Scholarly works by Children's Mercy Kansas City's doctors, nurses, researchers, and other staff.

Affiliation to Children's Mercy Hospital listed as of time of publication.


Works from 2024


Response to "DPYD genotyping panels: Impact of population diversity"., Andrea Gaedigk, Amy J. Turner, Cyrine E. Haidar, Philip E. Empey, and Steven M. Offer (Response or Comment)


Surgical management of pediatric Crohn's disease., Michela Carter and Irene Isabel P. Lim (Article)


The association between antenatal corticosteroids exposure and postnatal growth in infants born between 23 and 29 weeks of gestation., Fu-Sheng Chou, Reese H. Clark, and Hung-Wen Yeh (Article)


The Association Between State Characteristics and Latinx People's Treated Hypertension in Established and New Latinx Destination States: A Multilevel Analysis., Adriana Maldonado, Helena Laroche, Daniel K. Sewell, Rima Afifi, Richard M. Hoffman, Barbara Baquero, and Paul A. Gilbert (Article)


Understanding community provider practices in diagnosing and treating atypical anorexia nervosa: A mixed methods study., Sarah Johnson-Munguia, Angeline R. Bottera, Irina Vanzhula, Kelsie T. Forbush, Sara R. Gould, Sonakshi Negi, Marianna L. Thomeczek, Alexa M. L'Insalata, Emily E. Like, Anjali R. Sharma, R William Morgan, and Samiya Rasheed (Article)


Visions for digital integrated cardiovascular care: HRS Digital Health Committee perspectives., Sanjiv M. Narayan, Elaine Y. Wan, Jason G. Andrade, Jennifer N. Avari Silva, Neal Kumar Bhatia, Thomas Deneke, Abhishek J. Deshmukh, Ki H Chon, Lori A. Erickson, Hamid Ghanbari, Peter A. Noseworthy, Rajeev Kumar Pathak, Lisa Roelle, Amber Seiler, Jagmeet P. Singh, Uma N. Srivatsa, Anthony Trela, Angela Tsiperfal, Niraj Varma, and Omair K. Yousuf (Article)


Investigating the use of finerenone in children with chronic kidney disease and proteinuria: design of the FIONA and open-label extension studies., Franz Schaefer, Giovanni Montini, Hee Gyung Kang, Johan Vande Walle, Joshua Zaritsky, Michiel F. Schreuder, Mieczyslaw Litwin, Andrea Scalise, Helen Scott, James Potts, Pablo Iveli, Stefanie Breitenstein, and Bradley A. Warady (Article)


Clinical Impact of Multiplex Molecular Diagnostic Testing in Children With Acute Gastroenteritis Presenting to an Emergency Department: A Multicenter Prospective Study., Andrew T. Pavia, Daniel M. Cohen, Amy L. Leber, Judy A. Daly, Jami T. Jackson, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Neena Kanwar, Jeffrey M. Bender, Jennifer Dien Bard, Ara Festekjian, Susan Duffy, Chari Larsen, Kristen M. Holmberg, Tyler Bardsley, Benjamin Haaland, Kevin M. Bourzac, Christopher Stockmann, Kimberle C. Chapin, and Daniel T. Leung (Article)


Pediatric Beta Blocker Therapy: A Comprehensive Review of Development and Genetic Variation to Guide Precision-Based Therapy in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults., Mollie Walton and Jonathan B. Wagner (Article)


Supporting underrepresented students in health sciences: a fuzzy cognitive mapping approach to program evaluation., Danielle F. Chiang, Scott A. Guerrero, Emma Sexton, and Stephen S. Gardner (Article)


Autoantibodies to ACE2 and immune molecules are associated with COVID-19 disease severity., Eric S. Geanes, Rebecca McLennan, Cas LeMaster, and Todd Bradley (Article)


Association between hemoglobin values and VWF assays: a multicenter investigation., Jillian Simoneau, Cindy Tay, Allison Wheeler, Lauren Amos MD, Meghan McCormick, Yonairy Collado, Megan Brown, and Angela C. Weyand (Letter to the Editor)


Infant Appendicitis: A Case Presentation of Appendicitis in a Nine-Month-Old Infant With Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Otitis Media and Review of Literature., Leslie Hueschen and April McNeill-Johnson (Article)


Early Estimate of Nirsevimab Effectiveness for Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalization Among Infants Entering Their First Respiratory Syncytial Virus Season - New Vaccine Surveillance Network, October 2023-February 2024., Heidi L. Moline, Ayzsa Tannis, Ariana P. Toepfer, John V. Williams, Julie A. Boom, Janet A. Englund, Natasha B. Halasa, Mary Allen Staat, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Marian G. Michaels, Leila C. Sahni, Eileen J. Klein, Laura S. Stewart, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Peter G. Szilagyi, Jennifer E. Schuster, Leah Goldstein, Samar Musa, Pedro A. Piedra, Danielle M. Zerr, Kristina A. Betters, Chelsea Rohlfs, Christina Albertin, Dithi Banerjee, Erin R. McKeever, Casey Kalman, Benjamin R. Clopper, New Vaccine Surveillance Network Product Effectiveness Collaborators, Meredith L. McMorrow, and Fatimah S. Dawood (Article)


Prospective Associations of Accelerometer-Measured Machine-Learned Sedentary Behavior With Death Among Older Women: The OPACH Study., Steve Nguyen, John Bellettiere, Blake Anuskiewicz, Chongzhi Di, Jordan A. Carlson, Loki Natarajan, Michael J. LaMonte, and Andrea Z. LaCroix (Article)


EpiVar Browser: advanced exploration of epigenomics data under controlled access., David R. Lougheed, Hanshi Liu, Katherine A. Aracena, Romain Grégoire, Alain Pacis, Tomi Pastinen, Luis B. Barreiro, Yann Joly, David Bujold, and Guillaume Bourque (Article)


2015-2021 Industry Payments to Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons: Analysis of Trends and Characteristics of Top-earning Surgeons., McKenna Noe, Ellie Kaji, George Thomas, Jonathan R. Warren, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)


Are Recreational Sports a Relic of the Past OR a Solution for the Future?, Lauren S. Butler, Joseph Janosky, Gregory Knell, Sophia Ulman, and Kevin Latz (Editorial)


A Retrospective Analysis of Needle Thoracostomies at a Tertiary Level 2 Trauma Center., Sarthak Parikh, Maryavis Howell, Hung-Wen Yeh, Mani Cheruvu, Robert Goodwin, and John Shellenberger (Article)


Associations between anemia and FGF23 in the CKiD study., Elizabeth Thomas, Alexandra M. Klomhaus, Marciana L. Laster, Susan L. Furth, Bradley A. Warady, Isidro B. Salusky, and Mark R. Hanudel (Article)


Audience Response to COVID Monologues: Research-Based Theater on the Societal Impact of COVID-19, Emily A. Hurley, Saraniya Tharmarajah, Genevieve de Mahy, Jess Rassp, Joe Salvatore, Jonathan P. Jones, and Steven A. Harvey (Article)


Bridging the gap of work-as-imagined versus work-as-done through use of multiuser immersive virtual reality simulation., Michael Platt, Y Raymond Chan, and Jessica L. Markham (Editorial)


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia in adults: Exploring pathogenesis and phenotype., Phillip S. Wozniak, Lara Makhoul, and Mena M. Botros (Article)


Call to action: prioritizing delivery room care for neonates with critical congenital heart disease., Alyssa R. Thomas, Philip T. Levy, Mary T. Donofrio, Brenda Law, Chloe Joynt, Ruby Gupta, Summer Elshenawy, Danielle Reed, Leeann R. Pavlek, Jennifer Shepherd, Sharada H. Gowda, Beth Ann Johnson, Elisa Abdulhayoglu, Eleonore Valencia, Stephanie Guseh, Molly K. Ball, and Noorjahan Ali (Editorial)


Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes of Vaccine-Eligible US Children Under-5 Years Hospitalized for Acute COVID-19 in a National Network., Laura D. Zambrano, Margaret M. Newhams, Regina M. Simeone, Katherine E. Fleming-Dutra, Natasha Halasa, Michael Wu, Amber O. Orzel-Lockwood, Satoshi Kamidani, Pia S. Pannaraj, Kathleen Chiotos, Melissa A. Cameron, Aline B. Maddux, Jennifer E. Schuster, Hillary Crandall, Michele Kong, Ryan A. Nofziger, Mary A. Staat, Samina S. Bhumbra, Katherine Irby, Julie A. Boom, Leila C. Sahni, Janet R. Hume, Shira J. Gertz, Mia Maamari, Cindy Bowens, Emily R. Levy, Tamara T. Bradford, Tracie C. Walker, Stephanie P. Schwartz, Elizabeth H. Mack, Judith A. Guzman-Cottrill, Charlotte V. Hobbs, Matt S. Zinter, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Katherine E. Bline, Saul R. Hymes, Angela P. Campbell, Adrienne G. Randolph, and Overcoming COVID-19 Investigators (Article)


Chronic Cough: Characterizing and Quantifying Burden in Adults Using a Nationwide Electronic Health Records Database., Lindsey E. Scierka, Brooklyn A. Bradley, Earl Glynn, Sierra Davis, Mark A. Hoffman, Jade B. Tam-Williams, Carlos Mena-Hurtado, and Kim G. Smolderen (Article)


Closed-Loop Control, Artificial Intelligence-Based Decision-Support Systems, and Data Science., Revital Nimri, Moshe Phillip, Mark A. Clements, and Boris Kovatchev (Article)


Creating Educational Videos in Pediatric Surgery: Catering to Our Audience while Remaining Patient-Centric., Rebecca M. Rentea and Philipp O Szavay (Letter to the Editor)


Disease Course, Treatments, and Outcomes of Children With Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-Associated Lung Disease., Yannan Huang, Laura Sompii-Montgomery, Jessica Patti, Alex Pickering, Shima Yasin, Thuy Do, Elizabeth Baker, Denny Gao, Rabheh Abdul-Aziz, Edward M. Behrens, Scott Canna, Matthew Clark, Dominic O. Co, Kathleen P. Collins, Barbara Eberhard, Monica Friedman, Thomas B. Graham, Timothy Hahn, Aimee O. Hersh, Patricia Hobday, Michael J. Holland, Jennifer Huggins, Pai-Yue Lu, Melissa L. Mannion, Cynthia K. Manos, Jessica Neely, Karen Onel, Amir B. Orandi, Andrea Ramirez, Adam Reinhardt, Mona Riskalla, Laisa Santiago, Matthew L. Stoll, Tracy Ting, Alexei A. Grom, Christopher Towe, and Grant S. Schulert (Article)


Downstream Exclusion in Rural Rare Disease Precision Medicine Research., Cassandra Barrett and Courtney D. Berrios (Response or Comment)


Echocardiographic findings in non-hospitalised children and adolescents following acute COVID-19., Amanda McIntosh, Anmol Goyal, Carol Moser-Dungan, Brian S. Harvey, Howard J. Heching, Doaa G. Aly, Nitin Madan, and Daniel Forsha (Article)


Effectiveness of a paediatric weight management intervention for rural youth (iAmHealthy): Primary outcomes of a cluster randomised control trial., Ann M. Davis, Brittany Lancaster, Kandace Fleming, Rebecca Swinburne Romine, Bethany Forseth, Eve-Lynn Nelson, Meredith Dreyer, Myles Faith, Debra K Sullivan, Kelley Pettee Gabriel, Kelsey Dean, and Megan Olalde (Article)


Endoscopist experience with pediatric recurrent and intentional foreign body ingestion (RIFBI): Management considerations and future directions., Christina M Low Kapalu, Omar Uraizee, Diana G. Lerner, Mike Thomson, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)


Endoscopy in pediatric polyposis syndromes: why, when and how., Shlomi Cohen, Warren Hyer, and Thomas M. Attard (Article)


Environmental Justice: A Missing Core Tenet of Global Health., Redeat Workneh, Merhawit Abadi, Krystle Perez, Sharla Rent, Elliott Mark Weiss, Stephanie Kukora, Olivia Brandon, Gal Barbut, Sahar Rahiem, Shaphil Wallie, Joseph Mhango, Benjamin C. Shayo, Friday Saidi, Gesit Metaferia, Mahlet Abayneh, and Gregory C. Valentine (Response or Comment)


Epigenetic variation impacts individual differences in the transcriptional response to influenza infection., Katherine A. Aracena, Yen-Lung Lin, Kaixuan Luo, Alain Pacis, Saideep Gona, Zepeng Mu, Vania Yotova, Renata Sindeaux, Albena Pramatarova, Marie-Michelle Simon, Xun Chen, Cristian Groza, David Lougheed, Romain Gregoire, David Brownlee, Carly Boye, Roger Pique-Regi, Yang Li, Xin He, David Bujold, Tomi Pastinen, Guillaume Bourque, and Luis B. Barreiro (Article)


Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Adolescents with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/Hypermobile-Type Ehlers-Danlos: A Review., Erin Isaacson and Tazim Dowlut-McElroy (Article)


Heterozygous loss-of-function variants in DOCK4 cause neurodevelopmental delay and microcephaly., Charlotte Herbst, Viktoria Bothe, Meret Wegler, Susanne Axer-Schaefer, Séverine Audebert-Bellanger, Jozef Gecz, Benjamin Cogne, Hagit Baris Feldman, Anselm H C Horn, Anna C E Hurst, Melissa A. Kelly, Michael C. Kruer, Alina Kurolap, Annie Laquerriere, Megan Li, Paul R. Mark, Markus Morawski, Mathilde Nizon, Tomi Pastinen, Tilman Polster, Pascale Saugier-Veber, Jang SeSong, Heinrich Sticht, Jens T. Stieler, Isabelle Thiffault, Clare L. van Eyk, Pascale Marcorelles, Myriam Vezain-Mouchard, Rami Abou Jamra, and Henry Oppermann (Article)


Hypoglycemia in a 4-day-old Girl., Elizabeth Loughman, Jennifer L. Gannon, J Sharma, and Christopher R. Nitkin (Article)


Hypophosphatasia diagnosis: current state of the art and proposed diagnostic criteria for children and adults., Aliya A. Khan, Maria Luisa Brandi, Eric T. Rush, Dalal S. Ali, Hatim Al-Alwani, Khulod Almonaei, Farah Alsarraf, Severine Bacrot, Kathryn M. Dahir, Karel Dandurand, Chad Deal, Serge Livio Ferrari, Francesca Giusti, Gordon Guyatt, Erin Hatcher, Steven W. Ing, Muhammad Kassim Javaid, Sarah Khan, Roland Kocijan, Agnes Linglart, Iman M'Hiri, Francesca Marini, Mark E. Nunes, Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, Christian Roux, Lothar Seefried, Jill H. Simmons, Susan R. Starling, Leanne M. Ward, Liang Yao, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, and E Michael Lewiecki (Article)


Improving Assessment and Learning Environments for Graduate Medical Trainees to Advance Healthcare Language Equity., Amanda R. Dube, Pilar Ortega, D Mike Hardin, Karol Hardin, Francisco Martinez, Madhura Shah, Bita Rashed Naimi, Ana I. Esteban-González, Jodi Dickmeyer, Diana Ruggiero, Veronica Abraham, Lisa C. Diamond, and John Cowden (Article)


Increased Incidence of TdT-negative Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Associated With Poor Prognostic Features Among Mexican Children in Central Mexico., Meagan Vacek, Laura C. Zárraga Vargas, Elizabeth González Domínguez, Lilia Garcia Rodriguez, Omar A. Tello Teran, Carlos Mojica Cardoso, Luisa V. Ocampo Roosens, Juan J. Acevedo Fernandez, Weijie Li, Brian R. Lee, Jesús S Olalla Tapia, and Terrie Flatt (Article)


Infection preventionists in public health, consultant and academic roles: Results from the 2020 APIC MegaSurvey., Katreena Merrill, Diana Cervantes, Joan N. Hebden, Monika Pogorzelska-Maziarz, Dana Piatek, Elizabeth Monsees, and Amanda Hessels (Article)


Pediatric systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis-related lung disease: Description of clinical cohort and review of management., Chandra Swanson, Erin Khan, Ashley M. Cooper, Maria Ibarra, and Jade B. Tam-Williams (Article)


Perspective: Women's leadership and salary inequality in sleep medicine., Jenna Shawa and Zarmina Ehsan MD (Article)


Pilot study using machine learning to improve estimation of physical abuse prevalence., Farah W. Brink, Charmaine B. Lo, Steven W. Rust, Henry T. Puls, Rachel Stanley, Brendan Galdo, and Daniel M. Lindberg (Article)


Plasma Metabolomics of Dietary Intake of Protein-Rich Foods and Kidney Disease Progression in Children., Xuyuehe Ren, Jingsha Chen, Alison G. Abraham, Yunwen Xu, Aisha Siewe, Bradley A. Warady, Paul L. Kimmel, Ramachandran S. Vasan, Eugene P. Rhee, Susan L. Furth, Josef Coresh, Michelle Denburg, Casey M. Rebholz, and Chronic Kidney Disease Biomarkers Consortium (Article)


Polysomnographic findings in children with 22q deletion & duplication syndrome: relationship to genetic diagnosis, parent-reported symptoms, and calcium levels., David G. Ingram MD, Meghan Tracy, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Jana M. Ghulmiyyah, and Jill M. Arganbright (Article)


Postoperative CT imaging to characterize fusion in pediatric and adolescent vertebral column resection., K Aaron Shaw, Kendall Anigian, and Daniel J. Sucato (Article)


Post-transplant recurrence of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis: consensus statements., Rupesh Raina, Swathi Jothi, Dieter Haffner, Michael Somers, Guido Filler, Prabhav Vasistha, Ronith Chakraborty, Ron Shapiro, Parmjeet S. Randhawa, Rulan Parekh, Christopher Licht, Timothy Bunchman, Sidharth Sethi, Guneive Mangat, Joshua Zaritsky, Franz Schaefer, Bradley A. Warady, Sharon Bartosh, Mignon McCulloch, Khalid Alhasan, Agnieszka Swiatecka-Urban, William E. Smoyer, Anil Chandraker, Hui Kim Yap, Vivekanand Jha, Arvind Bagga, and Jai Radhakrishnan (Article)


Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnostic imaging for child physical abuse., Denise C. Abdoo, Henry T. Puls, Matt Hall, Daniel M. Lindberg, James Anderst, Joanne N. Wood, Kavita Parikh, Margaret Tashijan, and Marion R. Sills (Article)


Racial and ethnic disparities in the co-occurrence of intellectual disability and autism: Impact of incorporating measures of adaptive functioning., Sarah M. Furnier, Ronald Gangnon, Julie L. Daniels, Susan Ellis Weismer, Cy Nadler, Karen Pazol, Nuri M. Reyes, Steven Rosenberg, Eric Rubenstein, Lisa D. Wiggins, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, and Maureen S. Durkin (Article)


Real-world evidence on the dosing and safety of C.E.R.A. in pediatric dialysis patients: findings from the International Pediatric Dialysis Network registries., Laura Kohlhas, Milena Studer, Loes Rutten-Jacobs, Sylvie Meyer Reigner, Anja Sander, Hui-Kim Yap, Karel Vondrak, Paula A. Coccia, Francisco Cano, Claus Peter Schmitt, Bradley A. Warady, Franz Schaefer, and IPDN collaborators (Article)


Remote Delivery of Allied and Behavioral Healthcare During COVID-19 for Children With Developmental Disabilities., Lisa D. Wiggins, Lin H. Tian, Sarah C. Tinker, Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, Carolyn G. DiGuiseppi, Cy Nadler, Patrick S. Powell, Eric J. Moody, Maureen S. Durkin, M Danielle Fallin, A Blythe Ryerson, JoAnn M. Thierry, Britney Robinson, and Karen Pazol (Article)


Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations Among Children <5 Years Old: 2016 to>2020., Aaron T. Curns, Brian Rha, Joana Y. Lively, Leila C. Sahni, Janet A. Englund, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Natasha B. Halasa, Mary A. Staat, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Marian Michaels, Heidi Moline, Yingtao Zhou, Ariana Perez, Chelsea Rohlfs, Robert Hickey, Kirsten Lacombe, Rendie McHenry, Brett Whitaker, Jennifer E. Schuster, Claudia Guevara Pulido, Bonnie Strelitz, Christina Quigley, Gina Weddle Dnp, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Christopher J. Harrison, Laura S. Stewart, Elizabeth Schlaudecker, Peter G. Szilagyi, Eileen J. Klein, Julie Boom, John V. Williams, Gayle Langley, Susan I. Gerber, Aron J. Hall, and Meredith L. McMorrow (Article)


Retinal hemorrhage variation in inertial versus contact head injuries., Michael Sokoloff, Kenneth W Feldman, Alex V. Levin, Adam Rockter, Veronica Armijo-Garcia, Matthew Musick, Kerri Weeks, Suzanne B. Haney, Mark Marinello, Bruce E. Herman, Terra N. Frazier, Christopher L. Carroll, Kent P. Hymel, and Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network (PediBIRN) Investigators (Article)


Self-concept and academic achievement in children with chronic kidney disease., Silvia L. Verhofste, Amy L. Conrad, Rebecca J. Johnson, Emily J. Steinbach, Janice M. Staber, and Lyndsay A. Harshman (Article)


SHP-1 inhibition targets leukaemia stem cells to restore immunosurveillance and enhance chemosensitivity by metabolic reprogramming., Xi Xu, Yanhui Yu, Wenwen Zhang, Weiwei Ma, Chong He, Guo Qiu, Xinyi Wang, Qiong Liu, Minyi Zhao, Jiayi Xie, Fang Tao, John M. Perry, Qifa Liu, Shuan Rao, Xunlei Kang, Meng Zhao, and Linjia Jiang (Article)


Special considerations for the adolescent with obesity: An obesity medicine association (OMA) clinical practice statement (CPS) 2024., Suzanne Cuda, Valerie O'Hara, Marisa Censani, Rushika Conroy, Brooke Sweeney, Jennifer Paisley, Cristina Fernandez MD, Meredith Dreyer, Allen Browne, and Nancy T. Browne (Article)


Speech Communication Interference in the Operating Room., Austin Bachar, Margaret Brommelsiek, Richard John Simonson, Y Raymond Chan, Amber Davies, Ken Catchpole, and Gary Sutkin (Article)


Successful implementation of telehealth visits in the paediatric heart failure and heart transplant population., Neha Bansal, Nikita D'Souza, Bethany L. Wisotzkey, Erin Albers, Renata Shih, Vernat Exil, Melissa McQueen, Joseph P. Hillenburg, Estela Azeka, Sabrina Law, David M. Peng, Matthew O'Connor, Robert Gajarski, Christina Vanderpluym, Angela Lorts, Aliessa P. Barnes, Melanie Sojka, Maria Bano, Megan Keating, David N. Rosenthal, Jennifer Conway, Katie Schroeder, and Deipanjan Nandi (Article)


Technical Note: Significant Positive Bias in Lower Concentrations but Negative Bias in Higher Concentrations in Testosterone Measurement Using Beckman Access Immunoassay Compared to a Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Reference Method, Amitava Dasgupta, Kelsey Woodard, Bheemraj Ramoo, C. Clinton Frazee III, and Uttam Garg (Article)


The Association Between Diet Quality and Glycemic Outcomes Among People with Type 1 Diabetes., Melanie B. Gillingham, Martin Chase Marak, Michael C. Riddell, Peter Calhoun, Robin L. Gal, Susana R. Patton, Peter G. Jacobs, Jessica R. Castle, Mark A. Clements, Francis J. Doyle, Michael R. Rickels, and Corby K. Martin (Article)


The challenge of hypophosphatasia diagnosis in adults: results from the HPP International Working Group Literature Surveillance., Maria Luisa Brandi, Aliya A. Khan, Eric T. Rush, Dalal S. Ali, Hatim Al-Alwani, Khulod Almonaei, Farah Alsarraf, Severine Bacrot, Kathryn M. Dahir, Karel Dandurand, Chad Deal, Serge Livio Ferrari, Francesca Giusti, Gordon Guyatt, Erin Hatcher, Steven W. Ing, Muhammad Kassim Javaid, Sarah Khan, Roland Kocijan, E Michael Lewiecki, Agnes Linglart, Iman M'Hiri, Francesca Marini, Mark E. Nunes, Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg, Lothar Seefried, Jill H. Simmons, Susan R. Starling, Leanne M. Ward, Liang Yao, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, and Christian Roux (Article)


The COVID Cohort: PEM Fellowship Training During a Pandemic, Thuy L. Ngo, Derya Caglar, Lisa Yanek, Michelle Eckerle, Jerri A. Rose, Mellisa M. Tavarez, Frances Turcotte Benedict, and Melissa Langhan (Article)


The impact of a community-based music program during infancy on the quality of parent-child language interactions., Amy R. Smith, Brenda Salley, Deanna Hanson-Abromeit, Rocco A. Paluch, Hideko Engel, Jacqueline Piazza, and Kai Ling Kong (Article)


The impact of skin color and tone on histamine iontophoresis and Doppler flowmetry measurements as a pharmacodynamic biomarker., Aarya Ramprasad, Adara Ezekwe, Brian R. Lee, Shiva Balasubramanian, and Bridgette Jones (Article)


Using Digital Health Technology to Prevent and Treat Diabetes., Mark A. Clements, Neal Kaufman, and Eran Mel (Article)


Interim Estimates of 2023-24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States., Aaron M. Frutos, Ashley M. Price, Elizabeth Harker, Emily L. Reeves, Haris M. Ahmad, Vel Murugan, Emily T. Martin, Stacey House, Elie A. Saade, Richard K. Zimmerman, Manjusha Gaglani, Karen J. Wernli, Emmanuel B. Walter, Marian G. Michaels, Mary A. Staat, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Julie A. Boom, Eileen J. Klein, Natasha B. Halasa, Adit A. Ginde, Kevin W. Gibbs, Yuwei Zhu, Wesley H. Self, Sara Y. Tartof, Nicola P. Klein, Kristin Dascomb, Malini B. DeSilva, Zachary A. Weber, Duck-Hye Yang, Sarah W. Ball, Diya Surie, Jennifer DeCuir, Fatimah S. Dawood, Heidi L. Moline, Ariana P. Toepfer, Benjamin R. Clopper, Ruth Link-Gelles, Amanda B. Payne, Jessie R. Chung, Brendan Flannery, Nathaniel M. Lewis, Samantha M. Olson, Katherine Adams, Mark W. Tenforde, Shikha Garg, Lisa A. Grohskopf, Carrie Reed, Sascha Ellington, and CDC Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Collaborators (Article)


Epigenome-wide association study identifies neonatal DNA methylation associated with two-year attention problems in children born very preterm., Marie Camerota, Barry M. Lester, Francisco Xavier Castellanos, Brian S. Carter, Jennifer Check, Jennifer Helderman, Julie A. Hofheimer, Elisabeth C. McGowan, Charles R. Neal, Steven L. Pastyrnak, Lynne M. Smith, Thomas Michael O'Shea, Carmen J. Marsit, and Todd M. Everson (Article)


Notes from the Field: Reemergence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infections in Children and Adolescents After the COVID-19 Pandemic, United States, 2018-2024., Chris Edens, Benjamin R. Clopper, Jourdan DeVies, Alvaro Benitez, Erin R. McKeever, Dylan Johns, Bernard Wolff, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Jennifer E. Schuster, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Fatimah S. Dawood, Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, Christina Quigley, Leila C. Sahni, Natasha Halasa, Laura S. Stewart, Meredith L. McMorrow, Brett Whitaker, Danielle M. Zerr, Vasanthi Avadhanula, John V. Williams, Marian G. Michaels, Aaron Kite-Powell, Janet A. Englund, Mary Allen Staat, Kathleen Hartnett, Heidi L. Moline, Adam L. Cohen, and Maureen Diaz (Article)


Degree of Uncertainty in Reporting Imaging Findings for Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Secondary Analysis from a Pilot Randomized Diagnostic Trial., Alain Cuna, Disa Rathore, Kira Bourret, Erin K. Opfer, and Sherwin S. Chan (Article)


Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants Fed Donor Milk or Preterm Infant Formula: A Randomized Clinical Trial., Tarah T. Colaizy, Brenda B. Poindexter, Scott A. McDonald, Edward F. Bell, Waldemar A. Carlo, Susan J. Carlson, Sara B. DeMauro, Kathleen A. Kennedy, Leif D. Nelin, Pablo J. Sánchez, Betty R. Vohr, Karen J. Johnson, Dianne E. Herron, Abhik Das, Margaret M. Crawford, Michele C. Walsh, Rosemary D. Higgins, Barbara J. Stoll, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network, MILK Trial Investigators, Namisavayam Ambalavanan, Myra H. Wyckoff, Carl T. D'Angio, George W. Bugg, Robin K. Ohls, Anne Marie Reynolds, Gregory M. Sokol, Abbot R. Laptook, Steven Olsen, Jessica R. White, Sudarshan R. Jadcherla, Monika Bajaj, Prabhu S. Parimi, Barbara Schmidt, Matthew M. Laughon, John Barks, Kimberley A. Fisher, Anna Maria Hibbs, Myriam Peralta-Carcelen, Noah Cook, Roy J. Heyne, Brenna Cavanaugh, Ira Adams-Chapman, Janell Fuller, Michelle E. Hartley-McAndrew, Heidi M. Harmon, Andrea F. Duncan, Abbey C. Hines, Howard Kilbride, Laurie A. Richards, Nathalie L. Maitre, Girija Natarajan, Andrea N. Trembath, Martha D. Carlson, William F. Malcolm, and Deanne E. Wilson-Costello (Response or Comment)


Economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on families of children with autism and other developmental disabilities., Olivia M. Pokoski, Hayley Crain, Carolyn DiGuiseppi, Sarah M. Furnier, Eric J. Moody, Cy Nadler, Karen Pazol, Jessica Sanders, Lisa D. Wiggins, and Maureen S. Durkin (Article)


Pediatric spinal ependymoma with chromothripsis of chromosome 6: a case report and review of the literature., Keela R. Scott, Melissa Gener, and Elena Repnikova (Article)


Molecular-guided therapy for the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory childhood cancers: a Beat Childhood Cancer Research Consortium trial., Giselle L Saulnier Sholler, Genevieve Bergendahl, Elizabeth C. Lewis, Jacqueline Kraveka, William Ferguson, Abhinav B. Nagulapally, Karl Dykema, Valerie I Brown, Michael S. Isakoff, Joseph Junewick, Deanna Mitchell, Jawhar Rawwas, William Roberts, Don Eslin, Javier Oesterheld, Randal K. Wada, Devang Pastakia, Virginia Harrod, Kevin Ginn, Raya Saab, Kevin Bielamowicz, Jason Glover, Eugenia Chang, Gina K. Hanna, Daniel Enriquez, Tyler Izatt, Rebecca F Halperin, Abigail Moore, Sara A. Byron, William P D Hendricks, and Jeffrey M. Trent (Article)


Scaffold protein SH3BP2 signalosome is pivotal for immune activation in nephrotic syndrome., Tarak Srivastava, Robert E. Garola, Jianping Zhou, Varun C. Boinpelly, Mohammad Rezaiekhaligh, Trupti Joshi, Yuexu Jiang, Diba Ebadi, Siddarth Sharma, Christine Sethna, Vincent S. Staggs, Ram Sharma, Debbie S. Gipson, Wei Hao, Yujie Wang, Laura H. Mariani, Jeffrey B. Hodgin, Robert Rottapel, Teruhito Yoshitaka, Yasuyoshi Ueki, and Mukut Sharma (Article)


Social and built neighborhood environments and sleep health: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Community and Surrounding Areas and Sueño Ancillary Studies., Kimberly L. Savin, Jordan A. Carlson, Sanjay R. Patel, Marta M. Jankowska, Matthew A. Allison, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, James F. Sallis, Gregory A. Talavera, Scott C. Roesch, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Britta Larsen, Thomas Rutledge, and Linda C. Gallo (Article)


Relationship Between Obesity and Global Longitudinal Strain in the Pediatric Single Ventricle Fontan Population Across Ventricular Morphologies., Nitin Madan, Doaa Aly, Melanie Kathol, Amulya Buddhavarapu, Thomas Rieth, Ashley K. Sherman, and Daniel Forsha (Article)


Opportunities for Pharmacogenetic Testing to Guide Dosing of Medications in Youths With Medicaid., Sonya Tang Girdwood, Matthew Hall, James W. Antoon, Kathryn Kyler, Derek J. Williams, Samir S. Shah, Lucas E. Orth, Jennifer Goldman, James A. Feinstein, and Laura B. Ramsey (Article)


Response to 'opioid sparing effect of PENG block in open reduction of pediatric developmental dysplasia of the hip: a case series,' by Yörükoğlu, Emily Weisberg, Nichole M. Doyle, and Adam Booser (Response or Comment)


Prenatal Diagnosis of a Ductal-Dependent Branch Pulmonary Artery: Extra Vessels in the 3-Vessel and Trachea View., Anmol Goyal, Maria Kiaffas, Tara Swanson, Melanie Kathol, Sanket Shah, and Nitin Madan (Article)


Asperger's syndrome - about time to rename it?, Cynthia Bearer, Steven H. Abman, Carlo Agostoni, Phil Ballard, Joe Bliss, Willem P. de Boode, Fuat Emre Canpolat, Lina Chalak, Maria Roberta Cilio, Olaf Dammann, Jonathan Davis, Dina El-Metwally, Donna Ferriero, Stephanie Ford, Elena Fuentes-Afflick, Dawn Gano, Dino Giussani, Fernando Gonzalez, Alistair Gunn, Marije Hogeveen, Alex Y. Huang, Jenny Kaplan, Mark Klebanoff, Peter Lachman, Robert Mak, Atul Malhotra, Steven Miller, William Beau Mitchell, Eleanor Molloy, Sarah B. Mulkey, Damian Roland, Venkatesh Sampath, Guilherme Sant'Anna, Pam Schaff, Lynn T. Singer, Annemarie Stroustrup, David Tingay, Claudio Tiribelli, Gergely Toldi, Jeanie Tryggestad, Enza Maria Valente, Dee Wilson-Costello, and John Zupancic (Editorial)


BrAIST-Calc: Prediction of Individualized Benefit From Bracing for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis., Lori A. Dolan, Stuart L. Weinstein, Matthew B. Dobbs, John M Jack Flynn, Daniel W. Green, Matthew F. Halsey, M Timothy Hresko, Walter F. Krengel, Charles T. Mehlman, Todd A. Milbrandt, Peter O. Newton, Nigel Price, James O. Sanders, Michael L. Schmitz, Richard M. Schwend, Suken A. Shah, Kit Song, and Vishwas Talwalkar (Article)


Child Health and the Pediatric Pulmonology Workforce: 2020-2040., Terry L. Noah, Debra Boyer, Stephanie D. Davis, Robert J. Vinci, and Christopher M. Oermann (Article)


Child Health Needs and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Workforce: 2020-2040., Matthew S. Kelly, Jessica R. Cataldi, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Samir S. Shah, Robert J. Vinci, and Angela Myers (Article)


Child Health Needs and the Pediatric Nephrology Subspecialty Workforce: 2020-2040., Darcy K. Weidemann, Colin J. Orr, Victoria Norwood, Patrick Brophy, Mary B. Leonard, and Isa Ashoor (Article)


Clinically Significant Treatment Delay in Pediatric Scaphoid Fractures., J Taylor Lackey, Paige L. Seiler, Brian R. Lee, and Micah K. Sinclair (Article)


Cost Utility Analysis of an After-School Sports Sampling Program., Joseph S. Lightner, Ella Valleroy, Reagan Todd, Katlyn E. Eighmy, and Amanda Grimes (Article)


Creating Healing-Centered Spaces for Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in the Postpartum Unit: Examining Current Practices and Desired Resources Among Health Care Providers and Postpartum People., Sarah E. Scott, Genelle Jenkins, Erin Mickievicz, Jackie Saladino, Anne-Marie Rick, Rebecca Levenson, Judy C. Chang, Kimberly Randell, Virginia Duplessis, Elizabeth Miller, and Maya Ragavan (Article)


Culturally Relevant Africultural Coping Moderates the Association Between Discrimination and Antiretroviral Adherence Among Sexual Minority Black Americans Living with HIV., Glenn J. Wagner, Laura M. Bogart, David J. Klein, Sean J. Lawrence, Kathy Goggin, Mahlet Gizaw, and Matt G. Mutchler (Article)


Exchange of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Cannulas for Hemodialysis Catheters in Children Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy., Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, Shai Stewart, Derek R. Marlor, Douglas C. Rivard, John M. Daniel IV, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)


Expanding PHM Fellowships: Current Landscape, Challenges, and Potential Solutions., Jennifer Fuchs, Prabi Rajbhandari, Nicole Webb, and Jacqueline M. Walker (Article)


Guidelines for Performing a Comprehensive Pediatric Transthoracic Echocardiogram: Recommendations From the American Society of Echocardiography., Leo Lopez, Daniel L. Saurers, Piers C A Barker, Meryl S. Cohen, Steven D. Colan, Jeanine Dwyer, Daniel Forsha, Mark K. Friedberg, Wyman W. Lai, Beth F. Printz, Ritu Sachdeva, Neha R. Soni-Patel, Dongngan T. Truong, Luciana T. Young, and Carolyn A. Altman (Article)


Hearing the Unheard: Voices of Black Emerging Adults With Uncontrolled Asthma., Bridgette Jones and Mahesh Padukudru Anand (Editorial)


Hepatic artery thrombosis and use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in pediatric liver transplantation., Keith Feldman, Daniel E. Heble, Richard J. Hendrickson, and Ryan T. Fischer (Article)


Hormone Replacement Therapy after Pubertal Induction in Adolescents and Young Adults with Turner Syndrome: A Survey Study., Tazim Dowlut-McElroy and Roopa Kanakatti Shankar (Article)


Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric faculty: a report from nine academic institutions., Teresia M. O'Connor, Milenka Cuevas Guaman, Kimberly Randell, Heather T. Keenan, Jessica Snowden, Jennifer W. Mack, Elizabeth A. Camp, Oriana Perez, Michael L. Chang, Angela Myers, Lise E. Nigrovic, Jennifer O'Toole, Jennifer L. Reed, Jennifer Reese, Abby R. Rosenberg, Anne C. Slater, Susan H. Wootton, Sonja I. Ziniel, H Joseph Yost, Kristy O. Murray, Lara Shekerdemian, and Corrie E. Chumpitazi (Article)


Influence of CYP2D6 Metabolizer Status on Risperidone and Paliperidone Tolerability in Children and Adolescents., Amarachi A. Kanu, Michelle M. Johnston, Ethan A. Poweleit, Samuel E. Vaughn, Jeffrey R. Strawn, and Laura Ramsey (Article)


Inspiring New Science to Guide Healthcare in Turner Syndrome: Rationale, design, and methods for the InsighTS Registry., Roopa Kanakatti Shankar, Alexandra Carl, Jennifer R. Law, Vaneeta Bamba, Wendy J. Brickman, Siddharth K. Prakash, Tazim Dowlut-McElroy, Susan Howell, Iris Gutmark Little, Karen O. Klein, Catherina T. Pinnaro, Kelly Ranallo, Marybel Good, and Shanlee M. Davis (Article)