quality Improvement Registry, Elizabeth Adsit, Jay Albright, Sheila Algan, Jennifer Beck, Richard E. Bowen, Jennifer Brey, J Marc Cardelia, Christian Clark, Pablo Coello, Allison Crepeau, Eric Edmonds, Matthew Ellington, Henry B. Ellis, Peter D. Fabricant, Jeremy S. Frank, Theodore J. Ganley, Daniel W. Green, Andrew Gupta, Benton Heyworth, W Craig Kemper, Kevin Latz, Alfred Mansour, Stephanie Mayer, Scott D. McKay, Matthew D. Milewski, Emily Niu, Donna M. Pacicca, Shital N. Parikh, Lauren Pupa, Jason Rhodes, Michael Saper, Gregory A. Schmale, Matthew Schmitz, Kevin Shea, Rachel S. Silverstein, Stephen Storer, and Philip L. Wilson (Article)
Innovative Management of Posterior Upper Thigh Pain In Two Adolescent Athletes, Thomas Munro and Brian Harvey (Poster)
Age, Sex, and BMI Differences Related to Repairable Meniscal Tears in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients., Matthew S. Rohde, Kevin G. Shea, Timothy Dawson, Benton E. Heyworth, Matthew D. Milewski, Eric W. Edmonds, Elizabeth Adsit, Philip L. Wilson, SCORE Group, Jay Albright, Sheila Algan, Jennifer Beck, Richard Bowen, Jennifer Brey, Marc Cardelia, Christian Clark, Allison Crepeau, Eric W. Edmonds, Matt Ellington, Henry B. Ellis, Peter Fabricant, Jeremy Frank, Ted Ganley, Dan Green, Andrew Gupta, Benton E. Heyworth, Kevin Latz, Alfred Mansour, Stephanie Mayer, Scott McKay, Matt Milewski, Emily Niu, Donna Pacicca, Shital Parikh, Jason Rhodes, Michael Saper, Greg Schmale, Matthew Schmitz, Kevin Shea, Stephen Storer, Philip L. Wilson, and Henry B. Ellis (Article)
Establishing the Role of Inflammatory Markers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Hand Infections in the Pediatric Population., John Schutz, Andy Lalka, Morgan A. Williams, Sarah E. Sibbel, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)
Recruiting, Supporting and Retaining Diversity in Hand Surgery., Micah K. Sinclair and A Bobby Chhabra (Article)
Physical maturation, Mariah Sisson, Brian S. Harvey, and Natalie C. Stork (Book Chapter)
Increasing cefazolin use for surgical prophylaxis in penicillin-allergy-labeled patients., Kathryn A. VanderVelde, Sarah Suppes, Kate Gibbs, Kevin Latz, Angela C. Vanderpool, Rana El Feghaly, and Jennifer Goldman (Article)
Concave rod first vs. convex rod first in AIS instrumentation with differential rod contouring: computer modeling and simulations based on ten AIS surgical cases., Xiaoyu Wang, Richard M. Schwend, Todd Ritzman, Lorena Floccari, and Carl-Eric Aubin (Article)
Works from 2022
Physical Literacy in Elementary Physical Education: A Survey of Fundamental Movement Skill Practice Patterns., Lauren S. Butler, Apeksha Gupta, Amie DeVerna, James G. Moore, Kevin Latz, Cassidy M. Foley Davelaar, Daria Salyakina, Dai Sugimoto, and PRiSM Injury Prevention Research Interest Group (Article)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Idiopathic Congenital Clubfoot., Robert Cady, Theresa A. Hennessey, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Ulnar Epiphysiodesis: Success of the Index Procedure., Tanner Campbell, L Wade Faulk, Kristen Vossler, Ezra Goodrich, Andy Lalka, Sarah E. Sibbel, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)
Genomic answers for children: Dynamic analyses of >1000 pediatric rare disease genomes., Ana S A Cohen, Emily G. Farrow, Ahmed Abdelmoity, Joseph Alaimo, Shivarajan Manickavasagam Amudhavalli, John Anderson, Lalit R. Bansal, Lauren E. Bartik, Primo Baybayan, Bradley Belden, Courtney D. Berrios, Rebecca L. Biswell, Pawel Buczkowicz, Orion Buske, Shreyasee Chakraborty, Warren A. Cheung, Keith A. Coffman, Ashley M. Cooper, Laura A. Cross, Tom Curran, Thuy Tien T. Dang, Mary M. Elfrink, Kendra Engleman, Erin Day Fecske, Cynthia Fieser, Keely M. Fitzgerald, Emily Fleming, Randi N. Gadea, Jennifer L. Gannon, Rose N. Gelineau-Morel, Margaret Gibson, Jeffrey Goldstein, Elin Grundberg, Kelsee Halpin, Brian S. Harvey, Bryce Heese, Wendy Hein, Suzanne M. Herd, Susan Starling Hughes, Mohammed Ilyas, Jill Jacobson, Janda L. Jenkins, Shao Jiang, Jeffrey J. Johnston, Kathryn Keeler, Jonas Korlach, Jennifer Kussman, Christine Lambert, Caitlin E. Lawson, Jean-Baptist LePichon, J Steven Leeder, Vicki C. Little, Daniel A. Louiselle, Michael Lypka, Brittany D. McDonald, Neil Miller, Ann Modrcin, Annapoorna Nair, Shelby H. Neal, Christopher M. Oermann, Donna M. Pacicca, Kailash Pawar, Nyshele L. Posey, Nigel Price, Laura M B Puckett, Julio Quezada, Nikita Raje, William J. Rowell, Eric T. Rush, Venkatesh Sampath, Carol J. Saunders, Caitlin Schwager, Richard M. Schwend, Elizabeth Shaffer, Craig Smail, Sarah E. Soden, Meghan Strenk, Bonnie Sullivan, Brooke Sweeney, Jade B. Tam-Williams, Adam Walter, Holly Welsh, Aaron M. Wenger, Laurel K. Willig, Yun Yan, Scott T. Younger, Dihong Zhou, Tricia N. Zion, Isabelle Thiffault, and Tomi Pastinen (Article)
Enhanced recovery after surgery in pediatric cerebral palsy patients undergoing bilateral lower extremity orthopedic surgery: A pilot study., Nichole M. Doyle, Kathryn Keeler, Todd A. Glenski, Ezra Goodrich, and Marisha Madhira (Letter to the Editor)
Pediatric Hammertoe Recurrence-Considerations for Revision Surgical Technique and Hypoperfusion Management: A Case Report., Mason A. Fawcett, Dale E. Jarka, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)
A New Surgical Technique For Salvage Of Post-Operative Proximal Junctional Failure In Pediatric Patients–A Case Series, Mason Fawcett and Richard M. Schwend
A Corresponding Point Measurement System Provides Reliable Measurement of Displacement for Medial Epicondyle Fractures., Ryan H. Guzek, Kathleen Harwood, David Isaacs, Divya Talwar, Eric W. Edmonds, Peter D. Fabricant, V Elaine Joughin, Kevin Latz, Stephanie W. Mayer, Scott McKay, Donna M. Pacicca, Michael Saper, and J Todd R. Lawrence (Article)
Electrocardiographic changes in non-hospitalised children with COVID-19., Howard J. Heching, Anmol Goyal, Brian S. Harvey, Lindsey Malloy-Walton, Christopher Follansbee, Amanda McIntosh, and Daniel Forsha (Article)
Risk Factors For Failure Of Cast Immobilization In Pediatric Scaphoid Fracture Presenting Greater Than 28 Days After Injury, Joshua Lackey, Paige Pearson, Brian Lee, and Micah K. Sinclair
A rare cause of elbow pain with a controversial name, Thomas Munro and Brian Harvey (Poster)
The classification of scoliosis braces developed by SOSORT with SRS, ISPO, and POSNA and approved by ESPRM., Stefano Negrini, Angelo Gabriele Aulisa, Pavel Cerny, Jean Claude de Mauroy, Jeb McAviney, Andrew Mills, Sabrina Donzelli, Theodoros B. Grivas, M Timothy Hresko, Tomasz Kotwicki, Hubert Labelle, Louise Marcotte, Martin Matthews, Joe O'Brien, Eric C. Parent, Nigel Price, Rigo Manuel, Luke Stikeleather, Michael G. Vitale, Man Sang Wong, Grant Wood, James Wynne, Fabio Zaina, Marco Brayda Bruno, Suncica Bulat Würsching, Yilgor Caglar, Patrick Cahill, Eugenio Dema, Patrick Knott, Andrea Lebel, Grigorii Lein, Peter O. Newton, and Brian G. Smith (Article)
Descriptive Epidemiology From the Research in Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee (ROCK) Prospective Cohort., Carl W. Nissen, Jay C. Albright, Christian N. Anderson, Michael T. Busch, Cathy Carlson, Sasha Carsen, Henry G. Chambers, Eric W. Edmonds, Jutta M. Ellermann, Henry B. Ellis, John B. Erickson, Peter D. Fabricant, Theodore J. Ganley, Daniel W. Green, Nathan L. Grimm, Benton E. Heyworth, James Hui Hoi Po, Mininder S. Kocher, Regina O. Kostyun, Aaron J. Krych, Kevin Latz, Dustin M. Loveland, Roger M. Lyon, Stephanie W. Mayer, Norbert M. Meenen, Matthew D. Milewski, Gregory D. Myer, Bradley J. Nelson, Jeffrey J. Nepple, Jie C. Nguyen, J Lee Pace, Mark V. Paterno, Andrew T. Pennock, Crystal A. Perkins, John D. Polousky, Paul Saluan, Kevin G. Shea, Emily Shearier, Marc A. Tompkins, Eric J. Wall, Jennifer M. Weiss, S Clifton Willimon, Philip L. Wilson, Rick W. Wright, Andrew M. Zbojniewicz, James L. Carey, and ROCK Group (Article)
The Frequency and Outcomes of Nerve Palsies in Operatively Treated Supracondylar Humerus Fractures., Kirsten N Norrell, Connor E Muolo, Ashley K. Sherman, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)
Osteochondral Allograft Reconstruction of a Pediatric Distal Humerus Fracture with Articular Bone Loss: A Case Report., Kirsten Norrell, Derec Stanislav, Micah K. Sinclair, and Caroline Tougas (Article)
Establishing The Role Of Inflammatory Markers In The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Acute Hand Infections In The Pediatric Population, John Schutz, Morgan Williams, Sarah E. Sibbel, and Micah K. Sinclair
17-year-old ballet dancer with 4 years of right upper extremity pain, Mariah Sisson and Brian S. Harvey (Poster)
Common and Consequential Fractures That Should Not Be Missed in Children., Caroline Tougas and Olubusola Brimmo (Article)
Works from 2021
An intraoperative laterally placed distractor for gradual load sharing correction of severe spastic neuromuscular spinal deformity., Daniel R. Bachman, Luv K. Singh, John Anderson, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Anaphylaxis after injecting a hemostatic agent containing gelatin into vertebral bone under pressure-a warning., Sean Bonanni, Brittany L. Sipp, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Twenty-two Years of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Firearm Injuries: Adverse Outcomes for the Very Young., Emily N. Boschert, Connor E. Stubblefield, Kimberly J. Reid, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Reliability of the Cutting Alignment Scoring Tool (CAST) to Assess Trunk and Limb Alignment During a 45-Degree Side-Step Cut., Lauren S. Butler, Eryn K. Milian, Amie DeVerna, Kevin Latz, Henry B. Ellis, Alexa R. Martinez, Kristin Hayden, Christian Gerstenkorn, Sara C. Carpenito, Charles W. Wyatt, and Dai Sugimoto (Article)
Ulnar Epiphysiodesis: Success Of The Index Procedure, Tanner Campbell, Wade Faulk, Kristen Vossler, Allison Goodrich, Sarah E. Sibbel, and Micah K. Sinclair
Return to Play in the Pediatric Athlete After COVID-19 Infection, Melanie Cole, Daniel Forsha, Ryan Northup, Amol V. Purandare, and Natalie C. Stork (Podcast)
EMS Timely Tips: Pediatric Sports Injury Management, Melanie Cole and Jay Roberson (Podcast)
Musculoskeletal Education: An Assessment of the Value of the American Academy of Pediatrics Musculoskeletal Boot Camp Course in Improving Clinical Confidence of Pediatricians Managing Common Musculoskeletal Conditions., Megan L. Crenshaw, Brian R. Piazza, Norman Y. Otsuka, Richard M. Schwend, Niccole Alexander, and William Hennrikus (Article)
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Vs Traditional Care In Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Patients Undergoing Bilateral Multilevel Lower Extremity Orthopedic Surgery: A Pilot Study, Nichole M. Doyle, Kathryn Keeler, Todd A. Glenski, Ezra Goodrich, and Marisha Madhira
Treatment of type III supracondylar humerus fractures: adherence and limitations of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Appropriate Use Criteria App., Elisa Emanuelli, Ognjen Stevanovic, Jeffrey Klott, Mason Uvodich, Ashley K. Sherman, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Gait Disorders., Margaret E. Gibson and Natalie C. Stork (Article)
Parental Health Literacy and Acute Care Utilization in Children with Medical Complexity, Emily J. Goodwin, Joy L. Solano, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Ryan Coller, Adrienne G. DePorre, Rupal Gupta, Kayla R. Heller, Lauren Jones, Leah Jones, Kathyrn Kyler, Ingrid Larson, Laura Plencner, Margaret Queen, Timothy Ryan Smith, Tyler Smith, Jacqueline M. Walker, Margaret Wright, Isabella Zaniletti, and Jeffrey D. Colvin (Poster)
Long-term Reoperation Rate for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Subcutaneous Transposition Versus In Situ Decompression., Douglas T. Hutchinson, Ryan Sullivan, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)
Outcomes and Complications in Management of Congenital Myopathy Early-Onset Scoliosis., Lacey Magee, Joshua T. Bram, Jason B. Anari, Brandon Ramo, Oscar H. Mayer, Hiroko Matsumoto, Jaysson T. Brooks, Lindsay Andras, Robert Lark, Ryan Fitzgerald, Walter Truong, Ying Li, Lawrence Karlin, Richard M. Schwend, Stuart Weinstein, David Roye, Brian Snyder, John M. Flynn, Matthew Oetgen, John Smith, Patrick J. Cahill, and PSSG (Article)
Severe Hip Dysplasia in Skeletally Mature Patients With Spastic Cerebral Palsy: The Technique and Early Outcome of Comprehensive Surgical Correction (Including the Bernese PAO)., Mark L. Miller, John C. Clohisy, Gail E. Pashos, Lisa Berglund, and Perry L. Schoenecker (Article)
Sprains, Strains and other Pediatric Sports Injuries, Tobie O'Brien, Trisha Williams, Angela Vanderpool, and Heather C. Barnes (Podcast)
Pediatric Proximal Phalanx Base Fractures In Fingers: Identifying The Need For Surgical Management, John Schutz, Nicole Look, Andy Lalka, Hannah Korrell, Gabriela Cleary, Johanna Hold, Jennifer Nance, Sarah E. Sibbel, and Micah K. Sinclair
Malignant Granular Cell Tumor of the Lower Extremity in an Adolescent Male., Karina Shah, Joy M. Fulbright, Alexander Katz, Lei Zhang, Dale E. Jarka, and Michael Lypka (Article)
Operative time in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery: a need for a standard definition., Nyaluma N. Wagala, Joanne Abby M Marasigan, Humza M. Mian, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Concave or convex rod translation first in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis instrumentation with differential rod contouring?, X Wang, C E. Aubin, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Iliac screw instrumentation to the pelvis in children with neuromuscular and syndromic scoliosis. No lateral connectors and respect sagittal balance., Zhenkai Wu, Richard M. Schwend, John Anderson, Joanne Abby M. Marasigan, and Nigel Price (Article)
Works from 2020
Advances in Sports Medicine and Care of the Adolescent Athlete., Heather C. Barnes and Angela C. Vanderpool (Article)
The diagnosis and management of common childhood orthopedic disorders: An update., Melissa A. Bent, Natalie C. Stork, and Blaise A. Nemeth (Article)
Pediatric Orthopaedists Are Not Immune: Characterizing Self-reported Burnout Rates Among POSNA Members., Cordelia W. Carter, Vishwas Talwalkar, Jennifer M. Weiss, Richard M. Schwend, and Michael J. Goldberg (Article)
Why Irrigate for the Same Contamination Rate: Wound Contamination in Pediatric Spinal Surgery Using Betadine Versus Saline., Lara L. Cohen, Richard M. Schwend, John M. Flynn, Daniel J. Hedequist, Lawrence I. Karlin, John B. Emans, Brian D. Snyder, Michael T. Hresko, John T. Anderson, Julia Leamon, Divya Talwar, and Michael P. Glotzbecker (Article)
Development of a Global Pediatric Orthopedic Outreach Program in Ecuador Through Project Perfect World: Past, Present, and Future Directions., Eric Fornari, Richard M. Schwend, Jacob Schulz, Christopher Bray, and Matthew R. Schmitz (Article)
The Frequency of Mediastinal Injury in Acute Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocations: A Multicenter Study., Matthew N. Fournier, Mark R. Sinclair, Evan T. Zheng, David A. Spiegel, Anna L. Johnson, Apurva S. Shaw, Anthony I. Riccio, Marilyn E. Elliott, Donald S. Bae, and Jeffrey R. Sawyer (Article)
Treatment of femoral fractures in children aged two to six., J Eric Gordon, John Anderson, Perry L. Schoenecker, Matthew B. Dobbs, Scott J. Luhmann, and Daniel G. Hoernschemeyer (Article)
The amount of surgical correction of the main thoracic curve is the best predictor of postoperative clinical shoulder balance in patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis., Andy Hiett, Robert Tung, Elisa Emanuelli, Ashley K. Sherman, John Anderson, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Hereditary spherocytosis: a risk factor for thigh pressure myonecrosis in posterior spine surgery., Joanne Abby M. Marasigan, Mitchell A. Solano, Brian M. Wicklund, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
A unique cause of elbow pain and loss of range of motion in a 13-year-old, Thomas Munro and Brian S. Harvey (Poster)
Continued vertebral body growth in patients with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis following vertebral body stapling., Erin Murray, Robert Tung, Ashley K. Sherman, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)
The Burden of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Diseases Worldwide., Richard M. Schwend (Article)
Lawnmower Injuries in Children: A National 13-Year Study of Urban Versus Rural Injuries., Ronit Shah, Divya Talwar, Richard M. Schwend, Paul Sponseller, Julien T. Aoyama, Theodore J. Ganley, and POSNA Evidence-Based Practice Committee (Article)
Gender of presenters at orthopaedic meetings reflects gender diversity of society membership., Caroline Tougas, Rosa Valtanen, Arpun Bajwa, and Jennifer J. Beck (Article)
Adaptive Sports, Arts, Recreation, and Community Engagement., Stephanie Tow, Joslyn Gober, and Maureen R. Nelson (Article)