Scholarly works by Children's Mercy Kansas City's doctors, nurses, researchers, and other staff.

Affiliation to Children's Mercy Hospital listed as of time of publication.


Works from 2024


Apnea of prematurity: when is the right time to stimulate?, Ahmed El-Saie and Binoy Shivanna (Article)


Artificial intelligence to classify acquired intestinal injury in preterm neonates-a new perspective., Alain Cuna, Muralidhar H. Premkumar, and Venkatesh Sampath (Response or Comment)


Characteristics and treatment of acute myeloid neoplasms with cutaneous involvement in infants up to 6 months of age: A retrospective study., Juliette Renaud, Bianca F. Goemans, Franco Locatelli, Martina Pigazzi, Shelagh Redmond, Claudia E. Kuehni, Alice Destaillats, Todd A. Alonzo, Robert B. Gerbing, Alan S. Gamis, Richard Aplenc, Raffaele Renella, Todd Cooper, and Francesco Ceppi (Article)


Children's Hospital Resource Utilization During the 2022 Viral Respiratory Surge., Kenneth A. Michelson, Sriram Ramgopal, Larry K. Kociolek, Danielle M. Zerr, Mark I. Neuman, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Matt Hall, and Michelle L. Macy (Article)


Contraception Initiation in the Emergency Department: Adolescent Perspectives., Tara Ketterer, Erin Sieke, Jungwon Min, Maria Quidgley-Martin, Romina Barral, Aletha Akers, Amber Adams, Elizabeth Miller, Melissa K. Miller, and Cynthia Mollen (Article)


Correlation Between the Glycemia Risk Index and Longitudinal Hemoglobin A1c in Children and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes., Kelsey Panfil, Jacob M. Redel, Craig Vandervelden, Brent Lockee, Anna R. Kahkoska, Erin M. Tallon, David D. Williams, and Mark A. Clements (Article)


Does Delayed Diagnosis of Hirschsprung Disease Impact Post-operative and Functional Outcomes? A Multi-Center Review From the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium., Sarah Ullrich, Kelly Austin, Jeffrey R. Avansino, Andrea Badillo, Casey M. Calkins, Rachel C. Crady, Megan M. Durham, Megan K. Fuller, Ankur Rana, Ron W. Reeder, Rebecca M. Rentea, Michael D. Rollins, Payam Saadai, K Elizabeth Speck, Richard J. Wood, Kathleen van Leeuwen, Jason S. Frischer, and Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (Article)


Efficacy and safety of odevixibat in patients with Alagille syndrome (ASSERT): a phase 3, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial., Nadia Ovchinsky, Madeleine Aumar, Alastair Baker, Ulrich Baumann, Philip Bufler, Mara Cananzi, Piotr Czubkowski, Özlem Durmaz, Ryan T. Fischer, Giuseppe Indolfi, Wikrom W. Karnsakul, Florence Lacaille, Way S. Lee, Giuseppe Maggiore, Philip Rosenthal, Mathias Ruiz, Etienne Sokal, Ekkehard Sturm, Wendy van der Woerd, Henkjan J. Verkade, Andrew Wehrman, Christine Clemson, Qifeng Yu, Quanhong Ni, Jessica Ruvido, Susan Manganaro, and Jan P. Mattsson (Article)


Enhancing Physician Advocacy Through Collaboration With Government Relations: Report From the Health Policy Scholars Program., Amanda M. Stewart, Lois K. Lee, Jessica L. Bettenhausen, Anita N. Shah, Lenore R. Jarvis, David Keller, and Lauren K. Gambill (Article)


Epigenetic associations in HPA axis genes related to bronchopulmonary dysplasia and antenatal steroids., Kenyaita M. Hodge, Vasyl Zhabotynsky, Amber A. Burt, Brian S. Carter, Rebecca C. Fry, Jennifer Helderman, Julie A. Hofheimer, Elisabeth C. McGowan, Charles R. Neal, Steven L. Pastyrnak, Lynne M. Smith, Sheri A. DellaGrotta, Lynne M. Dansereau, Barry M. Lester, Carmen J. Marsit, T Michael O'Shea, Todd M. Everson, and program collaborators for Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (Article)


Estimation of the inferior caval vein saturation using high-fidelity non-invasive haemodynamic values and validation of modelled estimates., Rohit S. Loomba, Saul Flores, Juan S. Farias, Enrique G. Villarreal, and Alex Constas (Article)


Evaluation of Post-neonatal Intensive Care Unit Home Irrigations Prior to Pull-through: Implications for Hirschsprung Disease Management., Elizaveta Bokova, Ninad Prasade, Wendy E. Lewis, Christine N. Feira, Irene Isabel P. Lim, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Expert Consensus on Pediatric Urodynamics Reporting Using Modified Delphi Technique., Kristen M. Meier, Claudia Mata, Jill L. Kaar, Adam J. Rensing, Anne G. Dudley, Alonso Carrasco, Beth A. Drzewiecki, Brian A. VanderBrink, Courtney S. Streur, Darius J. Bagli, David J. Chalmers, Duncan T. Wilcox, Elizabeth B. Yerkes, Glen A. Lau, Gino J Vricella, Sarah L. Hecht, Hillary L. Copp, Hans G. Pohl, Israel Franco, Jennifer Ahn, John S. Wiener, Jennifer S. Singer, Christopher J. Long, Melise A. Keays, Michael R. Daugherty, Molly E. Fuchs, Paul F. Austin, Charlotte Q. Wu, Rebecca S. Zee, Rosalia Misseri, Stacy T. Tanaka, Stuart B. Bauer, and Kyle O. Rove (Article)


Highly Active Middle School Athletes Demonstrate Poor Motor Skill Proficiency., Lauren S Butler, Dai Sugimoto, Ashley Erdman, Jason D. Yoderq, Kayla Greiner, Cynthia Larroque, Kevin Latz, Alex Loewen, Charles W Wyatt, Amie DeVerna, PRiSM Injury Prevention Research Interest Group, and Sophia Ulman (Article)


Impact of a Mental Health Screening Process in a Pediatric Emergency Department., Bryan Stocker, Shobhit Jain, Lina Patel, Celeste Tarantino, Shayla Sullivant, and Kathryn Worland MSW (Article)


Implementing a Halo Gravity Traction Program: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor., Anne E. Stuedemann, Michon Huston, Nicolette Saddler, Richard M. Schwend, John Anderson, Elizabeth Pierce, Tiffany Koivuniemi-Berg, Jamie Fryatt, and Katrina Herman (Article)


Including young children in their food allergy care: A pilot study., Jodi Shroba and Susan F. McElroy (Article)


Juvenile polyposis syndrome in children: The impact of SMAD4 and BMPR1A mutations on clinical phenotype and polyp burden., Shlomi Cohen, Anat Yerushalmy-Feler, Isabel Rojas, Claudia Phen, David A. Rudnick, Colleen B. Flahive, Steven H. Erdman, Ramit Magen-Rimon, Ivana Copova, Thomas M. Attard, Andrew Latchford, and Warren Hyer (Article)


Longitudinal analysis of blood pressure and lipids in childhood nephrotic syndrome., Johnathon Carboni, Elizabeth Thomas, Debbie S. Gipson, Tammy M. Brady, Tarak Srivastava, David T. Selewski, Larry A. Greenbaum, Chia-Shi Wang, Katherine M. Dell, Frederick Kaskel, Susan Massengill, Kimberly Reidy, Cheryl L. Tran, Howard Trachtman, Richard Lafayette, Salem Almaani, Sangeeta Hingorani, Rasheed Gbadegesin, Keisha L. Gibson, Christine B. Sethna, and Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE) (Article)


Longitudinal Plasma Metabolome Patterns and Relation to Kidney Function and Proteinuria in Pediatric CKD., Arthur M. Lee, Yunwen Xu, Jian Hu, Rui Xiao, Stephen R. Hooper, Erum A. Hartung, Josef Coresh, Eugene P. Rhee, Ramachandran S. Vasan, Paul L Kimmel, Bradley A. Warady, Susan L. Furth, Michelle R. Denburg, and CKD Biomarkers Consortium (Letter to the Editor)


Neonatal neurobehavior associated with developmental changes from age 2 to 3 in very preterm infants., Alexandrea L. Craft, Marie Camerota, Cynthia Loncar, Brian S. Carter, Jennifer Check, Jennifer B. Helderman, Julie A. Hofheimer, Elisabeth C. McGowan, Charles R. Neal, T Michael O'Shea, Steven L. Pastyrnak, Lynne M. Smith, Lynne M. Dansereau, Sheri A. DellaGrotta, Carmen Marsit, and Barry M. Lester (Article)


Nurses' moral distress and leadership communication in hospitals serving Black patients during COVID-19., Eileen T. Lake, Jessica G. Smith, Jeannette A. Rogowski, Emily Cramer, Vaneh Hovsepian, Hal Chen, Nehemiah Weldeab, and Connie Ulrich (Article)


Outcomes of Early Surgical Procedures for Children With Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis., Justin B. Searns, Matt Hall, Meghan Birkholz, Brittany B. Hubbell, Andrew S. Kern-Goldberger, Jessica L. Markham, Stephanie L. Rolsma, Samir S S. Shah, Marie E. Wang, Sean T. O'Leary, Samuel R. Dominguez, Sarah K. Parker, and Matthew P. Kronman (Article)


Pediatric Type I Open Both Bone Forearm Fractures: Predicting Failure of Nonoperative Management., McKenna C. Noe, Robert C. Link, Jonathan R. Warren, Ezra Goodrich, Mark R. Sinclair, and Caroline Tougas (Article)


Physician Approaches to the Pharmacologic Treatment of Dystonia in Cerebral Palsy., Emma Lott, Darcy Fehlings, Rose N. Gelineau-Morel, Michael Kruer, Jonathan W. Mink, Sruthi P. Thomas, Steve Wisniewski, Bhooma Aravamuthan, and Cerebral Palsy Research Network (Article)


Preeclampsia, Fetal Growth Restriction, and 24-Month Neurodevelopment in Very Preterm Infants., Jennifer Check, Coral Shuster, Julie Hofheimer, Marie Camerota, Lynne M. Dansereau, Lynne M. Smith, Brian S. Carter, Sheri A. DellaGrotta, Jennifer Helderman, Howard Kilbride, Cynthia M. Loncar, Elisabeth McGowan, Charles R. Neal, T Michael O'Shea, Steven L. Pastyrnak, Stephen J. Sheinkopf, and Barry M. Lester (Article)


Prenatal tobacco and tobacco-cannabis co-exposure: Relationship with attention and memory in middle childhood., Shannon Shisler, Jin-Kyung Lee, Nicolas J. Schlienz, Larry W. Hawk, Panayotis K. Thanos, Kai Ling Kong, Meghan Casey Leising, and Rina D. Eiden (Article)


Psychotropic Medication Usage in Pediatric CKD: Reporting from the CKD in Children Cohort., Ryan C. Ward, Amy J. Kogon, Matthew B. Matheson, Anne Dawson, Stephen R. Hooper, Stephen Molitor, Cynthia Wong, Susan L. Furth, Bradley A. Warady, and Lyndsay A. Harshman (Article)


Reply by Authors., Kristen M. Meier, Claudia Mata, Jill L. Kaar, Adam J. Rensing, Anne G. Dudley, Alonso Carrasco, Beth A. Drzewiecki, Brian A. VanderBrink, Courtney S. Streur, Darius J. Bagli, David J. Chalmers, Duncan T. Wilcox, Elizabeth B. Yerkes, Glen A. Lau, Gino J Vricella, Sarah L. Hecht, Hillary L. Copp, Hans G. Pohl, Israel Franco, Jennifer Ahn, John S. Wiener, Jennifer S. Singer, Christopher J. Long, Melise A. Keays, Michael R. Daugherty, Molly E. Fuchs, Paul F. Austin, Charlotte Q. Wu, Rebecca S. Zee, Rosalia Misseri, Stacy T. Tanaka, Stuart B. Bauer, and Kyle O. Rove (Letter to the Editor)


Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Associated Hospitalizations in Children <5 Years:>2016-2022., Meredith L. McMorrow, Heidi L. Moline, Ariana P. Toepfer, Natasha B. Halasa, Jennifer E. Schuster, Mary A. Staat, John V. Williams, Eileen J. Klein, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Benjamin R. Clopper, Julie A. Boom, Laura S. Stewart, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Marian G. Michaels, Janet A. Englund, Christina S. Albertin, Barbara E. Mahon, Aron J. Hall, Leila C. Sahni, and Aaron T. Curns (Article)


Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression and Severe Distress among Mothers of Very Preterm Infants at NICU Discharge., Julie A. Hofheimer, Elisabeth C. McGowan, Lynne M. Smith, Samantha Meltzer-Brody, Brian S. Carter, Lynne M. Dansereau, Steven Pastyrnak, Jennifer B. Helderman, Charles R. Neal, Sheri A. DellaGrotta, Thomas Michael D O'Shea, and Barry M. Lester (Article)


Sex and the Kidney Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters: Are Preclinical Drug Disposition Data Translatable to Humans?, Aarzoo Thakur, Guihua Yue, Deepak Ahire, Vijaya S Mettu, Abrar Al Maghribi, Kaitlyn Ford, Lucia Peixoto, J Steven Leeder, and Bhagwat Prasad (Article)


Surgical Outcome and Treatment Trends in 1289 Infants with Micrognathia: A Multicenter Cohort., Cory M. Resnick, S Alex Rottgers, Joshua M. Wright, Raj M. Vyas, Jeffrey Goldstein, Jordan W. Swanson, Michael A. Padula, Carl H. Coghill, Irfan Ahmad, David W. Molter, Maithilee D. Menezes, Khatija W. Naing, Christopher M. Cielo, and Children’s Hospitals Neonatal Consortium Micrognathia Focus Group (Article)


Surgical technique: proximal extension of instrumentation using sublaminar bands for salvage of postoperative proximal junctional failure in pediatric patients., Mason A. Fawcett and Richard M. Schwend (Article)


The DESSH Clinic: A New Multidisciplinary Clinic to Address the Complex Needs of Individuals with a Rare Genetic Disorder., Margaret Reynolds, Judith Weisenberg, Marwan Shinawi, and Rachel Jensen (Article)


The effect of surgical time on perioperative complications in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cases. A propensity score analysis., McKenna C. Noe, Daniel Hagaman, Brittany Sipp, Fahad Qureshi, Jonathan R. Warren, Ellie Kaji, Ashley K. Sherman, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)


The Glycemia Risk Index Predicts Performance of Diabetes Self-Management Habits in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus., Kelsey Panfil, Craig Vandervelden, Brent Lockee, Erin M. Tallon, David D. Williams, and Joyce M. Lee (Article)


The impact of early tracheostomy on neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia exposed to postnatal corticosteroids., Amjad Taha, Gangaram Akangire, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Tiffany Gladdis, and Winston M. Manimtim (Article)


The use of hearing tests to assess otitis media with effusion in children with Down syndrome., Mackenzie O'Donnell, Nasrin Sultana, Nasreen Talib, Jason May, and Michael Slogic (Article)


Use of ClearGuard HD caps in pediatric hemodialysis patients., Amy E. Nau, Troy Richardson, Diana Cardwell, Jennifer Ehrlich, Jyothsna Gattineni, Melisha Hanna, Mahima Keswani, Emily Neibauer, Kelly Nitz, Raymond Quigley, Michelle Rheault, Rebekah Sims, Mayna Woo, and Bradley A. Warady (Article)


Use of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Cryptorchidism: A Single-Institution Analysis., Shai Stewart, Dae H. Kim, Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, Derek R. Marlor, James Fraser, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, and Shawn D. St Peter (Article)


The SafeBoosC-III trial and the future of cerebral oximetry-guided interventions in preterm infants-time to pause and reset?, Krishna Dummula, Vishal Pandey, and Venkatesh Sampath (Editorial)


"Give Me Five": The Case for 5 Days of Antibiotics as the Default Duration for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections., Rana El Feghaly, Preeti Jaggi, Sophie E. Katz, and Nicole M. Poole (Article)


A Systematic Review of Telehealth Utilization for Bowel Management Programs in Pediatric Colorectal Surgery., Elizaveta Bokova, Ismael Elhalaby, Seth Saylors, Irene Isabel P. Lim, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Optimized cytogenetic risk-group stratification of KMT2A-rearranged pediatric acute myeloid leukemia., Romy E. van Weelderen, Christine J. Harrison, Kim Klein, Yilin Jiang, Jonas Abrahamsson, Todd Alonzo, Richard Aplenc, Nira Arad-Cohen, Emmanuelle Bart-Delabesse, Barbara Buldini, Barbara De Moerloose, Michael N. Dworzak, Sarah Elitzur, José M. Fernández Navarro, Alan S. Gamis, Robert B. Gerbing, Bianca F. Goemans, Hester A. de Groot-Kruseman, Erin M. Guest, Shau-Yin Ha, Henrik Hasle, Charikleia Kelaidi, Hélène Lapillonne, Guy Leverger, Franco Locatelli, Takako Miyamura, Ulrika Norén-Nyström, Sophia Polychronopoulou, Mareike Rasche, Jeffrey E. Rubnitz, Jan Stary, Anne Tierens, Daisuke Tomizawa, C Michel Zwaan, and Gertjan J L Kaspers (Article)


Moral Distress and Pediatric Palliative Care., Sunny Jeong, Angie Knackstedt, Jennifer Linebarger, and Brian S. Carter (Article)


Spatial transcriptomics analysis identifies a tumor-promoting function of the meningeal stroma in melanoma leptomeningeal disease., Hasan Alhaddad, Oscar E. Ospina, Mariam Lotfy Khaled, Yuan Ren, Ethan Vallebuona, Mohammad Baraa Boozo, Peter A. Forsyth, Yolanda Pina, Robert Macaulay, Vincent Law, Kenneth Y. Tsai, W Douglas Cress, Brooke L. Fridley, and Inna Smalley (Article)


Digital Gaming and Exercise Among Youth With Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Data From the Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Initiative Pediatric Study., Susana R. Patton, Robin L. Gal, Simon Bergford, Peter Calhoun, Mark A. Clements, Jennifer L. Sherr, and Michael C. Riddell (Article)


Diagnosis, management, and outcomes of parechovirus infections in infants: an overview., Anjana Sasidharan, Christopher J. Harrison, and Rangaraj Selvarangan (Article)


Navigating Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges of Pulmonary Hypertension in Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia., Nidhy P. Varghese, Gabriel Altit, Megan M. Gubichuk, and Roopa Siddaiah (Article)


Etiological involvement of KCND1 variants in an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder with variable expressivity., Tassja Kalm, Claudia Schob, Hanna Völler, Thatjana Gardeitchik, Christian Gilissen, Rolph Pfundt, Chiara Klöckner, Konrad Platzer, Annick Klabunde-Cherwon, Markus Ries, Steffen Syrbe, Francesca Beccaria, Francesca Madia, Marcello Scala, Federico Zara, Floris Hofstede, Marleen E H Simon, Richard H. van Jaarsveld, Renske Oegema, Koen L I van Gassen, Sjoerd J B Holwerda, Tahsin Stefan Barakat, Arjan Bouman, Marjon van Slegtenhorst, Sara Álvarez, Alberto Fernández-Jaén, Javier Porta, Andrea Accogli, Margherita Maria Mancardi, Pasquale Striano, Michele Iacomino, Jong-Hee Chae, SeSong Jang, Soo Y. Kim, David Chitayat, Saadet Mercimek-Andrews, Christel Depienne, Antje Kampmeier, Alma Kuechler, Harald Surowy, Enrico Silvio Bertini, Francesca Clementina Radio, Cecilia Mancini, Simone Pizzi, Marco Tartaglia, Lucas Gauthier, David Genevieve, Mylène Tharreau, Noy Azoulay, Gal Zaks-Hoffer, Nesia K. Gilad, Naama Orenstein, Geneviève Bernard, Isabelle Thiffault, Jonas Denecke, Theresia Herget, Fanny Kortüm, Christian Kubisch, Robert Bähring, and Stefan Kindler (Article)


Relationship between youth cardiometabolic health and physical activity in medical records., Bethany Forseth, Janelle R. Noel-Macdonnell PhD, Sarah Hampl, Jordan A. Carlson, Kelsee Halpin, Ann M. Davis, Tarin Phillips, and Robin P. Shook (Article)


Delays to Antibiotics in the Emergency Department and Risk of Mortality in Children With Sepsis., Roni D. Lane, Troy Richardson, Halden F. Scott, Raina M. Paul, Fran Balamuth, Matthew A. Eisenberg, Ruth Riggs, W Charles Huskins, Christopher M. Horvat, Grant E. Keeney, Leslie Hueschen, Justin M. Lockwood, Vishal Gunnala, Bryan P. McKee, Nikhil Patankar, Venessa Lynn Pinto, Amanda M. Sebring, Matthew P. Sharron, Jennifer Treseler, Jennifer J. Wilkes, and Jennifer K. Workman (Article)


Ontogeny of Human Liver Aldehyde Oxidase: Developmental Changes and Implications for Drug Metabolism., Sandhya Subash, Dilip K. Singh, Deepak Ahire, S Cyrus Khojasteh, Bernard P. Murray, Michael A. Zientek, Robert S. Jones, Priyanka Kulkarni, Faizan Zubair, Bill J. Smith, Scott Heyward, J Steven Leeder, and Bhagwat Prasad (Article)


Unraveling the complexity of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma using multimodal machine learning analysis., Eric W. Prince, John R. Apps, John Jeang, Keanu Chee, Stephen Medlin, Eric M. Jackson, Roy Dudley, David Limbrick, Robert Naftel, James Johnston, Neil Feldstein, Laura M. Prolo, Kevin Ginn, Toba Niazi, Amy Smith, Lindsay Kilburn, Joshua Chern, Jeffrey Leonard, Sandi Lam, David S. Hersh, Jose Mario Gonzalez-Meljem, Vladimir Amani, Andrew M. Donson, Siddhartha S. Mitra, Pratiti Bandopadhayay, Juan Pedro Martinez-Barbera, and Todd C. Hankinson (Article)


ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Soft Tissue Vascular Anomalies: Vascular Malformations and Infantile Vascular Tumors (Non-CNS)-Child., Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging, Dianna M E Bardo, Anne E. Gill, Ramesh S. Iyer, Sherwin S. Chan, Matthew L. Cooper, Roshni A. Dasgupta, Carolina V. Guimaraes, Matthew R. Hammer, Daniel P. Krowchuk, Terry L. Levin, Marilyn G. Liang, Mariana L. Meyers, Jonathan D. Samet, Marla B K Sammer, Gary R. Schooler, Judy H. Squires, Amit S. Sura, Andrew T. Trout, and Sumit Pruthi (Article)


ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Urinary Tract Infection-Child: 2023 Update., Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging, Tushar Chandra, Manish Bajaj, Ramesh S. Iyer, Sherwin S. Chan, Dianna M E Bardo, Jimmy Chen, Matthew L. Cooper, Summer L. Kaplan, Terry L. Levin, Michael M. Moore, Craig A. Peters, Mohsen Saidinejad, Gary R. Schooler, Narendra S. Shet, Judy H. Squires, Andrew T. Trout, and Sumit Pruthi (Article)


A Cross-Sectional Study of Sleep Disturbances in Children and Adolescents With Abdominal Pain-Associated Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction., Pierce Thompson, Hunter J. Friesen, Jennifer Verrill Schurman, Jennifer Colombo, and Craig A. Friesen (Article)


Addressing the Need for Training More School Psychologists to Serve Toddlers and Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders., Therese L. Mathews, Ed Daly, Gina M. Kunz, Ashley M. Lugo, Paige McArdle, Katy Menousek, and Kevin Kupzyk (Article)


A Delphi panel to build consensus on assessing disease severity and disease progression in adult patients with hypophosphatasia in the United States., K M Dahir, Eric T. Rush, S Diaz-Mendoza, and P S Kishnani (Article)


An evaluation of pediatric dermatology curbside consultations in an academic center: A prospective cohort study., Neha K. Puar, Kristi M. Canty, Brandon D. Newell, Amy J. Nopper, Sean Reynolds, and Kimberly A. Horii (Letter to the Editor)


Associations between daily step count classifications and continuous glucose monitoring metrics in adults with type 1 diabetes: analysis of the Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Initiative (T1DEXI) cohort., Lauren V. Turner, Martin Chase Marak, Robin L. Gal, Peter Calhoun, Zoey Li, Peter G. Jacobs, Mark A. Clements, Corby K. Martin, Francis J. Doyle, Susana R. Patton, Jessica R. Castle, Melanie B. Gillingham, Roy W. Beck, Michael R. Rickels, Michael C. Riddell, and T1DEXI Study Group (Article)


Best Practice of Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Gram-Negative Peritonitis in Children: Insights From the International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network Registry., Dagmara Borzych-Dużałka, Rebeca Same, Alicia Neu, Hui Kim Yap, Enrico Verrina, Sevcan A Bakkaloglu, Francisco Cano, Hiren Patel, Maria Szczepańska, Łukasz Obrycki, Ana Paula Spizzirri, Lisa Sartz, Karel Vondrak, Anabella Rebori, Gordana Milosevski-Lomic, Eugene Yu-Hin Chan, Biswanath Basu, Andrea Lazcano Pezo, Ariane Zaloszyc, Vimal Chadha, Franz Schaefer, and Bradley A. Warady (Article)


Caregiver perceptions of child heath behaviors and weight during treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia., Meghan Tokala, Jacee Weber, Renee Gilbert, Meredith Dreyer, Keith August, Christie A Befort, and Carolyn R. Bates (Article)


Consistency of metabolite associations with measured glomerular filtration rate in children and adults., Taibo Li, Morgan E. Grams, Lesley A. Inker, Jingsha Chen, Eugene P. Rhee, Bradley A. Warady, Andrew S. Levey, Michelle R. Denburg, Susan L. Furth, Vasan S. Ramachandran, Paul L. Kimmel, and Josef Coresh (Article)


DNA mismatch and damage patterns revealed by single-molecule sequencing., Mei Hong Liu, Benjamin M. Costa, Emilia C. Bianchini, Una Choi, Rachel C. Bandler, Emilie Lassen, Marta Grońska-Pęski, Adam Schwing, Zachary R. Murphy, Daniel Rosenkjær, Shany Picciotto, Vanessa Bianchi, Lucie Stengs, Melissa Edwards, Nuno Miguel Nunes, Caitlin A. Loh, Tina K. Truong, Randall E. Brand, Tomi Pastinen, J Richard Wagner, Anne-Bine Skytte, Uri Tabori, Jonathan E. Shoag, and Gilad D. Evrony (Article)


Early Metabolic Endpoints Identify Persistent Treatment Efficacy in Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Trials., Laura M. Jacobsen, David Cuthbertson, Brian N. Bundy, Mark A. Atkinson, Wayne V. Moore, Michael J. Haller, William E. Russell, Stephen E. Gitelman, Kevan C. Herold, Maria J. Redondo, Emily K. Sims, Diane K. Wherrett, Antoinette Moran, Alberto Pugliese, Peter A. Gottlieb, Jay M. Sosenko, Heba M. Ismail, and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group (Article)


Event-free survival of maralixibat-treated patients with Alagille syndrome compared to a real-world cohort from GALA., Bettina E. Hansen, Shannon M. Vandriel, Pamela Vig, Will Garner, Douglas B. Mogul, Kathleen M. Loomes, David A. Piccoli, Elizabeth B. Rand, Irena Jankowska, Piotr Czubkowski, Dorota Gliwicz-Miedzińska, Emmanuel M. Gonzales, Emmanuel Jacquemin, Jérôme Bouligand, Lorenzo D'Antiga, Emanuele Nicastro, Henrik Arnell, Björn Fischler, Étienne Sokal, Tanguy Demaret, Susan Siew, Michael Stormon, Saul J. Karpen, Rene Romero, Noelle H. Ebel, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, Amin J. Roberts, Helen M. Evans, Shikha S. Sundaram, Alexander Chaidez, Winita Hardikar, Sahana Shankar, Ryan T. Fischer, Florence Lacaille, Dominique Debray, Henry C. Lin, M Kyle Jensen, Catalina Jaramillo, Palaniswamy Karthikeyan, Giuseppe Indolfi, Henkjan J. Verkade, Catherine Larson-Nath, Ruben E. Quiros-Tejeira, Pamela L. Valentino, Maria Rogalidou, Antal Dezsőfi, James E. Squires, Kathleen Schwarz, Pier Luigi Calvo, Jesus Quintero Bernabeu, Andréanne N Zizzo, Gabriella Nebbia, Pinar Bulut, Ermelinda Santos-Silva, Rima Fawaz, Silvia Nastasio, Wikrom Karnsakul, María Legarda Tamara, Cristina Molera Busoms, Deirdre A. Kelly, Thomas Damgaard Sandahl, Carolina Jimenez-Rivera, Jesus M. Banales, Quais Mujawar, Li-Ting Li, Huiyu She, Jian-She Wang, Kyung Mo Kim, Seak Hee Oh, Maria Camila Sanchez, Maria Lorena Cavalieri, Way Seah Lee, Christina Hajinicolaou, Chatmanee Lertudomphonwanit, Orith Waisbourd-Zinman, Cigdem Arikan, Seema Alam, Elisa Carvalho, Melina Melere, John Eshun, Zerrin Önal, Dev M. Desai, Sabina Wiecek, Raquel Borges Pinto, Victorien M. Wolters, Jennifer Garcia, Marisa Beretta, Nanda Kerkar, Jernej Brecelj, Nathalie Rock, Eberhard Lurz, Niviann Blondet, Uzma Shah, Richard J. Thompson, Binita M. Kamath, and Global ALagille Alliance (GALA) Study Group (Article)


Fundamentals of designing high-quality surveys: revisiting neonatal perinatal medicine survey applications., Kadriye O. Lewis, Howard Kilbride, Carl Bose, and David J. Burchfield (Article)


High Body Mass Index and Response to Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Therapy in Pediatric Crohn's Disease., Dawn R. Ebach, Traci W. Jester, Joseph A. Galanko, Ann M. Firestine, Rana Ammoury, Jose Cabrera, Julie A. Bass, Phillip Minar, Kelly Olano, Peter Margolis, Kelly Sandberg, Tiffany M. Linnville, Jess Kaplan, Lisa Pitch, Steven J. Steiner, Dorsey Bass, Jonathan Moses, Jeremy Adler, Ajay S. Gulati, Prateek Wali, Dinesh Pashankar, Anastasia Ivanova, Hans Herfarth, David A. Wohl, Keith J. Benkov, Jennifer Strople, Jillian Sullivan, Jeanne Tung, Zorela Molle-Rios, Shehzad A. Saeed, Athos Bousvaros, and Michael D. Kappelman (Article)


Impact of insomnia on ovarian cancer risk and survival: a Mendelian randomization study., Heming Wang, Brett M. Reid, Rebecca C. Richmond, Jacqueline M. Lane, Richa Saxena, Brian D. Gonzalez, Brooke L. Fridley, Susan Redline, Shelley S. Tworoger, and Xuefeng Wang (Article)


Influence of Eat, Sleep, and Console on Infants Pharmacologically Treated for Opioid Withdrawal: A Post Hoc Subgroup Analysis of the ESC-NOW Randomized Clinical Trial., Lori A. Devlin, Zhuopei Hu, Stephanie L. Merhar, Songthip T. Ounpraseuth, Alan E. Simon, Jeannette Y. Lee, Abhik Das, Margaret M. Crawford, Rachel G. Greenberg, P Brian Smith, Rosemary D. Higgins, Michele C. Walsh, Ward Rice, David A. Paul, Jessie R. Maxwell, Camille M. Fung, Tanner Wright, Julie Ross, Jennifer M. McAllister, Moira Crowley, Sophie K. Shaikh, Lori Christ, Jaime Brown, Julie Riccio, Kara Wong Ramsey, Erica F. Braswell, Lauren Tucker, Karen McAlmon, Krishna Dummula, Julie Weiner, Jessica R. White, Sarah Newman, Jessica N. Snowden, Leslie W. Young, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Neonatal Research Network and NIH Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program Institutional Development Award States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (Article)


Letter to the editor re "Elevating pediatric urology care: The crucial role of nursing research in quality improvement"., Maryellen S. Kelly, Allyson Fried, Azadeh Wickham, Karla Giramonti, Leigh Hamm, Lucille Huang, Mandy Rickard, Vivian Williams, Valre Welch, and Pediatric Urology Nurses and Specialists Society (PUNS) Executive Board (Letter to the Editor)


Lichen Sclerosus: A Survey of Diagnosis and Management Among Pediatric Dermatologists and Gynecologists., Christine M. Pennesi, Aneka Khilnani, Kalyani S. Marathe, Tazim Dowlut-McElroy, and Kaiane Habeshian (Article)


Ovarian Morphology in Girls Longitudinal Cohort Study: Pilot Evaluation of Ovarian Morphology as a Biomarker of Reproductive and Metabolic Features during the First Gynecological Year., Heidi Vanden Brink, Tania S. Burgert, Romina Barral, Anushka Malik, Manasa Gadiraju, and Marla E. Lujan (Article)


Parental Reports on Gastrostomy Tube Feeds: Blenderized Versus Nonblenderized Formula., Nelimar Cruz-Centeno, James A. Fraser, Shai Stewart, Tolulope A. Oyetunji MD MPH, Shawn D. St Peter, and Richard J. Hendrickson (Article)


Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology WebEd: A Brief Report of an Underutilized Online Learning Module., Ashli A. Lawson, Kristian Ramage, M E Sophie Gibson, Carol King, Camille C. Imbo-Nloga, and Amanda V. French (Article)


Pharmacogenetic testing in primary care could bolster depression treatment: A value proposition., Nina R. Sperber, Megan C. Roberts, Sarah Gonzales, Lisa M. Bendz, Deborah Cragun, Susanne B. Haga, R Ryanne Wu, Chioma Omeogu, Brystana Kaufman, Natasha J. Petry, Laura Ramsey, and Ryley Uber (Article)


Prospective Study of Modifiable Risk Factors of Arterial Hypertension and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Pediatric Patients on Hemodialysis., Dagmara Borzych-Dużałka, Rukshana Shroff, Bruno Ranchin, Yihui Zhai, Fabio Paglialonga, Jameela A. Kari, Yo H. Ahn, Hazem S. Awad, Reyner Loza, Nakysa Hooman, Robin Ericson, Dorota Drożdz, Amrit Kaur, Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu, Charlotte Samaille, Marsha Lee, Stephanie Tellier, Julia Thumfart, Marc Fila, Bradley A. Warady, Franz Schaefer, and Claus P. Schmitt (Article)


Resident Education Curriculum in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: The Short Curriculum 4.0., Ashli A. Lawson, Erin Barlow, Carolyn Brookhart, M E Sophie Gibson, Sarah Golub, Camille Imbo-Nloga, Angela Hernandez, Tara Justice, Carol King, Andrea L. Nos, Amber Truehart, and Amanda V. French (Article)


Safety and prescribing recommendations for verapamil in newly diagnosed pediatric type 1 diabetes (T1D): The CLVer experience., Laya Ekhlaspour, Bruce Buckingham, Colleen Bauza, Mark A. Clements, Gregory P. Forlenza, Anna Neyman, Lisa Norlander, Marcus Schamberger, Jennifer L. Sherr, Ryan Bailey, Roy W. Beck, Craig Kollman, Shannon Beasley, Erin Cobry, Linda A. DiMeglio, Emily Paprocki, Michelle Van Name, Antoinette Moran, and CLVer Study Group (Article)


SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein regulates innate immune tolerance., Eric S. Geanes, Rebecca McLennan, Stephen H. Pierce, Heather Menden, Oishi Paul, Venkatesh Sampath, and Todd Bradley (Article)


Self-Reported Sexual Behavior of Transgender Youth., Mirae Fornander, Anna Egan, Gail Robertson, and Christine Moser (Article)


Sparsentan for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in the DUET Open-Label Extension: Long-term Efficacy and Safety., Kirk N. Campbell, Loreto Gesualdo, Edward Murphy, Michelle N. Rheault, Tarak Srivastava, Vladimir Tesar, Radko Komers, and Howard Trachtman (Article)


"The 10th International MDM2 Workshop": Opening up new avenues for MDM2 and p53 research, the First International MDM2 Workshop in Asia., Rieko Ohki, Koji Itahana, and Tomoo Iwakuma (Article)


The use and timing of angioembolization in pediatric blunt liver and spleen injury., Jessica A. Naiditch, David M. Notrica, Lois W. Sayrs, Maria Linnaus, Rachael Stottlemyre, Nilda M. Garcia, Karla A. Lawson, Aaron S. Cohen, Robert W. Letton, Jeremy Johnson, R Todd Maxson, James W. Eubanks, Mark Ryan, Adam Alder, Todd A. Ponsky, Shawn D. St Peter, Amina M. Bhatia, and Charles M. Leys (Article)


Time-Dependent Bacterial Contamination of a Surgical Suction Tip., Jonathan R. Warren, McKenna C. Noe, Gordon H. Stock, Timothy Juelson, William Hotchkiss, and Richard M. Schwend (Article)


Using the Three-Minute Speech Sample to Examine the Parent-Adolescent Relationship in Autistic Youth: A Qualitative Analysis., Jessica L. Greenlee, Claire R. Stelter, Emily Hickey, Casey Burton, Megan M. Carlson, and Marcia A. Winter (Article)


Validation of the PediBIRN-7 clinical prediction rule for pediatric abusive head trauma., Kent P. Hymel, Christopher L. Carroll, Terra N. Frazier, Kerri Weeks, Bruce E. Herman, Mark Marinello, Yiming Chen, Ming Wang, Stephen C. Boos, and Pediatric Brain Injury Research Network (PediBIRN) Investigators (Article)


Versatile platelets contribute to rejuvenation., John M. Perry and Meng Zhao (Article)


Utilization of Indocyanine Green (ICG) Fluorescence in Patients with Pediatric Colorectal Diseases: The Current Applications and Reported Outcomes., Elizaveta Bokova, Ismael Elhalaby, Seth Saylors, Irene Isabel P. Lim, and Rebecca M. Rentea (Article)


Barriers to pregnancy prevention for adolescents in rural Haiti: perceptions of healthcare providers., Shelbie Wooten, Emily A. Hurley, Nikolaus Schuetz, Melissa K. Miller, Jonathan Rodean, Emily Rupe, Kemi Lewis, Marie Daphnée Boncoeur, and Abbey R. Masonbrink (Article)


Transiliac-Shortening Osteotomy to Treat Ischial Pressure Injury due to Fixed Pelvic Obliquity: A Case Report., Richard M. Schwend, Brandon T Nguyen, McKenna C. Noe, John Anderson, and Shao Jiang (Article)


MRD at the end of induction and EFS in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma: Children's Oncology Group trial AALL1231., Robert J. Hayashi, Michelle L. Hermiston, Brent L. Wood, David T. Teachey, Meenakshi Devidas, Zhiguo Chen, Robert D. Annett, Barbara L. Asselin, Keith August, Steve Cho, Kimberly P. Dunsmore, Jason Lawrence Freedman, Paul J. Galardy, Paul Harker-Murray, Terzah M. Horton, Alok Jaju, Allison Lam, Yoav H. Messinger, Rodney R. Miles, Maki Okada, Samir Patel, Eric S. Schafer, Tal Schechter, Kristin A. Shimano, Neelam Singh, Amii Steele, Maria L. Sulis, Sarah L. Vargas, Stuart S. Winter, Charlotte Wood, Patrick A. Zweidler-McKay, Mignon L. Loh, Stephen P. Hunger, Elizabeth A. Raetz, Catherine M. Bollard, and Carl E. Allen (Article)


Psychosocial Functioning of Parents of Youth Receiving Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment., Jennifer Christofferson, Jenny Scheurich, William R. Black, Cara M. Hoffart, and Dustin Wallace (Article)


Seasonality, Clinical Characteristics, and Outcomes of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease by Subtype Among Children Aged <5 Years: New Vaccine Surveillance>Network, United States, 2016-2020., Ariana P. Toepfer, Justin Z. Amarin, Andrew J. Spieker, Laura S. Stewart, Mary Allen Staat, Elizabeth P. Schlaudecker, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Peter G. Szilagyi, Janet A. Englund, Eileen J. Klein, Marian G. Michaels, John V. Williams, Rangaraj Selvarangan, Christopher J. Harrison, Joana Y. Lively, Pedro A. Piedra, Vasanthi Avadhanula, Brian Rha, James Chappell, Meredith McMorrow, Heidi Moline, and Natasha B. Halasa (Article)


Differential gene expression analysis of spatial transcriptomic experiments using spatial mixed models., Oscar E. Ospina, Alex C. Soupir, Roberto Manjarres-Betancur, Guillermo Gonzalez-Calderon, Xiaoqing Yu, and Brooke L. Fridley (Article)


Prognostic impact of cooccurring mutations in FLT3-ITD pediatric acute myeloid leukemia., Katherine Tarlock, Robert B. Gerbing, Rhonda E. Ries, Jenny L. Smith, Amanda Leonti, Benjamin J. Huang, Danielle Kirkey, Leila Robinson, Jack H. Peplinksi, Beverly Lange, Todd M. Cooper, Alan S. Gamis, E Anders Kolb, Richard Aplenc, Jessica A. Pollard, Todd A. Alonzo, and Soheil Meshinchi (Article)


Disparities in accessing specialty behavioral health services during the COVID-19 pandemic and why we need pediatric integrated primary care., Ayanda Chakawa, Trista Perez Crawford, Leslee Belzer, and Hung-Wen Yeh (Article)


Improving Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates in Immunosuppressed Pediatric Patients with Rheumatic Disease., Julia G. Harris, Jordan T. Jones, Leslie Favier, Emily Fox, Michael J. Holland, Amy Ivy, Cara M. Hoffart, Maria Ibarra, and Ashley M. Cooper (Article)