Scholarly works by Children's Mercy Kansas City's doctors, nurses, researchers, and other staff.

Affiliation to Children's Mercy Hospital listed as of time of publication.


Works from 2024


Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design., Rachel S. Gross, Tanayott Thaweethai, Erika B. Rosenzweig, James Chan, Lori B. Chibnik, Mine S. Cicek, Amy J. Elliott, Valerie J. Flaherman, Andrea S. Foulkes, Margot Gage Witvliet, Richard Gallagher, Maria Laura Gennaro, Terry L. Jernigan, Elizabeth W. Karlson, Stuart D. Katz, Patricia A. Kinser, Lawrence C. Kleinman, Michelle F. Lamendola-Essel, Joshua D. Milner, Sindhu Mohandas, Praveen C. Mudumbi, Jane W. Newburger, Kyung E. Rhee, Amy L. Salisbury, Jessica N. Snowden, Cheryl R. Stein, Melissa S. Stockwell, Kelan G. Tantisira, Moriah E. Thomason, Dongngan T. Truong, David Warburton, John C. Wood, Shifa Ahmed, Almary Akerlundh, Akram N. Alshawabkeh, Brett R. Anderson, Judy L. Aschner, Andrew M. Atz, Robin L. Aupperle, Fiona C. Baker, Venkataraman Balaraman, Dithi Banerjee, Deanna M. Barch, Arielle Baskin-Sommers, Sultana Bhuiyan, Marie-Abele C. Bind, Amanda L. Bogie, Tamara Bradford, Natalie C. Buchbinder, Elliott Bueler, Hülya Bükülmez, B J Casey, Linda Chang, Maryanne Chrisant, Duncan B. Clark, Rebecca G. Clifton, Katharine N. Clouser, Lesley Cottrell, Kelly Cowan, Viren D'Sa, Mirella Dapretto, Soham Dasgupta, Walter Dehority, Audrey Dionne, Kirsten B. Dummer, Matthew D. Elias, Shari Esquenazi-Karonika, Danielle N. Evans, E Vincent S. Faustino, Alexander G. Fiks, Daniel Forsha, John J. Foxe, Naomi P. Friedman, Greta Fry, Sunanda Gaur, Dylan G. Gee, Kevin M. Gray, Stephanie Handler, Ashraf S. Harahsheh, Keren Hasbani, Andrew C. Heath, Camden Hebson, Mary M. Heitzeg, Christina M. Hester, Sophia Hill, Laura Hobart-Porter, Travis K F Hong, Carol R. Horowitz, Daniel S. Hsia, Matthew Huentelman, Kathy D. Hummel, Katherine Irby, Joanna Jacobus, Vanessa L. Jacoby, Pei-Ni Jone, David C. Kaelber, Tyler J. Kasmarcak, Matthew J. Kluko, Jessica S. Kosut, Angela R. Laird, Jeremy Landeo-Gutierrez, Sean M. Lang, Christine L. Larson, Peter Paul C. Lim, Krista M. Lisdahl, Brian W. McCrindle, Russell J. McCulloh, Kimberly McHugh, Alan L. Mendelsohn, Torri D. Metz, Julie Miller, Elizabeth C. Mitchell, Lerraughn M. Morgan, Eva M. Müller-Oehring, Erica R. Nahin, Michael C. Neale, Manette Ness-Cochinwala, Sheila M. Nolan, Carlos R. Oliveira, Onyekachukwu Osakwe, Matthew E. Oster, R Mark Payne, Michael A. Portman, Hengameh Raissy, Isabelle G. Randall, Suchitra Rao, Harrison T. Reeder, Johana M. Rosas, Mark W. Russell, Arash A. Sabati, Yamuna Sanil, Alice I. Sato, Michael S. Schechter, Rangaraj Selvarangan, S Kristen Sexson Tejtel, Divya Shakti, Kavita Sharma, Lindsay M. Squeglia, Shubika Srivastava, Michelle D. Stevenson, Jacqueline Szmuszkovicz, Maria M. Talavera-Barber, Ronald J. Teufel, Deepika Thacker, Felicia Trachtenberg, Mmekom M. Udosen, Megan R. Warner, Sara E. Watson, Alan Werzberger, Jordan C. Weyer, Marion J. Wood, H Shonna Yin, William T. Zempsky, Emily Zimmerman, Benard P. Dreyer, and RECOVER-Pediatric Consortium (Article)


Biallelic BORCS8 variants cause an infantile-onset neurodegenerative disorder with altered lysosome dynamics., Raffaella De Pace, Reza Maroofian, Adeline Paimboeuf, Mina Zamani, Maha S. Zaki, Saeid Sadeghian, Reza Azizimalamiri, Hamid Galehdari, Jawaher Zeighami, Chad D. Williamson, Emily Fleming, Dihong Zhou, Jennifer L. Gannon, Isabelle Thiffault, Emmanuel Roze, Mohnish Suri, Giovanni Zifarelli, Peter Bauer, Henry Houlden, Mariasavina Severino, Shunmoogum A. Patten, Emily G. Farrow, and Juan S. Bonifacino (Article)


Genomic Answers for Kids: Toward more equitable access to genomic testing for rare diseases in rural populations., Ana S A Cohen, Courtney D. Berrios, Tricia N. Zion, Cassandra Barrett, Riley Moore, Emelia Boillat, Bradley Belden, Emily G. Farrow, Isabelle Thiffault, Britton D Zuccarelli, and Tomi Pastinen (Article)


Sexual function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Hester Pastoor, Aya Mousa, Hanneke Bolt, Wichor Bramer, Tania S. Burgert, Anuja Dokras, Chau Thien Tay, Helena J. Teede, and Joop Laven (Article)


Ambulatory amoxicillin use for common acute respiratory infections during a national shortage: Results from the SHARPS-OP benchmarking collaborative., Nicole M. Poole, Brian R. Lee, Matthew P. Kronman, Michael J. Smith, Sameer J. Patel, Rosemary Olivero, Bethany A. Wattles, Joshua C. Herigon, Ann L. Wirtz, and Rana El Feghaly (Article)


A National Quality Improvement Collaborative to Improve Antibiotic Use in Pediatric Infections., Russell J. McCulloh, Ellen Kerns, Ricky Flores, Rachel Cane, Rana El Feghaly, Jennifer R. Marin, Jessica L. Markham, Jason G. Newland, Marie E. Wang, and Matthew Garber (Article)


Approaches to Interdisciplinary Care for Infants with Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Survey of the Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Collaborative., A Ioana Cristea, Michael C. Tracy, Sarah E. Bauer, Milenka Cuevas Guaman, Stephen E. Welty, Christopher D. Baker, Shazia Bhombal, Joseph M. Collaco, Sherry E. Courtney, Robert J. DiGeronimo, Laurie C. Eldredge, Kathleen Gibbs, Lystra P. Hayden, Martin Keszler, Khanh Lai, Sharon A. McGrath-Morrow, Paul E. Moore, Rebecca Rose, Richard Sindelar, William E Truog, Leif D. Nelin, Steven Abman, and BPD Collaborative (Article)


Approach for defining human adenovirus infection and disease for central review adjudication in clinical studies., Brian T. Fisher, Jesse Blumenstock, Craig L K Boge, Sydney Shuster, Alix E. Seif, Michael Green, Marian G. Michaels, Jessie L. Alexander, Monica I. Ardura, Tamara P. Miller, Diego R. Hijano, William J. Muller, Jennifer E. Schuster, Abby M. Green, Daniel E. Dulek, Adriana E. Kajon, and Lara Danziger-Isakov (Article)


A Randomized Control Trial of Meditation for Mothers Pumping Breastmilk for Preterm Infants., Katherine Massa, Soumya Ramireddy, Sara Ficenec, Carolyn Mank, Justin Josephsen, and Shilpa Babbar (Article)


A Review of an Interfacility Transport Program Pediatric Stroke Clinical Practice Guideline., Grace E. Arends MD, Elizabeth Perry, Ashley K. Sherman, and Jennifer Flint (Article)


Assessing Barriers to Utilization of Premedication for Neonatal Intubation Based on the Theoretical Domains Framework., Dianne T. Lee, Christie J. Bruno, Mona Sharifi, Veronika Shabanova, and Lindsay C. Johnston (Article)


Availability and utilization of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography at children's hospitals., Sagar J. Pathak, Thomas M. Attard, Matthew Hall, Mustafa Arain, Melvin B. Heyman, and Emily R. Perito (Article)


Body Mass Index Categories of Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth: Clinical Associations and Predictors., Christine Moser, Mirae Fornander, Christina M. Roberts, Anna Egan, and Gail Robertson (Article)


Capturing the Range of Disease Involvement in Localized Scleroderma: The Localized Scleroderma Total Severity Scale., Suzanne C. Li, C Egla Rabinovich, Mara L. Becker, Kathryn S. Torok, Polly J. Ferguson, Fatma Dedeoglu, Sandy Hong, Vidya Sivaraman, Ronald M. Laxer, Katie Stewart, Maria Ibarra, Thomas Mason, Gloria Higgins, Elena Pope, Xiaohu Li, Tara Lozy, Robert C. Fuhlbrigge, and CARRA Registry Investigators (Article)


Challenging Case: New-Onset Hallucinations and Developmental Regression in a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Aanchal Sharma, Demetra Pappas, Joseph Gonzalez-Heydrich, Nancy R. Sullivan, and Sarah S. Nyp (Article)


Changes in hospitalization populations by level of complexity at children's hospitals., Madelyn Hall, Jay G. Berry, Matt Hall, Emily J. Goodwin, Margaret Wright, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, and Jeffrey D. Colvin (Article)


Comparison of the PCPLC Database to NSQIP-P: A Patient Matched Comparison of Surgical Complications Following Repair of Anorectal Malformation., Kathryn McNevin, Lauren Nicassio, Samuel E. Rice-Townsend, Cindy B. Katz, Adam Goldin, Jeffrey Avansino, Casey M. Calkins, Megan M. Durham, Kent Page, Matthew W. Ralls, Ron W. Reeder, Rebecca M. Rentea, Michael D. Rollins, Payam Saadai, Richard J. Wood, Kathleen D. van Leeuwen, Caitlin A. Smith, and Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (Article)


COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Disorders: Feasibility and Acceptability., Alexis Pavlov, Jennifer M. Hodnett, Chris Booth, Sarah Wigton, Alec M. Bernstein, Joanna Lomas Mevers, and Mindy Scheithauer (Article)


Current Patterns of Probiotic Use in U.S. Neonatal Intensive Care Units: A Multi-Institution Survey., Morcos Hanna, Irfan Ahmad, Toby Yanowitz, Jae Kim, Catherine Hunter, Robert DiGeronimo, Kaashif A. Ahmad, Kevin Sullivan, Troy A. Markel, Amy B. Hair, Hala Chaaban, Mohan Pammi, Katie A. Huff, Bonny Jasani, Lynn Fuchs, Alain Cuna, Parvesh M. Garg, Kristina Reber, Muralidhar H. Premkumar, and Children's Hospital Neonatal Consortium Necrotizing Enterocolitis Focus Group (Article)


Delta like 4 regulates cerebrovascular development and endothelial integrity via DLL4-NOTCH-CLDN5 pathway and is vulnerable to neonatal hyperoxia., Xingrao Ke, Sheng Xia, Wei Yu, Sherry M. Mabry, Qi Fu, Heather Menden, Venkatesh Sampath, and Robert H. Lane (Article)


Developing a nutrition screening tool for children with cystic fibrosis ages 0 to 2 years: Children with cystic fibrosis nutrition screening tool., Sarah Gunnell Bellini, Jessica Johnson, Catherine M. McDonald, Suzanne Culhane, Audrey Snell, and Dennis Eggett (Article)


Early and Higher Volumes of Formula Supplementation after Birth Impact Breastfeeding Rates at Discharge in Well-Baby Nursery: A Retrospective Cohort Study., Navin Kumar, Mohammed Al-Nahar, Nathalee Harris, and Venkatesh Sampath (Article)


Engaging School Communities During COVID-19: The Role of School Nurses., Rosanne Hoffman, Shelley S. Kay, Rumour P. Piepenbrink, Jennifer Goldman, Jennifer E. Schuster, Lauren R. Grimes, and Dana Keener Mast (Editorial)


Enhanced resolution profiling in twins reveals differential methylation signatures of type 2 diabetes with links to its complications., Colette Christiansen, Louis Potier, Tiphaine C. Martin, Sergio Villicaña, Juan E. Castillo-Fernandez, Massimo Mangino, Cristina Menni, Pei-Chien Tsai, Purdey J. Campbell, Shelby Mullin, Juan R. Ordoñana, Olga Monteagudo, Perminder S. Sachdev, Karen A. Mather, Julian N. Trollor, Kirsi H. Pietilainen, Miina Ollikainen, Christine Dalgård, Kirsten Kyvik, Kaare Christensen, Jenny van Dongen, Gonneke Willemsen, Dorret I. Boomsma, Patrik K E Magnusson, Nancy L. Pedersen, Scott G. Wilson, Elin Grundberg, Tim D. Spector, and Jordana T. Bell (Article)


Equity, inclusion and cultural humility: contemporizing the neonatal intensive care unit family-centered care model., Beatrice E. Lechner, Stephanie Kukora, and Katheleen Hawes (Article)


Exploring Factors That Influence Postexercise Glycemia in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes in the Real World: The Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Initiative Pediatric (T1DEXIP) Study., Jennifer L. Sherr, Simon Bergford, Robin L. Gal, Mark A. Clements, Susana R. Patton, Peter Calhoun, Lindsey C. Beaulieu, and Michael C. Riddell (Article)


Factors Associated With Prolonged Mental Health Admissions at US Children's Hospitals., Adrienne G. DePorre, Matt Hall, Alec M. Bernstein, Cy Nadler, and Henry T. Puls (Article)


Fertility Potential and Gonadal Function in Survivors of Reduced-Intensity Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation., Seth J. Rotz, Betty K. Hamilton, Wei Wei, Ibrahim A. Ahmed, Sameeya Ahmed Winston, Sherri Ballard, Robyn J. Bernard, Paul Carpenter, Nosha Farhadfar, Christina Ferraro, Brian D. Friend, Nicholas J. Gloude, Robert J. Hayashi, Kerry Hoyle, Kari Jenssen, Jane Koo, Catherine J. Lee, Livia Mariano, Rawan Nawabit, Alexander Ngwube, Nahal Lalefar, Rachel Phelan, Laynie Perkins, Anandini Rao, Ahmad Rayes, Taryn Sandheinrich, Lauren Stafford, Kathryn Tomlinson, Stacy Whiteside, Christina Wiedl, and Kasiani Myers (Article)


Have a Little Faith: Overcoming Pandemic-Related Challenges to Designing and Implementing a COVID-19 Testing Trial in African American Churches., Jannette Berkley-Patton, Carole Bowe Thompson, Turquoise Templeton, Sarah Finocchario-Kessler, Eric Williams, Cassandra Wainright, Frank T. Materia, Lesha Dennis, Delwyn Catley, Tacia Burgin, Kathryn P. Derose, Andrea Bradley-Ewing, Alex Geyer, Stefanie R. Ellison, and Jenifer E. Allsworth (Editorial)


Health Care for Youth With Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: A Consensus Statement., Carol Weitzman, Cy Nadler, Nathan J. Blum, Marilyn Augustyn, and Supporting Access for Everyone Consensus Panel (Article)


Healthcare Professional Experiences and Opinions on Depression and Suicide in People With Diabetes., Shideh Majidi, Lauren Cohen, Richard I G Holt, Mark A. Clements, Simon O'Neill, Eric Renard, Doug Tynan, Diana Naranjo, Laurel H. Messer, David C. Klonoff, and Katharine Barnard-Kelly (Article)


Health-related quality of life and clinical outcomes for magnetically controlled growing rod patients after treatment termination., Adam A. Jamnik, K Aaron Shaw, David Thornberg, Anna McClung, Chan-Hee Jo, Brandon Ramo, and Amy McIntosh (Article)


Identifying Gaps in Resuscitation Practices Across Level-IV Neonatal Intensive Care Units., Noorjahan Ali, Elizabeth Schierholz, Danielle Reed, Hannah Hightower, Beth A. Johnson, Ruby Gupta, Megan Gray, Anne Ades, Elizabeth A. Wetzel, and Children's Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Resuscitation Focus Group (Article)


If we know better, why don't we do better? A rapid quality improvement project to increase utilization of comfort measures to reduce pain and distress in children in a COVID-19 mass vaccination clinic., Haley J. Killian, Amanda D. Deacy, Elizabeth Edmundson, Lucy Raab, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Article)


Implementation of recommended treatment for children in weight management programs: Lessons from the stay in treatment study sites., Amy Fleischman, Sarah Hampl, Erinn T. Rhodes, Brooke Sweeney, Ihuoma Eneli, and Joseph A. Skelton (Article)


Improved tracheostomy-dependent patient outcomes after implementation of the Pediatric Resident Education in Pulmonary (PREP) Boot Camp., Erin Khan, Tai M. Lockspeiser, Maxene Meier, Deborah R. Liptzin, and Christopher D. Baker (Article)


Improving attitudes toward trauma-informed care in the neonatal intensive care unit through comprehensive multi-disciplinary education., Patricia Davis, Dena Hubbard, Tiffany Gladdis, Christopher R. Nitkin, Kara Hansen, Erin Keith-Chancy, Jennie Godwin, Vincent Staggs, Shilpa Babbar, Michelle Hardy, Jacqulin Ashbaugh, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


Meal related symptoms in youth with chronic abdominal pain: Relationship to anxiety, depression, and sleep dysfunction., Achintya Benegal, Hunter J. Friesen, Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Jennifer Colombo, and Craig A. Friesen (Article)


Nudging During Pediatric Intensive Care Conferences With Family Members: Retrospective Analysis of Transcripts From a Single-Center, 2015-2019., Aliza M. Olive, Asdis Finnsdottir Wagner, Daniel T. Mulhall, Tessie W. October, Joanna L. Hart, Ashley K. Sherman, Jessica S. Wallisch, and Laura Miller-Smith (Article)


Online Autism Diagnostic Evaluation: Its Rise, Promise, and Reasons for Caution., Jason M. Fogler, Melissa Armstrong-Brine, Rebecca Baum, Karen Ratliff-Schaub, Yamini Jagannath Howe, Lisa Campbell, and Neelkamal Soares (Editorial)


Outcomes after initial heart failure consultation in Fontan patients., Sharon Chen, Muhammad F. Shezad, Angela Lorts, Amanda D. McCormick, Chad Y. Mao, Kathleen E. Simpson, Matthew J. O'Connor, Aliessa P. Barnes, Adam M. Lubert, Chesney Castleberry, Julie Schmidt, Katie Schroeder, Anna Joong, David W. Bearl, Ashwin K. Lal, Deepa Mokshagundam, Jennifer Conway, Ari Cedars, and Kurt R. Schumacher (Article)


Patent Ductus Arteriosus Response to Treatment by Course and Associations with Perinatal and Clinical Factors., Austin D. Rutledge, Amy E. Wahlquist, Ekta Patel, Anthony M. Hlavacek, Rita M. Ryan, and Heidi J. Steflik (Article)


Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Atomoxetine and its Metabolites in Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder., Shen Cheng, Mahmoud Al-Kofahi, J Steven Leeder, and Jacob T. Brown (Article)


Pubertal luteinizing hormone levels in children with chronic kidney disease and association with change in glomerular filtration rate., Hannah S. Kim, Derek K. Ng, Matthew B. Matheson, Meredith A. Atkinson, Yasmin Akhtar, Bradley A. Warady, Susan L. Furth, and Rebecca L. Ruebner (Article)


Refractive Error Change and Overminus Lens Therapy for Childhood Intermittent Exotropia., Writing Committee for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, Angela M. Chen, S Ayse Erzurum, Danielle L. Chandler, Amra Hercinovic, Rui Wu, Marilyn Vricella, Amy L. Waters, Benjamin H. Ticho, John W. Erickson, Silvia Han, Paula S. McDowell, Zhuokai Li, Raymond T. Kraker, Jonathan M. Holmes, and Susan A. Cotter (Article)


Safety and efficacy of ivacaftor in infants aged 1 to less than 4 months with cystic fibrosis., Paul McNally, Alvin Singh, Susanna A. McColley, Jane C. Davies, Mark Higgins, Meng Liu, Jennifer Lu, Violeta Rodriguez-Romero, Judy L. Shih, Margaret Rosenfeld, and VX15-770-124 Study Group (Article)


Severe Fetal CAKUT (Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract), Prenatal Consultations, and Initiation of Neonatal Dialysis., Keia R. Sanderson, Weiwen V. Shih, Bradley A. Warady, and Donna J. Claes (Article)


Shifting perspectives and transformative change: Parent perspectives of an active music engagement intervention for themselves and their child with cancer., Kristin Stegenga, Amanda K. Henley, Elizabeth Harman, and Sheri L. Robb (Article)


Significance Associated with Phenotype Score Aids in Variant Prioritization for Exome Sequencing Analysis., Brian Lee, Lily Nasanovsky, Lishuang Shen, Dennis T. Maglinte, Yachen Pan, Xiaowu Gai, Ryan J. Schmidt, Gordana Raca, Jaclyn A. Biegel, Megan Roytman, Paul An, Carol J. Saunders, Emily G. Farrow, Soheil Shams, and Jianling Ji (Article)


Society of Pediatric Nurses' Pre-Licensure Core Competencies Model, Second Edition., Michaela N Lewis, Gayla Goleman, Laura Kubin, Karen Alles, Patricia Beam, Casey O. Benedetto, Betsy M. McDowell, Sharon Norman, Jennifer Stephen, and Carrie Wall (Article)


Subtypes of Depressed Youth Admitted for Inpatient Psychiatric Care: A Latent Profile Analysis., Jeffrey S. Garofano, Lindsay Borden, Kathryn Van Eck, Rick Ostrander, Carisa Parrish PhD, Marco Grados, Erika A. Chiappini, and Elizabeth K. Reynolds (Article)


The implementation of a pectus bar insertion enhanced recovery after surgery pathway: A quality improvement initiative., Todd A. Glenski, Christian M. Taylor, Emily Weisberg, Nichole M. Doyle, and Andrea Melanson (Article)


The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database: 2023 Update on Outcomes and Research., S Ram Kumar, J William Gaynor, Hannah Heuerman, John E. Mayer, Meena Nathan, James E. O'Brien, Christian Pizarro, Haris Subačius, Leslie Wacker, Chasity Wellnitz, and Pirooz Eghtesady (Article)


The Use of Methylphenidate During Inpatient Rehabilitation After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Population Characteristics and Prescribing Patterns., Eric Caliendo, Ryan Lowder, Matthew J. McLaughlin, William D. Watson, Katherine T. Baum, Laura S. Blackwell, Christine H. Koterba, Kristen R. Hoskinson, Sarah J. Tlustos, Sudhin A. Shah, Stacy J. Suskauer, and Brad G. Kurowski (Article)


TRBC1 in flow cytometry: Assay development, validation, and reporting considerations., Katherine A. Devitt, Wolfgang Kern, Weijie Li, Xuehai Wang, Allyson J. Wong, Felipe M. Furtado, Jean S. Oak, and Andrea Illingworth (Article)


Triggered - does maternal COVID-19 program an exaggerated immune response in neonates?, Todd Bradley, Megan H. Tucker, and Venkatesh Sampath (Response or Comment)


Using adaptive behavior scores to convey level of functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder: Evidence from the Study to Explore Early Development., Sarah M. Furnier, Susan Ellis Weismer, Eric Rubenstein, Ronald Gangnon, Steven Rosenberg, Cy Nadler, Lisa D. Wiggins, and Maureen S. Durkin (Article)


Vertebral body tethering for Lenke 1A curves: the lumbar modifier predicts less optimal outcomes., K Aaron Shaw, Firoz Miyanji, Tracey Bryan, Stefan Parent, Peter O. Newton, Joshua S. Murphy, and Harms Study Group (Article)


Recurrent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation utilization in a hematopoietic stem cell transplant patient with Hunter's syndrome., Nasreen Noor, Gene Peir, Asdis Finnsdottir Wagner, Jay Rilinger, and Jenna Miller (Article)


Using functional principal component analysis (FPCA) to quantify sitting patterns derived from wearable sensors., Rong W. Zablocki, Sheri J. Hartman, Chongzhi Di, Jingjing Zou, Jordan A. Carlson, Paul R. Hibbing, Dori E. Rosenberg, Mikael Anne Greenwood-Hickman, Lindsay Dillon, Andrea Z. LaCroix, and Loki Natarajan (Article)


Immunophenotypic predictors of influenza vaccine immunogenicity in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant recipients., Justin Z. Amarin, Daniel E. Dulek, Joshua Simmons, Haya Hayek, James D. Chappell, Cindy Hager Nochowicz, Carrie L. Kitko, Jennifer E. Schuster, Flor M. Muñoz, Claire E. Bocchini, Elizabeth A. Moulton, Susan E. Coffin, Jason L. Freedman, Monica I. Ardura, Rachel L. Wattier, Gabriela Maron, Michael Grimley, Grant Paulsen, Lara Danziger-Isakov, Paul A. Carpenter, Janet A. Englund, Natasha B. Halasa, Andrew J. Spieker, and Spyros A. Kalams (Article)


Structural variants involving MLLT10 fusion are associated with adverse outcomes in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia., Oussama Abla, Rhonda E. Ries, Tim Triche, Robert B. Gerbing, Betsy Hirsch, Susana Raimondi, Todd Cooper, Jason E. Farrar, Nathaniel Buteyn, Lauren M. Harmon, Hong Wen, Aniruddha J. Deshpande, E Anders Kolb, Alan S. Gamis, Richard Aplenc, Todd Alonzo, and Soheil Meshinchi (Article)


Effectiveness of implementing evidence-based approaches to promote physical activity in a Midwestern micropolitan area using a quasi-experimental hybrid type I study design., Barbara Baquero, Nicole Novak, Daniel K. Sewell, Christine M Kava, Jason Daniel-Ulloa, Hanh Pham, Natoshia Askleson, Sato Ashida, Helena Laroche, Adriana Maldonado Gonzalez, Rebecca Bucklin, Heidi Haines, Edith A. Parker, and Active Ottumwa Community Advisory Board (Article)


Antiviral cellular therapy for enhancing T-cell reconstitution before or after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ACES): a two-arm, open label phase II interventional trial of pediatric patients with risk factor assessment., Michael D. Keller, Patrick J. Hanley, Yueh-Yun Chi, Paibel Aguayo-Hiraldo, Christopher C. Dvorak, Michael R. Verneris, Donald B. Kohn, Sung-Yun Pai, Blachy J. Dávila Saldaña, Benjamin Hanisch, Troy C. Quigg, Roberta H. Adams, Ann Dahlberg, Shanmuganathan Chandrakasan, Hasibul Hasan, Jemily Malvar, Mariah A. Jensen-Wachspress, Christopher A. Lazarski, Gelina Sani, John M. Idso, Haili Lang, Pamela Chansky, Chase D. McCann, Jay Tanna, Allistair A. Abraham, Jennifer L. Webb, Abeer Shibli, Amy K. Keating, Prakash Satwani, Pawel Muranski, Erin Hall, Michael J. Eckrich, Evan Shereck, Holly Miller, Ewelina Mamcarz, Rajni Agarwal, Satiro N. De Oliveira, Mark T. Vander Lugt, Christen L. Ebens, Victor M. Aquino, Jeffrey J. Bednarski, Julia Chu, Suhag Parikh, Jennifer Whangbo, Michail Lionakis, Elias T. Zambidis, Elizabeth Gourdine, Catherine M. Bollard, and Michael A. Pulsipher (Article)


Durability of Original Monovalent mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness Against COVID-19 Omicron-Associated Hospitalization in Children and Adolescents - United States, 2021-2023., Laura D. Zambrano, Margaret M. Newhams, Regina M. Simeone, Amanda B. Payne, Michael Wu, Amber O. Orzel-Lockwood, Natasha B. Halasa, Jemima M. Calixte, Pia S. Pannaraj, Kanokporn Mongkolrattanothai, Julie A Boom, Leila C Sahni, Satoshi Kamidani, Kathleen Chiotos, Melissa A Cameron, Aline B Maddux, Katherine Irby, Jennifer E. Schuster, Elizabeth H. Mack, Austin Biggs, Bria M. Coates, Kelly N. Michelson, Katherine E. Bline, Ryan A. Nofziger, Hillary Crandall, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Shira J. Gertz, Sabrina M. Heidemann, Tamara T. Bradford, Tracie C. Walker, Stephanie P. Schwartz, Mary Allen Staat, Samina S. Bhumbra, Janet R. Hume, Michele Kong, Melissa S. Stockwell, Thomas J. Connors, Melissa L. Cullimore, Heidi R. Flori, Emily R. Levy, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Matt S. Zinter, Mia Maamari, Cindy Bowens, Danielle M. Zerr, Judith A. Guzman-Cottrill, Ivan Gonzalez, Angela P. Campbell, Adrienne G. Randolph, and Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators (Article)


What's Important (Arts & Humanities): Our Uniformed., K Aaron Shaw (Editorial)


Chromatin Profiles Are Prognostic of Clinical Response to Bortezomib-Containing Chemotherapy in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Results from the COG AAML1031 Trial., Anneke D. van Dijk, Fieke W. Hoff, Yihua Qiu, Stefan E. Hubner, Robin L. Go, Vivian R. Ruvolo, Amanda R. Leonti, Robert B. Gerbing, Alan S. Gamis, Richard Aplenc, Edward A. Kolb, Todd A. Alonzo, Soheil Meshinchi, Eveline S J M de Bont, Terzah M. Horton, and Steven M. Kornblau (Article)


De novo missense variants in exon 9 of SEPHS1 cause a neurodevelopmental condition with developmental delay, poor growth, hypotonia, and dysmorphic features., Sureni V. Mullegama, Kaitlyn A. Kiernan, Erin Torti, Ethan Pavlovsky, Nicholas Tilton, Austin Sekula, Hua Gao, Joseph Alaimo, Kendra Engleman, Eric T. Rush, Karli Blocker, Katrina M. Dipple, Veronica M. Fettig, Heather Hare, Ian Glass, Dorothy K. Grange, Michael Griffin, Chanika Phornphutkul, Lauren Massingham, Lakshmi Mehta, Danny E. Miller, Jenny Thies, J Lawrence Merritt, Eric Muller, Matthew Osmond, Sarah L. Sawyer, Rachel Slaugh, Rachel E. Hickey, Barry Wolf, Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Sanjeev Choudhary, Miljan Simonović, Yueqing Zhang, Timothy Blake Palculict, Aida Telegrafi, Deanna Alexis Carere, Ingrid M Wentzensen, Michelle M. Morrow, Kristin G. Monaghan, Jun Yang, and Jane Juusola (Article)


Establishing a plan to improve pediatric patient comfort during PIV insertions and blood specimen collection: a quality improvement effort., Jamie M. Lorenc, Nicholas Flaucher, Emily Evans, and Jennifer Verrill Schurman (Article)


Mono-allelic KCNB2 variants lead to a neurodevelopmental syndrome caused by altered channel inactivation., Shreyas Bhat, Justine Rousseau, Coralie Michaud, Charles Marques Lourenço, Joan M. Stoler, Raymond J. Louie, Lola K. Clarkson, Angie Lichty, Daniel C. Koboldt, Shalini C. Reshmi, Sanjay M. Sisodiya, Eva M M Hoytema van Konijnenburg, Klaas Koop, Peter M. van Hasselt, Florence Démurger, Christèle Dubourg, Bonnie Sullivan, Susan S. Hughes, Isabelle Thiffault, Elisabeth Simard Tremblay, Andrea Accogli, Myriam Srour, Rikard Blunck, and Philippe M. Campeau (Article)


More Than a Decade of Rapid Genomic Sequencing: Where Are We Now?, Carol J. Saunders, Luca Brunelli, Michael J. Deem, Emily G. Farrow, Madhuri Hegde, and Zornitza Stark (Article)


Accuracy of Influenza ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes in Identifying Influenza Illness in Children., James W. Antoon, Tess Stopczynski, Justin Z. Amarin, Laura S. Stewart, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Marian G. Michaels, John V. Williams, Janet A. Englund, Eileen J. Klein, Mary A. Staat, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Jennifer E. Schuster, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Ariana Perez, Heidi L. Moline, Andrew J. Spieker, Carlos G. Grijalva, Samantha M. Olson, and Natasha B. Halasa (Article)


Association of mental health-related patient reported outcomes with blood pressure in adults and children with primary proteinuric glomerulopathies., Matthew Schuchman, Tammy M. Brady, Dorey A. Glenn, Katherine R. Tuttle, Gabriel Cara-Fuentes, Rebecca V. Levy, Agustin Gonzalez-Vicente, Fadhl M. Alakwaa, Tarak Srivastava, and Christine B. Sethna (Article)


Characteristics and outcomes of youth with functional seizures attending intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment., Jenny Scheurich, Kelsey M. Klaas, Leslie A. Sim, Karen E. Weiss, Hannah F. Case, and Cynthia Harbeck-Weber (Article)


Communication Strategies to Improve Antibiotic Prescribing in Pediatric Urgent Care Centers., Amanda Nedved, Destani Bizune, Melody Fung, Cindy M. Liu, Sharon Tsay, Rana F. Hamdy, and Amanda Montalbano (Article)


Community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in children: an update on antibiotic duration and immunization strategies., Edward Lyon and Liset Olarte (Article)


Correlation of hepatic venous saturation and mixed venous saturation: pooled analyses., Rohit S. Loomba, Juan S. Farias, Enrique G. Villarreal, and Saul Flores (Article)


COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients with Inborn Errors of Immunity Reduces Hospitalization and Critical Care Needs Related to COVID-19: a USIDNET Report., John McDonnell, Kimberley Cousins, M Elizabeth M. Younger, Adam Lane, Hassan Abolhassani, Roshini S. Abraham, Salem Al-Tamemi, Juan Carlos Aldave-Becerra, Eman Hesham Al-Faris, Alberto Alfaro-Murillo, Suzan A. AlKhater, Nouf Alsaati, Alexa Michelle Altman Doss, Melissa Anderson, Ernestina Angarola, Barbara Ariue, Danielle E. Arnold, Amal H. Assa'ad, Caner Aytekin, Meaghan Bank, Jenna R E Bergerson, Jack Bleesing, John Boesing, Carolina Bouso, Nicholas Brodszki, Diana Cabanillas, Carol Cady, Meghan A. Callahan, Roberta Caorsi, Javier Carbone, Maria Carrabba, Riccardo Castagnoli, Jason R. Catanzaro, Samantha Chan, Sharat Chandra, Hugo Chapdelaine, Zahra Chavoshzadeh, Hey Jin Chong, Lori Connors, Filippo Consonni, Oscar Correa-Jimenez, Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles, Katherine D'Astous-Gauthier, Ottavia Maria Delmonte, Yesim Yilmaz Demirdag, Deepti R. Deshpande, Natalie M. Diaz-Cabrera, Victoria R. Dimitriades, Rasha El-Owaidy, Gehad ElGhazali, Suleiman Al-Hammadi, Giovanna Fabio, Astrid Schellnast Faure, Jin Feng, James M. Fernandez, Lauren Fill, Guacira R. Franco, Robert W. Frenck, Ramsay L. Fuleihan, Giuliana Giardino, Jessica Galant-Swafford, Eleonora Gambineri, Elizabeth K. Garabedian, Ashley V. Geerlinks, Ekaterini Goudouris, Octavio Grecco, Qiang Pan-Hammarström, Hedieh Haji Khodaverdi Khani, Lennart Hammarström, Nicholas L. Hartog, Jennifer Heimall, Gabriela Hernandez-Molina, Caroline C. Horner, Robert W. Hostoffer, Nataliya Hristova, Kuang-Chih Hsiao, Gabriela Ivankovich-Escoto, Faris Jaber, Maaz Jalil, Mahnaz Jamee, Tiffany Jean, Stephanie Jeong, Devi Jhaveri, Michael B. Jordan, Avni Y. Joshi, Amanpreet Kalkat, Henry J. Kanarek, Erinn S. Kellner, Amer Khojah, Ruby Khoury, Cristina M. Kokron, Ashish Kumar, Kelsey Lecerf, Heather K. Lehman, Jennifer W. Leiding, Harry Lesmana, Xin Rong Lim, Joao Pedro Lopes, Ana Laura López, Lucia Tarquini, Ingrid S. Lundgren, Julieann Magnusson, Ana Karolina B B Marinho, Gian Luigi Marseglia, Giulia M. Martone, Annamaria G. Mechtler, Leonardo Mendonca, Joshua D. Milner, Peter J. Mustillo, Asal Gharib Naderi, Samuele Naviglio, Jeremy Nell, Hana B. Niebur, Luigi Notarangelo, Matias Oleastro, María Claudia Ortega-López, Neil R. Patel, Gordana Petrovic, Claudio Pignata, Oscar Porras, Benjamin T. Prince, Jennifer M. Puck, Nashmia Qamar, Marco Rabusin, Nikita Raje, Lorena Regairaz, Kimberly A. Risma, Elizabeth H. Ristagno, John Routes, Persio Roxo-Junior, Negin Salemi, Christopher Scalchunes, Susan J. Schuval, Suranjith L. Seneviratne, Ashwin Shankar, Roya Sherkat, Junghee Jenny Shin, Abeer Siddiqi, Sara Signa, Ali Sobh, Fabiana Mascarenhas Souza Lima, Kristen K. Stenehjem, Jonathan S. Tam, Monica Tang, Myrthes Toledo Barros, James Verbsky, Eleni Vergadi, Dayne H. Voelker, Stefano Volpi, Luke A. Wall, Christine Wang, Kelli W. Williams, Eveline Y. Wu, Shan Shan Wu, Jessie J. Zhou, Alexandria Cook, Kathleen E. Sullivan, and Rebecca Marsh (Article)


Determining the Optimal Technique for Bar Fixation in the Repair of Pectus Excavatum., Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, James A. Fraser, Shai Stewart, Derek R. Marlor, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


Development and Initial Validation of a Frailty Score for Pediatric Patients with Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease., Sarah Studyvin, Brian Birnbaum, Vincent S. Staggs, Jami Gross-Toalson, Girish S. Shirali, Chaitanya Panchangam, and David A. White (Article)


Development and psychometric evaluation of the Symptom Self-Management Behaviors Tool for adolescents/young adults with cancer., Kristin Stegenga, Jeanne M. Erickson, Lauri Linder, Catherine Fiona Macpherson, R K Elswick, and Suzanne Ameringer (Article)


Diagnostic Performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pediatric Ovarian Neoplasms: A Multi-Institutional Review., Katherine C. Bergus, Maria E. Knaus, Amanda J. Onwuka, Amin Afrazi, Lesley Breech, Kristine S. Corkum, Patrick A. Dillon, Peter F. Ehrlich, Mary E. Fallat, Jason D. Fraser, Samir K. Gadepalli, Julia E. Grabowski, S Paige Hertweck, Rashmi Kabre, Dave R. Lal, Matthew P. Landman, Charles M. Leys, Grace Z. Mak, Troy A. Markel, Naila Merchant, R Elliott Overman, Brooks L. Rademacher, Manish T. Raiji, Beth Rymeski, Thomas T. Sato, Tiffany Wright, Jennifer H. Aldrink, Geri D. Hewitt, Peter C. Minneci, Katherine J. Deans, and Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium (Article)


Diagnostic stewardship to improve patient outcomes and healthcare-associated infection (HAI) metrics., Harjot K. Singh, Kimberly C. Claeys, Sonali D. Advani, Yolanda Ballam, Jessica Penney, Kirsten M. Schutte, Christopher Baliga, Aaron M. Milstone, Mary K. Hayden, Daniel J. Morgan, and Daniel J. Diekema (Article)


Effect of Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acquisition and Chronic Infection at a Single Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Care Center, Stephanie Duehlmeyer, Elizabeth Claire Elson, and Christopher M. Oermann (Article)


Gastrointestinal Ostomies in Children: A Primer for the Pediatrician., Kaitlyn Mullin, Rebecca M. Rentea, Meagan Appleby, and Patrick T. Reeves (Article)


Group engagement in parent-focused telehealth interventions for families of children with type 1 diabetes., Alexandra D. Monzon, Mark A. Clements, and Susana R. Patton (Article)


How Can Artificial Intelligence Help With Management of Allergic Conditions?, Aarti Pandya, Morgan Waller, and Jay M. Portnoy (Editorial)


Incidence of opioid-induced constipation in the pediatric intensive care unit: A descriptive cohort study., Meghan D. Roller, Apurva Panchal, Lori Duesing, and Theresa A. Mikhailov (Article)


Income and Household Material Hardship in Children With Medical Complexity., Margaret Wright, Isabella Zaniletti, Emily J. Goodwin, Rupal C. Gupta, Ingrid A. Larson, Courtney Winterer, Matt Hall, and Jeffrey D. Colvin (Article)


Influence of novel CYP2C-haplotype on proton pump inhibitor pharmacokinetics in children., Kathyrn Kyler, Andrea Gaedigk, Susan Abdel-Rahman, Vincent S. Staggs, Robin E. Pearce, Paul C. Toren, J Steven Leeder, and Valentina Shakhnovich (Article)


Looking for literal improvement in liver transplant outcomes., Ryan T. Fischer (Editorial)


Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Escitalopram and Sertraline Side Effects With Pharmacokinetic Data in Children and Adolescents., Ethan A. Poweleit, Samuel E. Vaughn, Zeruesenay Desta, Judith W. Dexheimer, Jeffrey R. Strawn, and Laura Ramsey (Article)


Multicenter Study of Long-Term Outcomes and Quality of Life in PHACE Syndrome after Age 10., Mitchell Braun, Ilona J. Frieden, Dawn H. Siegel, Elizabeth George, Christopher P. Hess, Christine K. Fox, Sarah L. Chamlin, Beth A. Drolet, Denise Metry, Elena Pope, Julie Powell, Kristen Holland, Caden Ulschmid, Marilyn G. Liang, Kelly K. Barry, Tina Ho, Chantal Cotter, Eulalia Baselga, David Bosquez, Surabhi Neerendranath Jain, Jordan K. Bui, Irene Lara-Corrales, Tracy Funk, Alison Small, Wenelia Baghoomian, Albert C. Yan, James R. Treat, Griffin Stockton Hogrogian, Charles Huang, Anita Haggstrom, Mary List, Catherine C. McCuaig, Victoria Barrio, Anthony J. Mancini, Leslie P. Lawley, Kerrie Grunnet-Satcher, Kimberly A. Horii, Brandon D. Newell, Amy J. Nopper, Maria C. Garzon, Margaret E. Scollan, and Erin F. Mathes (Article)


Pediatrician perspectives on barriers and facilitators to discharge instruction comprehension and adherence for parents of children with medical complexity., Alexander F. Glick, H Shonna Yin, Benjamin Silva, Avani C. Modi, Vincent Huynh, Emily J. Goodwin, Jonathan S. Farkas, Julia S. Turock, Hannah S. Famiglietti, and Victoria V. Dickson (Article)


Pediatric penicillin allergy labels: Influence of race, insurance, and Area Deprivation Index., Zoya Siddiqui, Brian R. Lee, Amanda Nedved, Jennifer McKinsey, Frances Turcotte Benedict, Brandi Missel, Aarti Pandya, and Rana El Feghaly (Letter to the Editor)


Phlebotomy-free days in children hospitalized with common infections and their association with clinical outcomes., Megan Collins, Matt Hall, Samir S. Shah, Matthew J. Molloy, Paul L. Aronson, Jillian M. Cotter, Michael J. Steiner, Elisha McCoy, Michael J. Tchou, John R. Stephens, and Jessica L. Markham (Article)


Postnatal weight growth trajectory in infants born between 30 4/7 weeks and 34 3/7 weeks of gestation., Fu-Sheng Chou, Hung-Wen Yeh, and Reese H. Clark (Editorial)


Postoperative Atrioventricular Block in Pediatric Patients: Impact of Congenital Cardiac Malformations and Medications., Rohit S. Loomba, Jacqueline Rausa, Enrique Villarreal, Juan S. Farias, and Saul Flores (Article)


Prenatal Predictors for Pulmonary Balloon Valvuloplasty in the Newborn., Jennifer A. Johnson, Timothy Canavan, Tarek Alsaied, Lisa Howley, Hayley S. Hancock, Divya Suthar, Elisa Marcuccio, Taylor M. Trussell, and Bettina Cuneo (Article)


Reporting and impact of subsequent cycle toxicities in oncology phase I clinical trials., Avina Rami, Steven G. DuBois, and Kevin Campbell (Article)